CHAPTER 12. Kharif wears Aprons

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  I could hear a clock, ticking against the wall. My face was red, and I was warm, too warm. Winter's arms were around me, his bare arms holding me to his also bare chest. 

I didn't know if he was sleeping or not, but his eyes were closed, and his breathing was sound.

I bit my lip as my eyes watered. I just wanted a break from my family, and now I have to stay away from them in exchange for their safety.

I knew Ryder or Owen could handle this whole thing... but how could I take a chance like that?

Or does some sick part of you likes this? A voice sneered. I flinched.

I shuddered and broke free of Winter's strong but loose hold and sat up in the bed, wearing nothing but a t-shirt Winter had gotten from Zomer.

I trembled, lips shaking. Did I like the fact that I had been kidnapped? Did I like the attention? Did I like Winter's soft manipulation? I covered my eyes as my shoulders shook.

I need air, I realized and rose from the bed, pausing to look at Winter. He didn't stir. My bare feet grew cold on the wooden floor as I stepped out into the hall.

Dark shadows greeted me as I walked into the living room. I glanced around, almost expecting someone to jump out of a corner and scare me.

I sat in a chair and waited. I... didn't really know what I was waiting for, but it was something important.

I took a deep shuttering breath and covered my eyes with my small hands.

"What are you doing brat?" My head snapped up at the deep voice.


My lips shaped his name, and I found myself standing. "I'm sorry," I blurted.

He raised an eyebrow, but the the first time I had noticed, his face didn't twist up in the usual disgust it normally saved just for me.

"And why is that?" He sounded bored. I huffed and looked away, sitting back down.

"I made you sick, twice, I'm sorry." My face burned as my lips moved to speak my next chosen words. "I'll be careful to not touch you,"

Kharif rolled his eyes and I watched him sit down across from me. "Whatever, do what you want," he said simply.

My eyes lit up.

"That's got to be the nicest way you've ever spoken to me- progress!" I cheered.

Kharif glared at me. "Shut your mouth brat," I batted my lashes at him playfully.

"No need to be all embarrassed Kharif, you were bound to open up to me eventually."

He was now disgusted. "Dear God, I feel sick," he stood.

I pouted. "Aw, Kharif-" he began briskly walking away from me. I crossed my arms. "Fine, jeez," I grumbled. I bit the inside of my cheek and grumbled under my breath. I curled up on the couch and decided this place was as good as any for some sleep.


  "Sh, you're going to wake her up," Haru's soft voice had me stirring.

"Fucking creep," Kharif huffed, and he sounded like he was in the kitchen. I opened my eyes, and Haru smiled brightly.

"Good morning!" He cheered and thrust a cup of coffee towards me. I rubbed my eyes self consciously and took the mug.

"Good morning?" I told him, sounding confused. I sat up and noticed Zomer tapping away on his computer, sitting at the table.

Kharif was cooking, and he was-

I stood, moving faster than I had in my entire life, stepping into the kitchen. "Oh my gosh!" I cooed, itching to touch the apron Kharif was wearing.

"You look so fucking -" Kharif tossed off the apron scowling. "-Hot," I finished as he tossed the apron in the trash.

"You have to ruin everything, don't you?!" He demanded as I placed my coffee on the counter, saving the apron from the fresh trash bag.

"Put it back on!" I demanded, standing on my tippy toes so I could put the straps over his head. Kharif shoved away from me and stomped into the living room.

I frowned and looked at Haru hopefully. "Will you wear it?" He accepted the apron from my hands and pulled it on before looking at me hopefully.

I smiled brightly, and Zomer coughed into his fist, making me look over. "Oh I'm sorry, did you want an apron too?" I asked, eyes wide.

Zomer's lips rose, making me blush at the odd smile forming in his lips.

"No, I don't," he told me and met my eyes. "Behind you," he nodded at something, and I turned. Winter smiled, and I choked, remembering his lips on me, and also how I slipped away from him in the middle of the night.

"W-Winter!" My voice was high, and it cracked. How shameful, get it together July.

His lips rose, and those icy blue eyes seemed to see into my soul.

"Shall we go out to lunch?"

My heart skipped a beat.

"O-okay, only if you really want to though."

He chuckled, and I made an odd sound in my throat. It may have been a whimper.


I'm back y'all! 😌❤

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