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🎶 "𝐈'𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡 𝐥𝐢𝐥' 𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐲 𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐚𝐥𝐥" 🎶

"Alright you two, when we get there be on your best behavior plus some. I heard that the company CEO doesn't have a high tolerance for disrespect. I don't think I'll have to worry about you guys, though." Our principal smiles.

"Thank you sir." The girl beside me and I say in unison.

We were making our way to Hybe Global for the first time. After my fourth period in school, the principal had personally called me out of my classroom. With him was someone I did not necessarily want to see.

Song Hana.

She smiled at me so sweetly that I wondered if I did something to put myself back on her good side. I grinned back as best as I could and then we left. She pushed in front of me to get inside the car first, but I just sighed and sat down after her. The entire time we were in the car we didn't speak as much as a word to each other.

I glanced outside of the window to see a grand industrial building, it towered over all of the places besides it. My jaw dropped as I realized that was our destination. The car stopped and as soon as I got out I simply stared in awe at all of the people and how professional they looked.

The principal gave us a serious expression before exiting the car. He walked in front of us and we followed behind obediently. I could tell Hana was just as impressed as I was by her facial expression.

As soon as we got past the front desk, a man walked up to us with a huge grin. He bowed slightly to the principal, and the principal did the same.

"Thank you for coming so timely, I hope you didn't meet any trouble on the way. " The man exclaims.

"Oh no, everything was okay! Here are the two students that we are entrusting to you for the meantime." The principal waves towards us with a stern expression.

"I'm Song Hana! Nice to meet you sir! I'm so happy to be here." Hana says with a cute expression, batting her lashes.

"I'm Choi Soovin. Thank you for having me." I bow, a little embarrassed at how bland my introduction was compared to Hana's.

"You two seem like lovely girls already," The man claps, "I'm Jung Hoseok. Allow me to guide you to the elevator."

I tilt my head slightly in confusion as we walked.

Haven't I heard that name before?

Jung Hoseok.


Is this Taehyung's secretary Hoseok? I silently chuckle at how his wish to meet me was fulfilled without him even knowing.

"This is the main elevator for all of the staff, try to avoid the other one. Unless you absolutely have to use it during a very serious situation." Mister Hoseok then presses a button that opens the elevator doors. It didn't matter which one we went in to me, because both were outstandingly chic. 

Hana and I went to the back of the elevator first, and then the principal and Mister Hoseok entered.

I clench my hands together, subtly shifting from one side to another. I was quite nervous from the new surroundings, and I couldn't help but continue to worry about how everything would turn out. They chatted about the school until we finally came to a stop.

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