Chapter 22. We meet again.

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  The next morning, after Ryder had a very long talk with those who had been in Owen's gang, we all sat at breakfast.

It seemed everyone had been welcomed into the tribe. I looked at the clock and frowned as Jax ate like a starving wolf.

If he eats that fast, we won't be able to sit here all together for much longer. "Jax, what's the rush?" I asked as half a sausage fell off his folk and into his orange juice in his scrambling.

"I have school this morning!"

I froze and stood grabbing the left hand so he couldn't eat. "Jax, you can't go to school."

Everyone paused from their own conversations to glance at me. Jax frowned. "I'll miss you too, but calm down November -"

"They're trying to kill you, remember?! Owen told me that was the only purpose he had in being at school! So," I paused and crossed my arms. "You're grounded." I said firmly.

Jax's jaw dropped before he turned to Ryder in outrage. "Ryder-"

Ryder glanced up from the paper he was reading and took a long sip of his coffee. "You heard your mother."

I nodded happy before realizing what he said. My cheeks warmed slightly as I glanced at Ryder.

Jax crossed his arms. "Then all my studying was for nothing!"

I shook my head. "No, you aced your test, remember? So next time we're alone..." I paused and smiled sweetly.

Jax flushed but still frowned. "I want to graduate. Can't someone come with me?"

I turned to Ryder, who seemed to consider it. "Please?" Jax pleaded and grabbed my arm shaking it.

I looked at his puppy eyes and pouting lip and my defences crumbled against the well timed and executed attack.

"Fine." I said and looked around the table for someone I could trust with the task. I wasn't going to risk anything. "Kealan... Alex, and me." I decided.

Now Ryder looked unconvinced. "You want to go? When the man who kidnapped you will be there?"

I raised an eyebrow. "You're fine with Jax going, they want to kill him." I reasoned.

"Jax has had training." Kealan told me standing. I waved a hand.

"So have I, I was a mob boss's daughter."

Tyler choked on his drink while Colten stared at me. "Seriously?"

"No way." Lennon muttered before turning back to his food.

"Explain." Ryder told me, in his Ryder fashion. I smiled cheekily.

"Only if I get to go." I bargained.

Ryder nodded. "If I'm satisfied with your explanation."

"Ryder-!" Alex argued then huffed and turned away when Ryder and I both shot him a glare.

"My father had a small gang in high school, it grew, he got smarter, he ran a big city, he died, my uncle took over, no one liked him, he died, and Phoenix took over." I rambled then grabbed my shoes.

Ryder looked... unfazed by my simple explanation, and thus I got to go to school with Jax.


  "So, no rocks?" I asked as Jax pulled up, Kealan and Alex were elsewhere watching in secret.

Jax smiled at me brightly. "After you taught class those students stopped bullying me, and once I got friends, it died down." Jax rubbed the back of his neck blushing.

"I'm actually really popular now."

As he parked a group of girls ran over giggling. "Jaxy!" I faltered and glanced at him. He waved them off smiling and blushing from the attention.

A guy came over as Jax got out and wrapped an arm around his shoulders. I got out of the vehicle and cleared my throat loudly.

Jax froze and turned to me gulping. "Yes November?"

I forced a smile burning my jealousy. "Uh, I'm happy for ya."

The guy's jaw dropped. "It's the hot teacher." I smiled and turned.

"Damn right, I'll be teaching class again today."

The guy cheered and Jax stared after me. A few minutes later, and I had kicked out the old teacher and started teaching real life lessons.

"Okay, Jim, pros and cons for credit cards and cash, go,"

Jim frowned. "Well, credit cards are easy, but it's also harder to understand how much money you spend. With cash, one is naturally more careful, but carrying a ton of money around isn't safe." He reasoned.

I clapped. "Anyone want to add to that? Sherry, did you have any thoughts?" I asked the brown haired girl who raised her hand.

"Yes teacher -"

The door opened. "T-that i-is the girl!" The teacher I had kicked out yelled. I glanced at him and sighed seeing Owen behind him.

I turned to the students and glanced at my watch. "Alright, we have to wrap up, but remember, every dollar has a place! Be smart with your financing, and try not to go into debt." I told them and turned to Owen and the teacher.

"Hello there." I smiled and waved before hopping up and sitting on the desk. Owen smiled back and turned to the students.

"Everyone to their next class."

I paused surprised as Owen left without a word. The teacher huffed and ran off as well. I waved to Jax as he gathered his stuff and rushed out with the other students.

I yawned and leaned back staring up at the ceiling slightly amused. I should teach here more often.

The door creaked open and I looked up. Phoenix sent me a warm smile.

"We meet again Nova, it's been awhile."

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