Chapter 21. Flirtation

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  "I don't give a damn," Kharif interrupted and I pressed my lips together.

"O-okay... sorry," I said looked away, feeling oddly shy and nervous. "Look, I didn't think he was going to pop out of nowhere -"

"Where did he touch you?" Kharif interrupted me again in his usual deep and serious tone. I faltered and looked at him.

"Where did he touch me?" I repeated, looking at his brown eyes. Kharif made a sound in his throat.

"Yes, are you deaf or just plain stupid?" I looked at him and sighed before lifting my wrist and slowly placing my fingers around it, like Thorne had done.

"That's it, he didn't do anything inappropriate, besides," I rolled my eyes. "I don't see how his words are supposed to get at you, you hate being touched."

Kharif's dark eyes were a heavy weight on my body as he gazed at me. "Give me your wrist,"

My lips parted. "Kharif," I said his name, and I really liked saying his name, it rolled off the tongue. "Every time you've touched me, you've puked your guts out," I reminded him.

Kharif clicked his tongue in irritation. "Give me your wrist, July,"

I scoffed. "Kharif, you don't need to prove anything by touching me, it's dumb," I told him, trying to speak reason.

Men and their pride. I thought and rubbed my forehead.

"July, I'm not going to ask again," Kharif told me blankly. I blinked.

"Or what? You'll spank me?" I asked dryly and tried to laugh away the sexual tension I was feeling. I avoided Kharif's gaze and slowly handed over my wrist, giving in.

Kharif held my wrist tightly, and I looked away from him, blushing. "Why are you looking away? One of the first things you said to me was 'fuck me daddy', so why are you acting all shy?" Kharif asked and ran his fingers along my wrist like Thorne had done.

I shivered and looked at Kharif, our eyes meeting, my heart skipped a beat, and -

Kharif let go and smacked his hand into the wall, face green. "Ah, shit," he muttered and I scoffed, turning away as he dry heaved.

"Woah, the waterfall in my sexy black lace undergarments? Gone," I threw my hands in the air. "I knew you were going to do that," I chastised and shook my head.

"Shut up," Kharif snapped angrily and looked at me, seeming to contain his nausea. "Now Thorne can kiss my-"

I raised a palm. "Please don't, I've heard enough gay talk for the day, and I'd rather not -"

"I'm not gay!" Kharif hissed. I shrugged.

"You say that, but you just about said Thorne could kiss your ass, and I'm not sure if he would accept or decline." My lips rose, and I decided to tease him.

"There was some sexual tension between you two," I sang.

Kharif blanched. "Stop talking, now," he turned and started heading back in the right direction.

"Wait for me Kharif," I whined and walked beside him, a skip in my step. I grinned and glanced at him. "You're so sexy,"

Kharif turned his head and looked at me in disbelief. "The fuck?"

I giggled and placed my hands behind my back. "You're sexy as fuck, just thought I'd let you know. You're name is super hot," I praised.

Kharif looked away, and I nibbled on my bottom lip, holding in a laugh. "July, knock it off,"

I batted my eyelashes at him, even though he wasn't looking. "I feel like we have a Roman and Sora relationship,"

Kharif snorted. "Now you're speaking nonsense,"

I shook my head and grinned. "When we get back, will you read a book with me? Then you'll understand,"

Kharif glanced at me with narrowed eyes. "Is it some perverted porno?"

I burst out into giggled and I could have sworn Kharif smiled at me. "No! It's a comedy-drama! It's called Suddenly A Kitten, and it's my mom's favorite book." I explained. "But if you would prefer porno-"

"No, we can read your book," Kharif told me shortly.


  "Haru, why do we have to sit here?" I groaned and slammed my head onto the table. The green eyed man looked at me and frowned.

"That's the eighth time you've asked that," he said and gazed at me. After Kharif and I got back, I was forced to sit here at a table, with Haru as my babysitter.

"Can I get something strong to drink?" I asked and smiled flirtatiously at him. Haru blushed pink but shook his head sternly.

"No, you can't," he told me and smiled. "let's play a game, I spy, with my little eye, something purple,"

I smiled at the childish game, but quickly decided it would be fun. "The table cloth?"

Haru shook his head and I touched my hair. "This?" He pouted and nodded, seeming annoyed I had guessed it so fast.

I looked around the room and raised an eyebrow. "I spy, a thot,"

Haru choked. "It's colors!"

I frowned. "Cheap dyed blond then,"

Haru sighed. "I can't win with you, can I?" I grinned and took his hand from across the table.

"Hey, that's a good thing," I told him.

Haru looked at my hand in his and looked away, flustered. "Right, so, uhm, cheap dyed blond..."

I watched him scan the room with warm eyes and he looked back at me. "Why are you staring at me?"

I winked. "Cause you're cute," I flirted.

A hand touched my shoulder and I looked at Zomer. "Hey Zomer, what do you think of cardigans?"

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