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🎶 "𝐃𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐚𝐛𝐨-𝐨-𝐨-𝐨-𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐦𝐞" 🎶

I woke up in my bed, the cold air bringing me to wrap the blankets around me tighter. The pillow I laid on was so soft and comfortable that I started to drift off once again. The only thing that stopped me was the sound of loud laughter.

Maybe he's watching something funny. I think as I try to fall back asleep. My eyes crack open again when I hear the same feminine sounding laugh.

That television speaker is very realistic. I force my eyes shut once again, trying not to pay it too much attention. I was tired and the bed was so big and   comfortable. Not too soft and not too hard, it was perfectly firm and I felt like I was on a cloud.

I sit up and look at the door when I hear the laughter getting louder.

"What's so funny?" I grumble, frustrated that I had to be born a light sleeper. The lights were off, but since the sunlight creeped somewhat through the curtains, I knew it was still daytime.

I slide off the bed and into my fluffy slippers, my feet pattering across the floor as I walked to the closet. I covered my mouth as a yawn came upon me, my limbs stretching out with small cracks.

I slide on a short and simple white sundress, it was quite pretty, also comfortable enough to laze around in. If Taehyung didn't have staff working here, I might not have even put on proper clothes. I stared at my face in the mirror and let out a breath of air.

I look so dead.

My hair wasn't that messy since Taehyung fixed it earlier, so all I had to do was run my fingers through it a few times. However, my face was a different story. My eyes were puffy from crying and my face
just looked—sad?

I decided to wash my face first, and it helped quite a bit. My face wasn't as puffy and I looked somewhat more lively. A random pearly pin caught my eye and I used it to clip back some of my hair.

I rushed out of the room, closed the door quietly, and tip-toed downstairs. The talking and laughter got louder the closer I was.

That's definitely not the tv.

Maybe his aunt is here? But it sounds like there's more than one woman here.

I see Edmund carrying a tray of extravagant looking snacks and I rush to hide behind the staircase. He seems to have heard me because he stops to look around, but nevertheless continues on his original path. As he disappears from sight, I leave from my spot with a small breath of relief.

Why am I sneaking around anyways?

I walk towards the main living room, where I assume Edmund went, to see his aunt Nabi on the couch. His aunt and some other lady who looked to be much younger. My eyebrows furrowed in suspicion as I peeked at them from behind the corner. I watched them talk for a few minutes and surprisingly they didn't notice.

"Good morning Miss. I hope your nap was pleasant." I jump slightly as I hear Edmund's voice directly behind me. I turn to see him with his usual professional smile and I scratch the back of my head with an awkward grin.

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