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🎶 "𝐖𝐞 𝐠𝐨𝐧' 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞" 🎶


It's already Monday.

I sigh, sliding on my freshly ironed school uniform, not even one wrinkle was in sight. My hair is in one high ponytail because I don't feel like wearing accessories today. The small diamond earrings in my ear were more than enough.

I hear the door open and see Taehyung dressed in his usual formal tire, "Come on baby, you need to eat something before we leave." I grab my backpack and drag my feet to him, still feeling exhausted.

Why do I always feel so tired these days?

"so pretty." Taehyung kisses both of my cheeks which brings a sweet smile to my face. His lips meet mine for a short second before holding my hand and leading us downstairs.

"What's my princess hungry for?" He questions as he opens the fridge, scanning through the wide variety of items.

"Can I please have cereal?" I hum, sitting down at the dining table. Taehyung cooked whenever he could and I always was so excited, since everything he made was delicious. But today I just wanted something simple, and I didn't want him to have to go through the trouble of cooking this early.

"You can have anything you want." He chuckles, grabbing my favorite cereal and pouring it into a bowl. After adding in the milk he brings it over to me and I happily take it.

"Thank you!" I beam, taking a large spoon of cereal in my mouth right away.

"What about you?" I question, "Did you eat anything?"

He pats my head with a gentle smile, "I ate something while you were getting ready. Just focus on that so we can leave."

After a few minutes of me eating at a steady pace, he lets out a small sigh and carefully takes the spoon out of my hand. My eyes widen in curiosity because I couldn't talk with my mouth full.

I rush to swallow the food in my mouth, "What—" I start but I'm interrupted by a spoonful of cereal being put in my mouth.

"I can do it myself—" I try to say again but he stuffs another mouthful through my words.

"Mhm." He coaxed, clearly just trying to get me to rush. I squinted my eyes but went along with it since he was serious about it.

He really does spoil me.

"Good job angel," Taehyung smiles and kisses my forehead, standing up the put the now empty bowl in the sink, "Let's go before you're late. You want anything else?"

I stand up and shake my head, "No thanks. We can go now." My hand reaches to grab my backpack again, but Taehyung beats me to it and throws it over his shoulder, then grabbing my hand to guide us outside. When we reach his car, he opens the door for me as always and I hop inside.

"I could've carried it." I look up at him through my eyelashes as he sets the backpack in the backseat. He chuckles as he closes the back door before looking back at me.

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