Chapter 28. Mysterious motives.

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A/N I'll wait a little while to have the question&answer from all the characters, to make sure everyone has a chance to do it.

If you didn't already, feel free to go back and ask a question! ❤ it would be much appreciated. 😊

  "Hmm." Was all Ryder said as I handed him the note calmly.

I smiled and lifted up my cat. "She survived! I swear, the whole world could explode, but she'd make it out somehow." I rambled as Ryder stared down at the note thoughtfully.

The others were off working, apparently Ryder didn't want them slacking off with me all day.

"So, it was just on the table?" Ryder asked lifting the paper to his nose.

I nodded. "Yeah, probably so I could find it." I said in a sassy tone. Ryder glanced up at me, and I gulped and set my cat down.

He sighed and handed the note to me. "Smell it, would you?"

I raised an eyebrow but inhaled. I blinked. "It smells like cologne."

The image of Owen sneering and writing this note, and then spraying cologne all over it made me giggle and cover my mouth.

"Indeed." Ryder said simply and opened a drawer in his desk sifting through papers.

I frowned. "Why though? Is this some secret message meant for you? Are you cologne rivals?"

Ryder faltered and looked up at me, papers forgotten. "Cologne rivals?" He repeated seeming at a loss.

I blushed and stuffed my thumbs into my pants pockets. "It sounded better in my head." I admitted then waved the small paper around.

"Why did he even bother anyway? I don't really get it. He should have burned down the school or something."

Ryder turned back to his papers and seemed to find what he had been looking for. "I don't know what goes through his head, I'm not going to pretend to anymore either." Ryder told me and laid the paper in front of him.

I bit my lip. "What are you going to do about all of this?" I asked.

Ryder picked up a pen and began writing things down not looking at me as he spoke, "What makes you say I intend to do anything?"

I rolled my eyes. "You're the one who made a huge deal about protecting your family when I came into the scene, it's fairly obvious you and Owen have been at it for years, so I ask again, what do you plan on doing?"

Ryder looked up and set his pen down loudly. "I have a plan of sorts, I always do, it just doesn't always work out the way I want it too." He paused and gave me a half smile.

"I wanted you gone, and you came back with Alex, and now, I'm quite happy at that particular turn of events." Ryder told me and stood from the desk. He walked over and grabbed my hand pulling me towards him.

I blushed as he sat in his chair and held me in his lap, face to face. "You make me and my brothers happy, you're smart, beautiful, funny, and a bit of an airhead, but it's cute on you."

I pushed his chest lightly. "Yeah? You're handsome, stubborn, stupid, and an asshole."

Ryder raised an eyebrow. "I forgot petty, I'll and that to my list now."

I giggled and dropped my head into the crook of his neck closing my eyes. He placed his hands on my back and rubbed rather soothing circles.

"I usually know what Owen wants." Ryder said quietly as I sat in his lap.

"This time is different though." Ryder told me. I was about to move my head up, but he placed a large hand on my head to keep it in place.

"How so?" I asked softly.

Ryder sighed. "I knew Owen wanted something from Jax, it was obvious, but I also knew he wouldn't make as move because I always had Jax watched. Owen has always been the type to be all over the place. He kept close to Jax to mess with my head, it usually worked."

I nodded a little. "Jax is the baby of the brothers."

Ryder inhaled deeply. "Luca has always been the type to never have loyalties, I'm not surprised he became hooked on you and left, but I'm not sure what to expect from Owen now that Tyler has left him too."

I hesitated. "Did Owen even care for them? I mean really care? I just don't see it."

Ryder paused. "I don't know. He took my sister from me, but never asked for anything or tried to threaten me. I get the feeling he just wants things. Anything and anybody. It's sad and disgusting."

I curled further into Ryder unsure of what to say in the moment. "Do you think... redemption is possible? I mean, the first time I met Tyler, he bit me." I recalled and winced touching my healed neck.

Ryder chuckled then grew serious. "I don't know. It certainly doesn't start with me though."

I lifted my head, and this time Ryder let me. I smiled and kissed his cheek. "You care for your brothers a lot, it's sweet."

Ryder shrugged and placed a hand on my cheek. It was warm, and seemed to swallow half of my head. "Well, someone has to do it."

I nodded and leaned into his palm as a soft knock sounded on the door. "Come in." Ryder called and dropped his hands to my hips when I tried to get off. "Stay." Ryder commanded softly as the door opened.

Jax peeked his head in and waved at me before walking in and closing the door behind him. "You told me to come when I was finished." Jax informed Ryder.

I frowned. "Finished what?"

"Finished looking into something for me." Ryder said simply.

I raised my brows. "What is this something?"

Jax rubbed the back of his neck. "You know, things."

I pressed my lips together. "Oh? Things? I live for that stuff, care to explain further?"

"November," Ryder warned.

I threw my hands in the air- smacking Ryder in the process- and huffed. "Why is it such a big secret?!" I demanded.

Ryder grabbed my arms and placed them back to my sides and kissed my nose. "It's a surprise."

I grew flushed with excitement. "A surprise?! Why didn't you say so?!"

Ryder laughed and shook his head amused. "Oh November."

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