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🎶 "𝐈 𝐬𝐞𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐧𝐨𝐛𝐨𝐝𝐲 𝐞𝐥𝐬𝐞 𝐬𝐞𝐞𝐬" 🎶

"Today is only your first day, so don't stress too much. Plus this is just an internship—but don't tell anyone I said that." Mister Hoseok laughs. I let out a chuckle and Hana gives him an uncertain expression.

He clears his throat before stopping in front of a large room. It had a few separate desk areas, was well organized and nice to look at. Every desk was occupied except for two, and I assumed that's where Hana and I would be sitting.

We followed him inside and everyone frantically stood up and bowed in Mister Hoseok's direction.

"This is where you two will be doing any paperwork that I give you, but you'll mostly be running small errands for the first few days," He smiles at Hana and I before turning to the others, "Take care of them you all."

"Yes sir." They exclaim in unison, standing back up. There were three middle aged women and only one man.

"Great! Now you guys pick a seat, but don't get too comfortable. I might call for you soon, this is where all of his most important employees work." He laughs playfully before leaving.

"Hello! I'm Song Hana."

"Thanks for having us. I'm Choi Soovin."

"Oh how cute! We get to work with high schoolers." The guy wiggles his eyebrows playfully. The lady besides him smacks his shoulder with an eye roll.

"Welcome! I know it's only for a short time but I hope we get along well." The same lady smiles sweetly. She gave off a gentle vibe, and her voice was quite soothing to hear.

The guy and other two ladies introduced themselves and then we all sat down. Hana and I were right besides each other, and we were already helping them check through some papers.

"I knew I'd get accepted, but why are you here?" I hear her question quietly, making sure only I heard her.

"Why wouldn't I be here?" I reply confused.

"I thought the requirement was good conduct. You're, um, a bit wild. If you know what I mean." Hana hums, continuing to write.

I set my pen down on the table, "What makes you say that?" I sigh in frustration.

"When will you stop acting so clueless? Anyways, you can have Dowon, I'm interested in someone else now," She rolls her eyes, "The CEO is seriously so hot."

I didn't think I was a jealous person, but after hearing her say that a spark of anger flew through me. I couldn't control the feeling of possessiveness that washed over me. I'd get both of us into trouble if I told Hana, so I decided not to hint at anything, but I sure did want to.

"I heard he's taken," I pick my pen back up, "Saw it on the news."

"Who cares?" She giggles, "They won't last forever."

I pierce my lips, feeling put down at her insulting words.

Well, is she wrong?

He might get tired of me. I know that.

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