Chapter 25. Characters and sexy time.

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  As the nine of us ate dinner, Essie and Keykey being out shopping, I gently cleared my throat.

I placed my fork and knife down smoothly drawing the attention of the seven men I had grown close to.

"At the school," I paused my voice loud to ensure everyone was listening.

"At the school," Tyler prompted when I didn't go on. I smiled.

"Kealan and I had sex on a desk, after I gave Jax a hand job." I said simply.

Kealan choked, Colten leaned forward grinning, Alex fell backwards out of his chair due to shock, Jax looked down blushing, Ryder kept drinking his coffee, Lennon muttered under his breath, Luca pouted, and Tyler raised his eye brows.

"Pics or it didn't happen." Colten told me smirking. I laughed and Colten suddenly froze.

"Wait, Jax?! Again?!" Colten demanded glaring at his younger brother.

Kealan frowned. "So what?"

Colten waved his arms around. "Jax already got a steamy chapter! What about us poor folk?!"

Alex rolled his eyes. "You're overreacting."

Colten pointed a finger at him. "You can say that, because you had a chapter when you knew November for less than an hour! What about me?! What about Tyler, Luca and Lennon?!"

I sighed and rubbed my eyes. "I hate to break it to you, but not everyone will probably get one."

Now all the men leaned forward. Tyler scoffed. "The author has clear favoritism towards the super cold and adorable types. Us kinky types are thrown to the wolves."

Colten threw his hands in the air. "What?! Cause Jax is cuter and was bullied he gets more sexy time?! Am I going to have to rewrite my entire character?!"

Kealan shrugged. "Guess so. Think about Suddenly A Kitten, who got more action? Rowan? Or Reagan and Roman? It was the cute and cold who got more time."

Ryder grinned into his coffee mug.

Tyler pointed a finger at Ryder outraged. "Don't you smirk! Your character is dry and overused! In the first book, you had way more character development!"

Ryder looked offended. "I've developed."

Colten whined. "Can we get back to me having sexy time?"

Lennon crossed his arms. "Please, maybe you'll get some, what about me? What am I here for? I'm like Jax, but not as popular. I spent my days in a closet getting beat up!"

I pointed at Lennon. "You and Alex are the gay ship obviously. Besides, Carrots started out in a closet."

Lennon winced. "Carrots read porn, and was funny, I'm just here to be here I guess."

Alex touched his hand. "Relax, I'm sure the author has a plan for you."

"What about me?!" Tyler asked curiously.

Everyone looked at him. "I don't know..." Colten said trailing off.

I nodded. "You're too kinky, too hard to write. You might never get some."

Luca raised a hand. "Me?"

I looked him over. "Depends on how popular you are, besides, the author actually had another idea for Jax."

Shouts and yells came from the table.

"No fair! What else could Jax have to offer?" Alex asked.

I thought hard. "Well, he's young and innocent, while also not at the same time. I looked through the authors notes."

"What did it say?" Tyler asked.


More shouts.

"This is ridiculous! I'm talking to the author!" Colten snapped.

Kealan shook his head. "Don't bother, I wanted to change my blue hair, and it took my months to get a phone call in. I was rejected by her secretary."

"We're doomed." Lennon said and sighed.

I paused. "Well, steamy chapters better happen quick, we're running low on chapters."

Tyler frowned. "No fair, we can't rush, if there's too many sex scenes the book is ruined."

I shrugged. "Not my problem, I get to be in every scene."

Tyler glared at me. "Well isn't your life just perfect."

I grinned. "Guess so."

Jax blinked. "And to think this chapter was wasted on comedy."

Colten, who now had tears in his eyes, said, "Jax, no more talking the rest of the chapter, you make me green with jealousy."

Lennon raised his hand. "Is it too late in the book to transfer? Maybe book two of Suddenly A Kitten needs someone else?"

Alex grabbed Lennon's arm. "You can't just leave!"

Tyler frowned. "I can be a side character in My Beautiful Trauma, that doesn't have too many chapters."

Kealan snorted. "You all need serious help."

Meanwhile Ryder was peacefully drinking his coffee. Still.

"If you all transfer, sexy time will never happen for you." I warned.

Tyler sighed. "Who am I kidding, I'm too attached to you to leave." He told me.

Colten pointed at the sky. "I know you're listening author! I know you hear me! Sexy time!"

"Just become a favorite who's easy to write." Alex advised.

"Right time right place." Kealan explained further.

Colten sighed and face planted on the table. "Who knew this was so complicated."

"Indeed." Tyler agreed.

Kealan frowned. "November, what was the purpose in bringing that up exactly?"

I smiled. "Just making sure it's cool that I be with everyone."

"Duh!" Echoed across the room from most of the men.

Colten smiled sweetly. "When is this happening between you and Jax? I want to sabotage or join in."

I shrugged. "It will be when it will be. Just like me getting with everyone else."

Luca raised his hand. "I volunteer as tribute! From now on, I am adorable and have past trauma."

Colten buried his face into his hands. "The readers already love you Luca, let us have a chance. I recall you being called a teddy bear."

This is going to be interesting.


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