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{warning: sexual content}

🎶 "𝐂𝐚𝐧'𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐬𝐞𝐞 𝐦𝐞?" 🎶

I slowly open my tired eyes, already feeling extremely peaceful.

Taehyung was still asleep, somehow I always happened to wake up before him. His was wrapped around my bare waist and his hand was molded into my right boob. I was too sleepy to care, his hand on my bare body didn't matter much since I've become quite used to his touchiness. Whether he hand a hand on my thigh, in my hair, or even inside of me, he always felt the need to be physically connected.

Well I'm not complaining, since I always want to be around him, too.

I snuggled back into him, wanting to feel as close as possible and I feel him beginning to wake up. The arm around my waist tightened and he mumbled some random words at the back of my head.

I giggle quietly, "Good morning."

"Morning." He yawns, the hand on my chest gently traveling across the skin of my entire torso. I turned to lay on my back in his arms so I could see his face, he had a soft smile along with his tired eyes.

"How did you sleep?" He questions, voice raspy and deeper than usual since he just woke up. I push his hair out of his face to see his features better.

Taehyung's so handsome no matter what time of the day, or what he's doing.

"I slept good," I beamed sweetly, "What about you?"

"Perfect, it's the effect of having my princess here." He chuckles, pressing a kiss to my lips. I focus on his lips and try to ignore how his thumb feels brushing over my nipple.

"What do you wanna do today?" He mumbles against my lips. I shrug and wrap my arms around him as well, his hold always so comforting.

"Well," He begins tickling me and I burst out in loud laughter, "You gotta think of something."

Taehyung rolls between my legs to sit up and tickle me even more. He lowers himself to hover over me and I hit his shoulder in attempt to make him stop.

"Stop!" I scream through uncontrollable giggles. He laughs loudly but finally stops his antics, pressing a kiss to my neck.

"You're so mean." I puff out a small breath playfully, trying to catch my breath.

"I'm sorry baby," He trails kisses down my neck, and I hear the smirk in his voice, "Forgive me?"

I don't respond even though of course I forgave him instantly. I wanted to see what he would do if he thought I was angry at him.

"Soovin." He drawls with his hands slowly sliding up my side, bringing my shirt along with them. I continued to act like I didn't care, and his lips went down even more. He didn't miss an inch, going over my chest and lingering on my nipples, across my tummy and even the area above my panty line.

I was biting my lip at this point, trying my hardest to not show that he was making me feel good. When his lips reached my underwear, his teeth held them playfully. I let out a gasp and quickly gripped his hair.

"Shh." He whispered against my pelvic area. My eyes closed and my heart began to race in anticipation.

Is he gonna finger me again?

But I don't want him looking so closely—

"Up." Taehyung tapped my bottom and I lifted it slightly, letting him slide my underwear off. I let out a small yelp as he put my legs over his shoulders. My hands rushed to cover my revealed parts.

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