Chapter 7. Teeth

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  I walked out of the bathroom, no longer 'November' I was Nate now. I was back to being dressed as a boy.

I paused in the middle of the hallway as Jax made eye contact with me. "Nate!" He rushed forward seeming relieved. "Did you talk to my teacher yet?"

I felt my lips turn into downwards into a frown as I looked away from Jax. "I met the principal, it was eye opening."

How could someone as sweet as Jax be in a gang- oh that's right, he wanted to join the family business. He hasn't joined yet.

"Nate, are you okay?" Jax asked waving a hand in my face to get my attention. I blinked and looked at him.

"Huh, no I'm fine." I said quickly, too quickly.

Jax slowly nodded. "Oh, okay. Well, you should meet the official teacher before we leave."

I frowned. "The official- wait! You mean I talked to that asshole for nothing?!"

Jax paused. "Well, not really, he wanted to speak to you too. By the way, did you happen to see a dark haired girl?"

I feigned ignorance. "A dark haired girl? Could you be more specific?"

Jax looked suddenly distant as he recalled the person- me- and grinned eyes sparkling. "She kind of reminded me of you, for some reason. Anyway, she was drop dead gorgeous with this really long black hair. Think of the song rumor and that's the shit I'm talking about-"

I was blushing. Actually blushing. Does Jax really think that about me?

"I haven't seen her, sorry. So, your stinky ass teacher?" I asked. Jax jumped and nodded scrambling to lead the way.

Jax knocked on a door in an empty hallway. There was movement inside, then the door slid open. "Jax,  you came." The voice was cold, and deep. Like the person had just woken up from a nap.

I entered the room and paused. He was tall- like really tall- he had white hair and dark eyes. Like Jonathan Morgenstern. Oh my gosh I'm fan girling right now!!

"You are not an old fart with a tree stuck up his ass." I blurted looking him up and down. I had been expecting some old guy whining up his back hurting. This is the kind of guy who hurts your back and you seriously don't mind, if you know what I mean.

His lips moved up into a half smile. "No, I am not. Jax, is this really your tutor?"

I went stiff as the man slowly ran his eyes up me, and it was a predatory gaze that me want to gulp.

"Yes, he's my tutor, can we go now Tyler?!" Jax snapped.

Tyler flipped his gaze to Jax. "Shut up, Mr. Knight, I'd like a word with your tutor."

Wait, is this guy in a gang too? Why would he be a teacher if he's a gang member?

Tyler gave me a cold smile and eased over to me, offering a hand. I slowly shook it, and gasped when he pulled me close.

I glared at him- but didn't have the chance to do much else. Tyler lifted me up and placed me on his desk. He stood between my legs and gripped my chin with one hand, forcing eye contact.

"Tyler-!" Jax snapped, but was cut of by Tyler's question.

"Tell me Jaxy, does everyone else in your house like this boy as much as you? I can see why, he's like a little doll, adorable."

I glared at Tyler again as Jax answered. "No, not really. Can we leave now? You've seen him."

I tried to pull my face away from his grip, but he tightened his fingers making we eyes go wide with pain. Before I could stop it, a muffled whimper left my lips.

Tyler's eyes lit up as he stared at me. "Does Kealan like the little thing?"

Jax clenched his hands into fists. "Let go of him, Nate has nothing to do with your rivalry with Kealan!"

Tyler glanced at Jax before bending his lips to my ear. "Nate is it? I can see why the Knights like you, why don't you-"

I knocked my head sideways, slamming our heads together. Tyler winced, but didn't let go of me like I had hoped. If anything, he grabbed me tighter than before.

"Go screw yourself." I murmured meeting his dark eyes with my own. I expected him to be angry- once more he surprised me.

His eyes darkened further, and if anything, he seemed more interested than before. "I like you Nate, how about spending a night or two in my bed?"

Jax stepped forward them stopped when Tyler sent him a chilly look promising violence if he intervened.

I narrowed my eyes at Tyler. "I might have said yes, if you weren't such an ass to Jax. Guess we'll never know now."

He smiled and bent down to my neck. I tensed and waited. "Would you mind, sending a message to Kealan for me?"

I paused. "Uh, sure."

A few seconds later I realized my mistake. Tyler sank his teeth into my neck, and my eyes went wide with pain.

A scream went past my lips before I could stop it and I shoved at Tyler's shoulders. Oh my god, these people are insane!

Tyler let me go and stepped back. I stumbled away from him clutching my neck. I lifted my hand and swallowed thickly seeing blood.

Jax pulled me to his side shaking with anger. Tyler had no eyes for him though, and stared at me.

I panted, one hand on my neck, the other wiping my face clear of tears. Goddamn that hurt, still
hurts. My neck pulsed with pain.

"You look extremely beautiful when you cry."

Jax pulled me into him and looked at Tyler disgusted. "I am leaving, and so is Nate. "

Tyler waved us off and stared after me as Jax and I left.

"Nate, I am so sorry! This is why I didn't want you to come!"

I gave Jax a small smile. It's fine, now I don't have to have anything to do with you guys anymore.

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