Chapter 36. Owen is, not a psychopath?

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  I rubbed my wrist for a single moment before opening my mouth. "Tyler-"

"Don't fucking talk to me." Tyler said coldly turning away. I hesitated and blinked back tears. He kept his face hidden, but the pain in his voice was fairly obvious.

I respected his wishes and got off the bed carefully. I opened the closet curiously, it was empty. There was a bathroom, so I stepped inside.

It was empty other than toilet paper and soap. I used the bathroom and stared at myself in the mirror unsure as of what to do about Tyler and Owen at the moment.

I rubbed a hand through my long black hair and rubbed my eyes exhausted. I don't know what to do. I don't know if there is anything I can do at the moment. I thought miserably.

I washed my hands twice before heading back into the bedroom. Tyler's face was still downcast, so I laid down on the opposite end and slowly closed my eyes.

My chest was throbbing from where Owen had hurt me, and the pain made me squeeze my eyes closed tightly.

Minutes ticked by, minutes turned into hours.

"I'm sorry, about what I said about rape, you're right, it was inconsiderate of me." Tyler said loudly.

I sat up. "It took you what, three hours of moping to figure that out?"

Tyler narrowed his eyes at me. "We all go at our own pace. Jeez."

I smiled slightly. Tyler hesitated and looked at his wrist. "Come here November, please,"

I crawled over and slid into his side. Tyler inhaled seeming relieved at my touch. "You know, it's weird, but that was like the second or third time, you told Owen to stop, and he did. I've never seen him listen to anyone ask nicely about something, much less demand it, and he listened to you." Tyler said simply.

I shrugged and peaked up at him. "So?"

Tyler looked at me like I was stupid. "November, he listened to you. I thought he was lying when he said he genuinely liked you, but I think he was telling the truth now."

I rolled my eyes. "I think there's a difference with obsession and being a lunatic, and liking someone as a person. He stabbed me, literally."

Tyler quickly disagreed. "Yeah, but he also has this thing where he needs everyone to understand him, so he stabbed you, yes. Other than that, he hasn't hurt you."

I scoffed. "Yet. Besides, he hurt you. And I bet he plans to hurt everyone else. Tyler, he forced himself on you, how many times has that happened?" I asked in a whisper, feeling a tear for him falling down my cheek.

Tyler hesitated. "Three? He hasn't done it since I was seventeen though. I'm not defending him from what he's done wrong, don't get that idea. I hate the bastard, but he is my brother. And I'm almost as bad as him."

I rested my head in his lap, and he rubbed my hair. "How are you almost as bad as him? Other than your killing."

Tyler shrugged. "Not gonna lie, I've had a sexy dream or two about Colten, I'd do him any day. It's not that Owen is my brother, that's what would disgust most people, it's that I don't want Owen in that way."

I cracked a smile. "Yeah, that is pretty weird, not gonna lie, but we're all weird."

Tyler bent down and kissed me slightly before pulling back. "I love you November."

I touched his cheek. "Love you too."

"How sweet." A voice drawled. I looked over and cursed myself for not hearing the door open.

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