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"𝐎𝐡 𝐧𝐨. 𝐎𝐡 𝐧𝐨. 𝐎𝐡 𝐧𝐨 𝐧𝐨 𝐧𝐨 𝐧𝐨 𝐧𝐨."

"Soovin dear, did you get a bug bite last night? That doesn't look too good."

"Oh, I don't think so."

My mother was looking at me worriedly as we sat in the back of the car. I was excited to go to school. If you told me a while ago I'd feel like this, I'd probably laugh in your face.

"Honey, look at it. Should we stop to get some ointment before we get there?" My mother asks in the same concerned tone.

I decide to see what she was talking about, since I didn't remember any pain from being bit by a bug. After talking out my compact mirror from my backpack, I face it towards the lower left side of my neck.




The mirror drops from my hand, along with my jaw in shock. There was a small red bruise that felt sore when I touched it. Flashbacks of what happened last night flew through my head and blood rushes to my cheeks in embarrassment.

Is this from him?

"I-I must've gotten bitten without knowing." I laugh nervously, thanking the lord that my mother never suspected anything naughty of me. Being an obedient, quiet child had its upsides.

"So we should stop then-"

"No, no. I'm sure the school nurse has something." I interrupt, trying to seem clueless. She sighs but goes along with what I said. As soon as we got to the school I ran out to find Aera. There was 30 minutes until class started.

She might have a solution.

I made sure my hand kept it covered the entire time as I searched for her. She was walking while drinking a banana milk, and her eyes widened in shock when she saw me sprinting to her.

"Woah, what's with you?" She exclaims. I grab her free hand and drag her to the nearest restroom.

"A-Aera help me." I say desperately, my neck still covered.

"Calm down and explain yourself. What even happened?"

I let my hand fall.



"What the hell is that on your neck?" She asked with a shocked expression, "Don't tell me it's a hickey."

"I don't know, I just noticed it was here in the car! I think it could be from last night." I panic.

"Explain what you did, then I'll help you."

I spent the next 10 minutes telling her just exactly what I think caused the bruise, along with what happened last night. She ran to get her makeup bag and helped cover up the mark.

"You're seriously so lucky to have me. I should get an award after how many times I've saved your ass." She says playfully, adding the finishing touches to my neck.

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