Chapter 7. Preparation.

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   Turns out I had to get ready before I could seduce anyone.

  After eating, Zomer and Winter had told me they would help me dress for the night. I had been against the idea, but clearly free will had been thrown away five chapters ago.

As Zomer and Winter waited outside the door I slipped into the purple dress they had bought for the occasion. "I put it on." I called, miffed about the whole situation.

The door opened and Zomer smiled dragging his gaze from my feet then slowly up to my eyes. I shifted. The dress was up to my mid thigh, had small flowers around my waist, the curve only emphasizing my hips, and had small almost spaghetti like straps.

Winter smiled at me and motioned the soft chair behind a mirror. "Go ahead and sit, he'll do your makeup for the evening." I glanced at Zomer in a new light.

"You do make up?" I asked sitting down, Winter going behind me.

Zomer nodded and grabbed a small brush. "Yup, go ahead and just close your eyes, I'll tell you when I'm done."

I obeyed, slightly nervous about this whole thing, but wouldn't being able to call someone be worth it?

Zomer brushed over my face lightly, and a hand on my thigh made me sink my teeth into my lower lip to hold back a gasp of surprise. Winter.

Was it strange I knew his touch already? Velvety, with no wasted movement. His other hand dipped to my lower back, and he slowly pulled up the zipper while a kiss was placed at the back of my neck.

Oh god, who's trying to seduce who? I wondered squeezing my eyes closed tightly. His hand splayed out across my thigh as the zipper slowly came to the top. Achingly soft and smooth.

Zomer was applying something to my eyes, and Winter moved his hand. I mourned the loss, until he reached up and began brushing my hair.

Pro tip to men, for most girls, hair the spot. I thought as I nearly sighed in contentment. It was a pleasurable experience, to have someone else touch and brush your hair.

Winter pulled it up, and I knew it was going to be a bun by the time he was finished. He let some hair fall to frame my face, and he and Zomer stepped back at the same time.

"Go ahead and open up." Zomer called. I opened my eyes and knew what I was going to see. I had been covered in make up too many times to count, but there was something more intimate about this.

I was wearing a full mask, with a more innocent look. I had mascara and a light pink gloss on my lips, and my cheeks were naturally flushed pink.

My hair, as assumed, was up into a neat bun with curls around my face. Winter reached up behind me, and he tilted my face up. Zomer cupped the side of my neck and he and Winter placed a dangling silver earing in both my ears.

I shivered at the loss of warmth as they both pull back. I spotted the shoes and about stood, but Winter had me not moving a muscle as he shook his head slightly.

Zomer grabbed the shoes, and handed one to Winter. I held out my feet, and did gasp this time as Zomer slid his hand up my leg resting it higher up on my calf while he cupped my foot. Winter slid the pretty silver sandal on my foot, the shoe managing to not look tacky, and then they did the same on the other side.

Winter rose to his feet and offered me a hand.  "Come on, the others will be done by now we well." I took his hand strangely breathless and nodded to the best of my ability. I wasn't stupid of course, we had chemistry, that much was obvious. I couldn't get together with my kidnappers though, there was something wrong about that. Winter gently stepped away from me to grab something, and I glanced over but kept walking.

I stepped out of the room and Haru smiled taking me in, blushing. "Hey, you look really pretty."

I nodded. "Thank you." I took in his black clothing that made his green eyes sparkle. "You look nice too-"

I paused seeing Kharif.

Kharif, hot damn. You should be illegal. His chest was showing, as he decided buttons were optional, and that earing got me every time I saw it.

"Shall we go?" Winter called walking to the door, his white hair like a beacon. I walked over to him, and he touched my lower back ushering me down the stairs.

My heart skipped a beat as his heat went through the thin fabric. Winter led me out a side entrance, and my eyes got big as we got in a limo.

"We're going to a big fancy party, where you need to get Peter, a Russian mob leader, to notice you. He's twenty, dyed blond, blue eyes, snake tattoo around his neck, gold ring around his pinky, and always wears a red tie." Kharif told me stiffly as someone drove us.

My eyes widened further at the sudden information. Uh, snake finger, pinky blond-

"Snake tattoo." Kharif snapped while Zomer burst out laughing. I blushed and looked at my feet. Oops. I need to stop doing that.

Winter leaned over and placed an arm around my shoulder. I couldn't help but tense at his warm breath touching my ear. "You're fine." He murmured.

I nodded shakily. Zomer sent me a smile. "Kharif will be watching you, in case you get in trouble."

I raised an eyebrow. "How comforting." I said dryly. Kharif snorted and looked away. I looked up at Winter and gulped at how close his face was. He had taken his glasses off tonight. "What will you and Haru be doing?"

Winter smiled. "Don't worry about that, just get Peter to come with you to room 3B. We'll take care of the rest."

I chewed on my lip anxiously as we parked. Kharif glanced at me. "Get it together, Peter doesn't like the timid type."

I whined low in my throat. "Peter can suck my-"

Haru kissed my cheek. "Good luck!"

I melted and smiled. "I'm gonna be okay."

Kharif rolled his eyes. "I'll walk in with you, then you're on your own, got it?"

I waved a hand. "I've got this, how hard could it be to seduce one Russian?"

Apparently harder than I thought.


Hope you guys are enjoying!!

Vote and comment! ❤

Btw, I'm working on the shower scene from book 1, should be done soon enough.

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