Chapter 1. Should have asked for more money

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If you skipped the prologue, you will be confused.

I touched the seat I was on eyes wide as we pulled up to a mansion no where near town.

"This is it!" Essie cheered and climbed out like it was no big deal.

I patted down my dirty clothes self consciously as she walked up a path surrounded by roses.

Oh gosh, I should have demanded more money. I realized as she unlocked a large door and walked on a stone tiled floor.

Her heals clicked as she entered her house. I trudged in and glanced at my worn out shoes. This, is embarrassing as hell.

"I'll call down Jax! Why don't you sit in the living room?" Essie told me and turned away. I hesitantly nodded and walked into the room.

It was bright and the flat screen on the wall cost more than my entire house. Huffing I sat down on the white couch and crossed my arms.

"Jax! Get back here! I'm serious!" Essie shouted, and a young man ran into the room. He froze seeing me, and skidded to a stop.

"You're kidding me, a hobo as my tutor?"

I pointed at myself. "This hobo is clearly smarter than you, so have some respect."

His eyes went wide and he crossed his arms inhaling air into his cheeks. "Says who?"

I felt my lips curve up. "Says your childish personality and your desperate mother."

Jax flushed and glared at me. "Watch it! Do you know who my brothers are?!"

I scoffed. "Let me guess, they're big and strong and will beat me up, now, can I know what you're failing in?"

Jax hesitated before sighing and flopping into a chair in front of me.

"I'm in my final year, but I failed math, so I really need to catch up so I can fully join the family business."

I looked around the large mansion. Huh, wonder what they do for a living.

"Are we talking geometry, physics, or-"

Jax interrupted flushing again. "Anything that isn't adding or subtracting. I suck at everything, but I have my multiplication down now. Kind of."

I stared. "Okay... Uhm, this is going to be interesting."

Jax glared. "You're judging me."

I shook my head and heaved a sigh. "I don't judge rich people too much, I've learned from that mistake. Alright, where do you want to begin?"

Jax fiddled with a pencil. "Somewhere easy."

Oh gosh, he needs some work.


"I don't get it!" Jax snapped crumbling the paper I had written out for him.

I gasped in horror and reached out cradling the ruined sheet. I looked up slowly glaring.

"You asshole! Do you know how long it took me to write out all these formulas?!"

Jax snorted. "Yeah, I had to watch your slow ass do it."

I slowly stood and smiled. Jax watched warily as I picked up a magazine and walked behind him.

I proceeded to smack him up side the head several times.

"Ow, ow, ow! Nate stop it!" Jax complained ducking his head for cover.

"You can write all this out," I smoothed the paper and laid it before him. "Twenty times."

Jax's jaw dropped. "How could you?! That would take forever!"

I sat back down and scoffed. "You're in need of some serious studying, this will help you remember."

Jax stared at the paper. "I could say the word, and get you fired."

I smiled. "And that right there is why you failed math."

Jax faltered and sat still for a long time. "Fine, I'll do it." He picked up his pencil and glared at me before scribbling the formulas.

I nodded pleased and the room grew silent other than the sounds of writing. Essie peeked in, and her jaw dropped.

"Nate, a word please?" Essie whispered. I nodded and stood walking over.

"Yes?" I said slowly.

"How did you do that? I've never seen a tutor get him to work!"

I placed a hand on my chest.

"Must be my manly charm."

Essie smiled and nodded. "Will you stay for dinner?"

I hesitated. "We're having pasta." Essie informed me. I clapped my hands.

"Dinner it is. Let me go check on the brat." I said and walked into the living room. Jax looked up, a flush on his cheekbones as our eyes clashed.

Jax looked boyish, messy brownish redish locks, brown eyes, and a thin build.

I had hidden long black hair, and large green eyes.

"Finished?" I asked.

Jax shook his head. "I finished one."

My lips lifted. "Now who's a slow ass?"

Jax grinned and looked down quickly to hide it, it was like a flash of silver. "Yeah..." He murmered.

A loud door opening and slamming made me jump. Jax's eyes went wide and he stood. "Ryder and Kealan are home early."

I tilted my head to the side.

"Ryder and Kealan?"

Jax nodded. "Two of my brothers." I didn't have to wait long to meet them. They were both huge, and I gulped.

"Who, the fuck, is he?" One of them asked.

I put on a smile. Yup, really should have asked for more money.

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