Chapter 6. Bullies and Owen.

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I pushed my food around feeling strangely anxious. We were eating dinner, and five brothers were staring at me.

I bet they didn't know I noticed, but I was well aware of their actions. It was nerve racking.

"This is good." I told Essie, then paused and looked down. Wait- what was I eating again? Oh, right, chicken.

Essie smiled warmly. "I'm happy to hear it, I don't normally cook, but when we have guests I like to do it."

I nodded and glanced at Jax. "When do I need to be at the school tomorrow?" I questioned.

He rubbed the back of his neck and looked away from my eyes. "Uh, we leave at six thirty, then you can talk to my teacher if he isn't busy."

I nodded and hesitated. "Is it, is it cool if I get a ride home?"

And by that I mean, a block or two from my house.

Essie stood, but Ryder waved her off. "Just have him sleep here, that way we don't have to pick him up."

I paused and turned to Ryder. "Who says you'd have to pick me up?"

Ryder rolled his eyes. "You haven't asked which school it is, so, how would you know where to go?"

I pursed my lips. "Fine, that saves me from paying a cab."

Alex faltered. "You don't have a car?!"

I shook my head and sighed when everyone stared at me again. "It got stolen, and I don't have the money to replace it."

Colten coughed into his fist and pushed away his empty plate. Essie held her hands together and backed away.

"I should go clean out a guest room, they haven't been used in years!"

Once more, Ryder waved his mother off. "Not necessary, I'm sure Alex would prefer him in his room."

Alex turned red and turned to his brother face red. "Ryder! I told you it's not like that -!"

Ryder raised an eyebrow and lifted his cup to his lips. "Then pray tell, what were you doing in there when I walked in?"

Jax glared at Alex before looking away huffing. I laughed and shook my head slightly amused.

Ryder seems to like getting under his family's skin while being calm and composed.

"I'm fine sleeping with you Alex, if that's cool."

Alex turned red and nodded scrambling to his feet. "I- I'll go clean -"

Kealan rolled his eyes. "He's been in your room dumbass, besides, he's not a chick, it's fine." Kealan said and glanced at me sharply.

I stood and dusted off the sweatpants I had borrowed. "Right,"


"Did they fit you?" Colten called through the bathroom door.

I stared at the dress shirt and heaved a sigh. "Yeah, kind of." I opened the door.

Colten looked me up and down frowning. "It will do, I just don't know how you can be so small."

I went stiff and laughed it off. "I know right? So embarrassing."

Colten reached out and touched my hat. "You'd look better without -"

I flinched back heart pounding. "Hat stays on!" I snapped then froze realizing what I had done.

Colten stared at me and slowly nodded. "Okay, sure, come on, Jax is waiting."

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