Chapter 6. Dinner.

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  I was eating Chinese food with the four hot lunatics, and it was surprisingly peaceful. It was calm, and-

Not that at all. It was insane. There was only so much of the good stuff, and me and Zomer seemed to have the same idea in mind.

We gulfed down our food and reached across the table with our chop sticks like our life depended on it. I snatched the last piece of sweet and sour chicken pleased.

"Ha." I said simply grinning at the annoyed man beside me. Zomer pressed his lips together as I held the chicken in my chopsticks.

I held it up and leaned forward only for Haru to come up from under the table and snatch it right in front of my eyes.

I gasped in horror and outrage. Kharif chewed angrily watching our antics seeming very put off. Winter ate slowly and with a refined manner.

"Haru! How could you?!" I cried staring at my empty chopsticks. Haru swallowed the food and crawled out from under the table.

"You took it from Zomer, so I thought it was only fair. You can have the last bit of fish-"

I raised my hand, cutting Haru off. "I don't eat fish."

Kharif now looked curious, which was welcomed. He was silent as the dead most of the time. "Why not?" He asked.

I shrugged and tapped my chopsticks on the table. "I don't know. I guess I just ate what everyone else ate, and Luca was always set against fish. Fish are friends, not food."

Zomer snorted, and Haru grinned looking away. I rolled my eyes and turned back to my noodles. Yum.

"After dinner, we have a project, and will need your assistance." I froze and looked up at Winter.

"Uhm, no way." I snapped. Winter's fingers twitched upon hearing the word 'no' but moved on quickly.

"I'll let you have a phone call with anyone you want." Winter offered. My eyes went wide.

"What do you want me to do?" I asked frowning deeply. Winter smiled.

"All I need you to do, is seduce someone. That shouldn't be too hard for you to do." I choked on my noodles.

Kharif glanced at me in disbelief. And the feeling of those dark brown eyes running up my body had me flushed. Until he opened his mouth of course. "she'd have trouble seducing a blind horny teenager."

I stood slamming my hands on the table. "Fuck you! I'm attractive! I'm hot, and have a very nice body thank you very much!" I snapped. You wouldn't believe the work I had to put in, to get thin, and build up nicely. More perks of being a model.

Not being allowed to eat. Exercising constantly. It was a headache.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night." Kharif said eyeing me in distaste. Zomer was quick to comfort me.

"He doesn't like girls to begin with, or anyone, don't take it personally." He told me.

Haru nodded. "Kharif likes a little more," he hesitated making strange hand motions. "Meat on the bones?" He said awkwardly.

I sat back down crossing my arms irritated. "I didn't choose to be this thin. Most men across the country think woman need to be sticks, and are ugly or not trying other wise." I grumbled.

Winter took a sip of water. And I watched his throat as he swallowed. "Then while you're here we'll have to fatten you up." Haru said distracting me from Winter's swallowing.

I glanced at Haru. "Just eating take out is enough to make my bosses yell at me, so I have no doubt I'll gain a little weight if I eat like this." I said honestly and picked at my food.

Winter traced a finger on top of his glass, drawing my eyes to his movements. He was so... artistic in everything. Every touch and glance was elegant. My first thought seeing him on tv were so off.

Even though he had so many tattoos, and looked slightly rough, there was no denying his movements and soft coaxing voice.

"You're staring at Winter, stop being a creep." Kharif told me. I blushed and turned on him waving my fingers around.

"Stop interrupting every time I do something! You're always watching me!"

Kharif looked utterly turned off at my words, and, like always, disgusted. "Like hell." Kharif told me.

I crossed my arms embarrassed at being caught. Winter let out a soft laugh. "Did you want to ask me something?" Winter asked warmly. I nodded warily.

"Yeah do you paint or draw?"

Winter's face tightened slightly, like he was recalling a bad memory, before his face smoothed over. "Yes, I do in fact do both. How could you tell?"

I shrugged fiddling with my silverware. "You just have that look."

Zomer frowned. "He looks like a badboy. At least, that's what he says." Winter actually looked slightly flustered before it faded.

Haru pointed at Winter. "He does look like a gangster though."

Kharif glanced at Winter for a long moment. "Indeed."

I shrugged. "At first glance, especially if he has contacts in, but that doesn't hide how he acts. Kind of like he's some duke or Prince at an important social event."

Winter smiled, an amused smile. "That sounds about right." He agreed.

Haru looked at me in awe. "You're good at reading people." I shrugged.

"I'm not too sure about that, I just like to get a feel for the people I'm around."

Winter nodded. "I think you'll be the perfect missing piece."

Before I could respond or ask a question, Zomer was quick to give his opinion on the matter. "Most normal people don't look under the surface. And just assume what before them is true."

Kharif stood. "Now I'll feel even more uncomfortable around the brat."

I stuck my tongue out. Up next, seducing someone.

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