Chapter 20. Thorne

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   Owen and Tyler spent a good half an hour trying to convince me everything needed to stay in the past, and that they were on good terms.

"We've even fucked since then," Tyler admitted, and I raised a hand in disgust.

"I did not need to know that," I told him firmly and narrowed my eyes at Owen, who regarded me calmly. "I'll think everything over," I told him slowly, and I saw a little bit of relief flood his eyes.

"Thank you, July," Owen said lowly and looked at Tyler, who crossed his arms.

"Now, who fucking told you, and how the hell did they even know any of that?" Tyler asked, looking angry.

I shrugged my shoulders. "Who knows," I said airily.

Tyler jaw ticked. "July, I want to know, what else have they told you?"

I looked at him firmly. "I can't, no I won't tell you, not right now." I said and rubbed my face. "Is anyone else here?" I asked hopefully.

Owen shook his head. "No, Luca almost came, but Jax convinced him to stay home." His lips twitched in amusement at his own words.

I wrinkled my nose. "Yeah... I need to head back now,"

Tyler's eyes went wide. "Wait a damn second, you can't just leave!"

I scoffed. "Watch me,"

Owen looked at me dryly. "Dear lord we raised you wrong, you're a mini version of your mother."

I made a sound in my throat. "Don't say that, you know it annoys me." My lips rose into a grin. "Besides, I've been able to entertain Kharif thanks to the crazy way I was raised."

Owen raised an eyebrow. "First Zomer and now Kharif, who the hell are these boys with weird gay sounding names?"

I sputtered, flushing. "Gay?!"

Tyler looked thoughtful. "Yeah, the name Zomer makes me think of some pretty boy in a cardigan."

I raised a palm. "I'm going to stop you right there, they aren't gay- I think," I paused and shrugged. "Well, Kharif certainly isn't... I think." I stilled and shook my head. "Why are we talking about this?!"

Tyler laughed and rubbed a hand down his face. "God, I missed you,"

  I smiled at him warmly. "I missed you guys too, and I'm sure we'll be seeing each other again soon."

Owen chuckled. "Any messages we should take back?" I nodded and clapped my hands together.

"Tell mom I love her, tell Lennon and Alex I hid the cookies behind the flour, let Colten know I've been kicking ass, tell Luca I haven't eaten any fish, Jax can know that I miss him, tell Ryder I'm sorry, and tell Kealan I still have purple hair, but I'm thinking blue soon." I babbled.

Tyler looked overwhelmed while Owen nodded before looking at Tyler sideways.

"Well, come here then," Tyler pulled me into a bone crushing hug. I felt tears well in my eyes as he kissed the top of my head. "I love you, no matter what," Tyler said softly.

I bit my lip. "I love you too..." Tyler pulled back and Owen and I looked at each other awkwardly.

"Bye, I'll see you soon!" I smiled brightly.

Owen nodded and stilled. "Do you know how to get back to the main-"

"I've got it!" I told him and slipped to the door, closing it behind me before going down a long hallway.

I turned left, then right, then, "I don't got it," I realized and looked around with a frown. "Why didn't they make signs?" I grumbled and ruffled my hair.

I walked down a particularly long straight hall and paused in the middle, irritated. "Lost?"

My spine went stiff and I spun around, facing the man who had poisoned me for no reason. "Thorne," I said his name shortly, not liking it as he walked over, so he was in front of me.

His eyes met mine. "Did you enjoy your cake with Kharif?"

My lips parted. "Uh, well, we didn't get to making it actually..." I trailed off and looked around nervously. "Why did you do it? Why poison me and not one of them?" I asked, hands twisting together.

His lips curved upward. "I wanted to see how they would react, I didn't want to really kill you, not after you answered my questions."

I narrowed my eyes on him. "That other boy, Janus, and that girl, Jamie, you're all connected, aren't you?" I asked and took a deep breath.

Thorne smiled. "Yes, we all have something in common, so we work towards a single goal."

I narrowed my eyes at him. "Janus used to work for Winter, didn't he?"

Thorne met my gaze and I shifted, not liking the way he gazed at me, like he was a lion about to pounce. "Yes, Janus is Zomer's younger brother,"

My eyes grew large. "Oh, woah, that's crazy," I blurted. "What is your... goal exactly?" I asked nervously.

"Revenge," Thorne told me, his pleasant voice not matching his words.

I raised my hands. "That's lovely, really nice, but look," I sighed. "I want nothing to do with this whole mess, seriously,"

Thorne gazed at me. "Do you really think that's possible?" His voice was suddenly deep and I looked away, avoiding those dark eyes.

Damn, why do the villains always look and act hot? I wondered and froze as Thorne laughed in amusement.

"Am I really a villain in your eyes?"

I tossed my hands on the air. "You almost killed me! Of fucking course you are!"

Thorne smiled coldly. "Interesting, then, what is Winter to you?"

I narrowed my eyes at him. "None of your business, now if you'll excuse me, I need to get back." I turned my back to him and paused when he laughed.

"That's the wrong way," his voice was teasing. I huffed and turned to stomp past him.

"Fuck off," I snapped and froze as he grabbed my wrist, his fingers like a cuff on my skin.

"July, I'm not the one you need to be wary of," I rolled my eyes at his words.

"Said every manipulative villain ever, screw off," I told him and looked at the hand on my skin.


"Let go of her, now," Thorne paused and looked over at Kharif.

"Or what?" His voice was mocking, and I'd had fucking enough.

"Or I'll kick your ass, let me fucking go," I snapped and glared up at him. Thorne grinned and slowly let go of me, fingers trailing down my wrist.

I pulled away hastily and moved over to Kharif, who was glaring at Thorne with pure hatred. Thorne smiled. "Khaeif, don't be like that, we were just talking."

"Just talking my ass," Kharif said stiffly, aiming that look of disgust at Thorne.

Thorne sighed and looked at his hand. "What's wrong Kharif? Worried I'm going to hurt the little princess?" His lips rose. "Or perhaps you're jealous I just touched her more than you'll ever be able too?"

My cheeks burned with anger. "Fuck the fuck off!" I snapped, eyes shining with rage. "Go fucking screw yourself!"

My nails dug into my palms as I glared at Thorne. "I'll leave then, I'll see you soon, both of you," Thorne turned and I flipped him off as he walked down the hall away from us.

"Ugh, that bastard," I paused as Kharif touched my covered shoulders.

"Why were you talking to him?" His brown eyes gazed at me with heated anger.

I opened and closed my mouth nervously. "I was lost? It's actually a funny story-"

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