Chapter 4. Ryder

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"So if you multiply this by 3.14-" I was cut off by the sound of yelling and laughter. Jax glanced up at me.

"I thought we were multiplying by pie?" I winced and rubbed my head.

"Jax, remember how-" More laughter and yelling made me clench my jaw and stand. Jax looked up at me frowning.

"Nate, what are you -"

I placed my hands around my mouth, "Shut, the hell up!" I shouted before standing behind Jax and pointing to the problem. "Now, just do what I said, don't worry about the details right now."

For a few moments it was blissfully quiet, until the people making the noise came closer.

"So you had your first night last night? Was the chick hot?" An unfamiliar voice asked.

"Uhm, about that," Alex mumbled as the two of them entered the room.

The man next to Alex paused. The blond with green eyes faltered and pointed at me.

"Dude, is that kid even legal? Does he go to school with Jax or something?"

I stepped back from Jax and sighed. Alex winced and rubbed his left arm.

"I'm twenty one." I informed him.

He turned to Alex. "Does he know -"

Alex slapped a hand over the guys mouth. "No Colten, he doesn't."

Colten nodded and looked between Alex and I. "So, like a one night stand or something?"

I shook my head and pointed a thumb at Jax, who was very focused on trying to solve the math equation. "I'm his tutor."

Colten turned to Alex like he was crazy. "Are you trying to get this kid killed?"

Still not a kid. I thought as Alex spoke. "I didn't know he was Jax's tutor!"

I raised my hand. "Who's going to kill me, and why?"

Both men turned to me. "No one." They said together, then started whispering to themselves.

I leaned over to Jax's left as he finished the problem. I quickly looked over his steps and smiled. "You got it right."

Jax cheered and lifted his paper. "Take that mother fucker!" He yelled laughing.

Alex and Colten looked over.

"What happened?" Alex asked curiously. Jax grinned, face flushed with pride.

"I got this right! I've never gotten one right before!" Colten walked over and looked at the paper.

"Damn, this is the shit Jaxy, great work." Colten ruffled Jax's hair and looked at me in a new light. "What's your name shrimp?"

God, give me patience not to smack this man.

"I'm Nate. The tutor and one night stand." I introduced and shook Colten's hand.

Alex coughed and looked at me startled. "You were not a one night stand!"

I decided to tease him. "So, there will be more?"

As Alex blushed Colten laughed. "Damn, I like you kid- I mean Nate."

I smiled genuinely and was about to speak when a low sigh was heard. I turned and stared at the blue haired man I remembered to be Kealan.

"How exactly did he get here?" Kealan asked. Alex raised a hand quickly.

"Me, he was about nineteen miles from here, wandering around the streets with drunkards."

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