Chapter 21. Mouth to mouth!

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  "So that's how I met Phoenix and why I left." I explained as everyone sat in the living room with the exception of Essie and Keykey.

Colten raised his hand. I pointed at him.

"Yes? The man in the red shirt."

Colten inhaled. "Wait, how does this explain the man in the trunk?"

Everyone froze. I blinked. "Huh?"

Colten frowned. "Don't tell me I'm the only one that heard, 'Fuck, shit, and goddamn, that's a nail!' the whole ride back home."

Lennon tilted his head back. "Now that you mention it..."

All eyes turned to me, and Luca leaned over helpfully. "Act casual." I shot a glare at him and crossed my arms sticking my nose in the air.

"Like the baddest bitch I am," I paused and glanced around before going on. "Being a mini mob boss in the making, I ordered Luca to kidnap Tyler."

Colten and Lennon jumped to their feet while Kealan did one of his face palms.

Ryder looked livid, and Alex had been asleep for the past few minutes.

"Wait, so... Tyler?" Jax asked curiously.

I nodded. "I wanted hostages."

Colten snorted and laughed. "Sure ya did."

I jumped off the couch and pointed a finger at everyone. "I am going to- ow, Kealan." I whined and grabbed my arm. He poked me.

"Go on, you're going to what?" Kealan asked as I finished rubbing my arm.

"I'm going to-" I glared at him. "Stop poking me damnit!"

Kealan raised an eyebrow. "Is that all our mini mob boss can handle?"


"Stop poking me! Or I'll seriously- ow!" I turned and glared at Luca.

He smiled - and I lunged at him. We fell to the carpet floor much to the shock of all the others. "You're next Kealan." I promised before Luca and I rolled across the floor.

"Bet!" Colten yelled.

"November!" Jax said quickly.

"He's bigger and stronger." Kealan reasoned. Ryder smiled.

"She's smarter."

I panted and smiled pleasantly at Luca as he stared at me in shock. "I'm a bit stronger than I look." I told him as I sat on top of his hips happily.

"I don't mind being a power bottom." Luca said eagerly and pulled me down for a kiss. Just as I about fell down, Kealan grabbed the back of my shirt and lifted me off Luca.

"Too early for an orgy." He said simply making my face turn red.

Luca pouted. "I didn't plan on sharing."

Colten paused. "So... Tyler is still in the trunk."

Kealan shrugged placing me down beside him. "Let him suffocate I say."

I elbowed him - and I think I hurt myself more than I hurt him. I rubbed my skin and nodded. "I'll go get him."

Ryder turned to me. "You don't think he'll just run for it and over power you? Think things through November."

I scoffed and crossed my arms. "I am, just give me one of your guns."

Eyes went wide at my words. "Can you even hold a gun November?" Jax asked curiously.

"I don't think a gun is a good idea." Colten added. I scowled.

"Colten, you're the damn stupid type that sticks the gun in their pants and questions why their ass has an extra hole."

His jaw dropped in outrage, but he didn't deny it.

Jax doubled over in laughter while other stifled the sound.

Ryder handed me a gun and I checked the safety and amout of bullets smoothly. "Cool, so I'll bring him here in a sec."

I turned and headed to the garage humming. I opened the door and slid the trunk open. I smiled and pointed the gun, which was on safety, at Tyler.

Tyler's eyes went wide. "I'm terrified and extremely turned on, do something horrible to me November."

I wanted to rub my ears, but I now held the gun with two hands. Guess what folks, you can only properly hold a gun with one hand in books, movies, and anime.

"Get up already." I told him amused. He slid out of the car.

"I assume since you're here and not Kealan, that I will live another day?"

I nodded and tilted my head towards the door. "Come on Tyler."

"Couldn't you call me daddy once? Just for my fantasy right now?"

I snorted. Loudly. "No chance in hell."

Tyler looked at me with hooded eyes. "Of course, you're the one with the gun, master~"

I turned red. For the second time of the night. "Wasn't Luca the masochist?!" I demanded annoyed at how attractive he was as he unbuttoned the top buttons of his shirt.

Tyler shrugged. "Definitely, but I go both ways darling. I bite and get bitten."

Okay, this is getting out of hand.

"Keep your clothes on, let's just-" I paused as Tyler took off his shirt showing a six pack and a piercing. "Never mind, keep going." I encouraged.

He grinned and touched the button of his pants. A door opened and- "OH MOTHER OF THE LIVING GOD, MY EYES, OH DEAR LORD!" Colten screamed.

I glanced at him. "Dramatic much?"

Colten doubled over rubbing his eyes. "Holy water! Somebody call an ambulance!"

Tyler scoffed. "Relax man. It's just my chest, I wasn't showing my junk, yet."

Colten was no longer moving, the dramatic little shit.

"I get it, he's your half brother, but get over it."

Colten glanced at me as Tyler pulled on his shirt. "I may need mouth to mouth."

Tyler smiled. "Right on," he grabbed Colten firmly while his eyes bugged out of his head.

"What the hell -!" Colten yelled.

Tyler spat into Colten's mouth and stood looking proud of himself. Colten rolled over and gagged.

This... is going to be so much fun. I realized smiling.

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