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I sat in my home and pressed my face into my hands shaking.

Gunshots made me flinch.

Hello, my name is November, and I've got problems.

I lived in a place filled with druggies, guns, and gangs. The simple explanation for this being that I had no money and no place to go.

It was so bad that most of the females around this part of town didn't even leave the house.

Hell, I dressed like a guy most of the time to ensure my safety.

Not that it mattered.

I sighed and pressed my face out the window. "I need food, but it's not worth it." I said out loud and glanced at the tightly locked door leading outside.

A stray cat stared at me. I pointed a finger at it. "Don't you judge me, I have enough on my plate- wait. I don't have anything on my plate. No food."

The cat rolled it's eyes and walked away tail swishing. I jumped to my feet. "Fine! I'll get food! What's the worst that could possibly happen to me?!"

I tugged on my shoes and checked my reflection. Baggy pants, check, hair hidden in hat? Check. Loose shirt and sports bra? Check.

I rubbed my face and exited my cold house.

I swiftly walked to the store and entered the freezing building an hour later. Yeah, I had no gas, or car. Walking for me. Yeah...

I picked up bread and some lunch meat pausing as some workers argued. "I'm telling you George, it's more square feet than that!" I looked over and took a pen right out of a man's hand.

"You've got the formula all wrong," I informed them frowning. I scribbled on the page. "It's twice the square footage then what you have here, see?"

They thanked me quickly. "Thank goodness you were here! Like a guardian angel or something!" A worker told me in awe.

I forced a smile. "Or something." I said softly.

I payed for my food and paused seeing a fine dressed woman staring at me.

Do I have something on my face?

I dashed to the exit, and skidded to a stop when she grabbed my arm.

"Please wait!"

I turned slowly. "Yeeees?" I said dragging out the word.

"I saw what you did! Extraordinary! Could you tutor my son young man?"

I cleared my throat. "Not interested."

The woman grew desperate. "One hundred dollars an hour!"

I grinned. "Sold."

Yes, I'm a sucker for money. My one and only kink.

The woman clapped. "Great! When can you start?!"

I smiled. Lady for that money...

"Any time."

She smiled and shook my hand.

"Great, how about now? What's your name young man?"


"Nate is fine."

She reached into her purse and grabbed keys.

"I'm Essie, follow me, I'll give you a ride."

The hundred grand car should have given it away.

The desperation for a tutor should have clued me in.

I was walking right into a wolf's den.

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