Chapter 17. Back to normal.

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  I sat on the couch the watching Alex and Colten argue about what cartoon to put on for Keykey.

Please, we all know you just like cartoons. I thought amused as they fought over the remote. Luca - who's head was in my lap, looked at me annoyed when I stopped petting his head.

I rolled my eyes and ran my fingers through his hair. Kealan, who was standing behind me, looked annoyed.

"He's like a dog." He muttered.

Keykey, seeing there would be no cartoons anytime soon, slipped out of the room to find something to entertain herself.

"November, a word please." I looked up startled and met Ryder's eyes. I nodded and tried to stand.

Luca whined and wrapped his arms around my waist, burying his face in my stomach. I squeaked and tried to pry him off me.

As a crowbar came into view I gazed at Kealan jaw dropped. He quickly defended himself. "I thought you could use it!" Seeing Kealan flustered made me smile.

Then I recalled an angry Ryder and shoved at Luca with all I had.

"Are you trying to get me killed? Get up!" I snapped pulling at his hair. Luca moaned making me screech and kick at him.

Ryder grabbed the back of Luca's neck and pulled him off my easily. "Someone take the crazy hormonal fan-girl somewhere else."

Kealan promptly raised his hand and discreetly cracked his knuckles. Luca pouted reaching for me.

I dodged his hands quickly and scurried after Ryder as he began walking away.

I looked around the hall and paused getting distracted by the smells coming from the kitchen. Ryder sighed and grabbed my wrist.

"Stay focused on the task at hand November."

I blinked and tilted my head to the side suddenly very confused. Wait, what were we doing again?

"Uh, right."

Ryder stared down at me, and his lips twitched. "We were going to talk, remember?"

My eyes widened. "Oh yeah! Did we establish what about?"

He smiled and turned taking my hand instead of wrist in his own hand. I blinked at the warm human contact and relaxed.

Ryder pulled me into an office and heaved a sigh sitting down. I gulped and sat down, suddenly remembering Owen's office at school.

"You told me they were going to attempt to kidnap Jax as soon as you arrived." Ryder reminded me.

I nodded. "Owen made it clear he wanted to kill him very much."

Ryder tapped his fingers on the desk looking through papers as I squirmed.

"I don't trust Luca. Lennon has always been soft, so I know he won't try anything. But I won't know if Luca is really here as a spy until it might be too late." Ryder told me blankly.

I gulped. "So... then what are you going to do?"

Ryder met my eyes and paused. "Normally I'd just kill him... however..."

I gulped again. "However?" I repeated.

Ryder raised a brow. "Stop gulping November, what do you think I'm going to do to you in this office?"

Now I blushed and shook my head to clear it. "Just go on! However what?"

Ryder smiled slightly. "However I don't think you'd enjoy that very much."

I frowned. "So, you will spare him... for me?"

Ryder looked irritated and rubbed his face. "I won't let him roam free, but if he hurts someone in my family, it's on your head."

I touched my neck and swallowed. "Right."

Ryder nodded and stood. "Right. Now come here."

Last time he said that, he almost kissed me. I made my way over nervously, butterflies dancing in my stomach.

I yelped when he grabbed my hips and set me on top of the dresser. He leaned into me forcing me to lean back as he loomed over me.

"I've been told," Ryder said slowly in a deep voice. "In times like this you catch and release your prey."

I stared at him with wide eyes as he went on. "However I don't let go of what's mine so easily."

I wrinkled my nose. "I don't recall ever agreeing to such things."

Ryder smiled. "Little hero, you were mine the moment I decided to keep you alive."

Is this supposed to be kinda romantic, or is it meant to scare the shit out of me? Cause I can't tell.

"That's kind of sweet, if I don't hear you and I look at your eyes and nothing else." I told him.

Ryder leaned down and I gasped. "W-what are you doing Mr. Mafia boss sir?"

He grinned and stroked the skin under my eye with his thumb. "You should just agree to be mine."

I raised an eyebrow. "Yeah okay, does this little deal of yours go both ways?"

Ryder wrinkled his nose. Literally. It was adorable.

I awwd loudly and cupped his face with out thinking. "Do that again," I cooed.

Ryder sighed. "You're probably the only female in this world brave enough to do that and still live."

Ah, shit.

I laughed nervously and rubbed the back of my neck. "Oops?"

Ryder pressed closer to me and tangled a hand in my long hair. "How should I punish you, now that you're in my grasp little hero?"

I smiled and went slightly limp in his grip. "I don't know... whatever shall become of me now?"

His eyes were filled with hunger, hunger for me. I cupped his face again and brought him closer.

Our noses touched as I glanced at his slightly parted lips. I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply.

My legs slid around his waist as he pressed my back completely into the desk. I slid my hands up the side of his face and gripped his hair firmly.

Ryder slowly closed his own eyes and kissed the side of my mouth. I shuddered and leaned forward.

Our lips connected again in a small chaste kiss. I took a breath and leaned my head up kissing him shortly for a third time.

The soft sound of lips touching and heavy breathing filled the room as Ryder deepened the kiss slightly.

Ryder pulled back and fell into his chair. I sat up and touched my lips. "Not bad Mr. Mafia boss sir." I told him breathless.

The door opened and Luca peaked his head in. "November, I'm lonely. Let's snuggle."

I cracked a smile and glanced at Ryder. "Let's go to the park! All of us!"

To my surprise Ryder stood and nodded glancing at his watch. "Why not. Let's go."

I grinned with happiness and rushed out the door grabbing Luca's hand as I did.

"This is going to be amazing!"

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