Chapter 5. C for the win!

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  I glared at Kealan out right as he walked beside me down a long hall. "Where are you taking me?" I asked nervously.

Kealan- the jerk- didn't answer me. Instead kept walking, making sure I kept up with his long strides.

I winced when he grabbed my shoulder roughly and pushed me into a room. I winced when he pushed me into a wall and placed his hands on either side of my head.

I gaped at him eyes wide. "What are you doing?" I asked trying not to gulp.

Kealan gazed at me with his dark green eyes and leaned in to my ear. "I know you're a girl, Nate."

I gasped unable to speak as he went on. "You may have everyone else fooled, but I knew the moment I saw you, that you were a female."

I nibbled on my bottom lip nervously. "What do you want from me?" I met his eyes coldly.

Kealan pulled back making me sigh in relief. He looked me up and down and hummed. "You might be wearing loose clothes, but it's pretty obvious you're a girl. My brothers are clearly just blind." Kealan wrinkled his nose and went on.

"You were either a girl, or a weird gay guy."

I held back a smile. "I didn't really intend to get this involved with anyone so..." I trailed off.

Kealan clenched his jaw. "Yeah, that's a good frame of mind. If you leave this place, never come back."

I tilted my head to the side. "Are you threatening me?"

Kealan snorted and crossed his arms. "Believe it or not, I'm trying to save your ass. The females in this world seems to want equal treatment, but in some circles that's a dangerous way of thinking."

I frowned. "What are you saying?"

Kealan sighed seeming annoyed with me. "It's not safe for girls to walk out in your neighborhood, clearly from how you dress. However here it's the opposite."

I raised an eyebrow. "Is everyone in this house perverted and gay?"

Kealan choked on air before getting his poker face back. "Let's just say some of my brothers wouldn't hesitate to hurt a male out of line." Kealan placed his hands by my head again caging me in.

I narrowed my eyes at him. "Why?"

Kealan smirked. "Let's just say the only reason you're still alive, is because it's fairly obvious your not a spy."

My lips parted. "Spies? What kind of family are you?!" I demanded.

Kealan gazed down at me. "Do you want to ever leave this house?"

I laughed nervously and looked away from Kealan growing flustered from his sharp gaze. "Yeah, okay. No more questions. I'll leave as soon as possible, and never come back." I told him.

Kealan pulled back and offered me one last piece of advice. "If Ryder has you in his bed, don't panic. He doesn't sleep with just anyone."

My face went red. "I- what!!" I sputtered.

Kealan left, and the door locked behind him. I sighed heavily and looked around the small room. A chair, and books. Okay... this is kind of messed up, on a number of levels. I won't even think about them, so I don't accidentally think of what they are.

I sat down on the ground and resisted the urge to start ripping books out of boredom.

"I'm dying of boredom! Gosh dang it!" I yelled and reached for a pink book on a shelf. I flipped through it and turned red. A fivesome? Good grief, although, the three brothers and add on are hot, I'll admit that.

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