Chapter 14. Devious plans.

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In all honesty, I was going to write this story more on the back burner, but seeing all the response I've been getting-

I might as well update this one more! ❤

(Besides, I'm super excited to write this!)

  I sighed heavily and wiped my face. After Owen had left, I had dragged closet boy out of the closet and laid him on the bed.

I kneeled down beside his face and poked his cheek thoughtfully. "Wake up already, I'm bored." I paused and giggled slightly. "Break up with your girlfriend, I'm bored," I sang then sighed and fell onto my back beside him.

"How long have you been here? Why did they beat you up?" I asked touching his soft golden hair.

My stomach growled. "Also, I'm hungry, have any crackers in your pockets or something? Ketchup packets?"

No response.

He groaned. I sat up hands flailing and I fell off the bed.

I slowly crawled up to the side of the bed, and poked his cheek. His eye lashes fluttered. His very long eye lashes. "Gosh, your pretty." I told him and poked his cheek once more.

His golden eyes opened, and he stared at me. I smiled and waved. "I dragged you out of the closet."

His pale face lost all of it's color. "They said," his voice was scratchy. "If I got out of the closet they'd kill me."

I gulped. "Loop hole, you didn't get out on your own, I dragged you. So, no death." I said hopefully.

He closed his eyes and sighed. I hesitated. "Are you Lennon?"

His eyes shot open. "How do you know my name?"

I winced. "You could say I know the other Knights. The classier ones."

Lennon slowly sat up taking more interest in me. "So you know Alex?"

I nodded. "Yup, sure do. I'm Jax's tutor, and Colten and I are the baddest bitches. Kealan knows all of the shit, and Ryder is Ryder."

Lennon smiled slightly. "Sounds about right. Owen has a habit of having people kidnapped."

I bit my lip. "Were you kidnapped? I know you're the one used only related to one of the brothers."

Lennon nodded. "I wasn't kidnapped, Owen is my only brother, he just hates my guts."

I winced. "Oof."

He gave me a bigger smile. "Oof indeed. The reason he hates me so much is because I never wanted anything to do with this stupid gang shit."

I nodded and looked away. "So, want to escape with me?"

Lennon smiled. "If we ever get the chance, I wouldn't mind that."

The door suddenly opened and I turned glaring at Luca with all I had. "Touch him and I'll cut off your dick!" I spread my hands blocking Lennon from his sight.

Luca smiled. "I don't doubt it. Want to know if I did what you asked of me?"

Oh, does he mean when I said to fuck himself?

I flushed. "No, no I do not!"

Luca shrugged. "Fine, come along then, we're having dinner."

My stomach growled again. I'll need strength to escape right? "Lennon, I'll be right back!"

He nodded and I jumped off the bed and slid out the door. Luca led the way, and I looked around carefully.

He led me down a hall, and into a dining room. I froze seeing eight chairs with unique designs.

Ryder's dining room has the same set. I remembered. Seeing Tyler sitting in one of the chairs I walked over slowly wanting to see once and for all of I did what Owen claimed.

Tyler watched amused as I choked seeing I had indeed bit his neck. Defiantly not as hard as he had bitten mine though.

"What did you say or do, for me to do that?" I asked touching the bite. Tyler freaking shivered and smiled.

"Do you really want to know?"

I blushed and sat down at the end of the table. Luca sat in the middle, and Owen sat on the other end.

I watched as food was placed on the table by butler's, and stared. Okay, not gonna lie, the food at least smells good.

I grabbed a strawberry and glanced at Owen. "So, why did you kidnap me? Just to fuck with Ryder? Cause that's stupid." I told him and bit into the berry.

Owen chuckled and began cutting the chicken in front of him. "That was one of the reasons for sure. You also entertain me."

I glared. "You kidnapped me, because I entertain

Tyler rolled his eyes. "Don't act so surprised, why do you think Ryder kept you around?"

I huffed and grabbed more berries. "We have great chemistry."

Owen paused in his cutting and looked at me. "Have you slept with them?"

I grabbed some mashed potatoes. "Nona ur

Owen chuckled. "If you'll answer, I'll leave Lennon in your room, untouched."

I froze and smiled. "Sure, I slept with Alex."

Owen paused and Luca pouted.

"Oh, and Kealan too." I added amused.

Tyler stood. "What?!" he yelled outraged.

I snickered. "I slept with them, we didn't have sex. Jeez, what do you take me for? No judgement for those who do sleep around though, just no cheating."

The three men relaxed and Owen cleared his throat going back to cutting the chicken.

I ate the potatoes and frowned as a little girl ran into the room. Owen paused. "Keykey, not now."

I looked at the young dark haired girl. "Who's she?" I asked softly.

Tyler glanced at me. "Ryder's little sister."

I stood outraged. "You creeps just loooove kidnapping people, don't you?!" I snapped furious.

Luca blushed. "It's a terrible habit of mine."

I glared at them. "Who's next? The president?!"

Owen chuckled. "Jax actually, except I plan on killing him."

I paled. "What?"

Owen smiled. "You didn't think I was at his school for nothing did you?"

I clenched my hands into fists. "Die."

Owen smiled again. "Not before Jax.

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