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"Hellllo everybody! Author-chan here! It's time to hear the answers to all your questions! First, are all of my amazing characters accounted for?!"

Jax: "You kind of dragged us here..."

"Details smetails! Now on with the show!!!"

*corny game show music*

"Let me remind all of my darling characters that no violence is allowed on the show, and-"

Colten: "Yeah yeah, we gave you our guns, no need to be salty about us trying to kill Phoenix."

*clears throat* "Anyway, up first, we have November!"

"The question is, do you mind being called Ember?"

November: "Oh, sure. I'm fine with that, since my first nickname kind of gives me anxiety now. Ember it is!"

"Alright, and how old are you for question number two?"

November: "Twenty one, just old enough to drink legally."

"Alright, thank you November, or, Ember, next we have Ryder!"

Ryder : "..."

"First question, You, Owen, and November, Fight/Sex scene, how do you feel on that?"

Tyler: "Hold up?! Fucking Owen?! I haven't even gotten any yet-"

*Tyler has been muted*

"Haha, alright, what's your answer Ryder?"

Ryder: "A fight scene would be fine, sex... the three of us?"

November: "Is this before or after some serious character development?"

Ryder: "Does it matter? He had my little sister kidnapped, unless something crazy happens, this harem is staying at eight men."

Keykey: "What's a harem?"

*Sweats profusely* "Anyway! Up next we have Essie! The question is, Why'd you hook up with the dude with all the baby mommas?"

Essie: *face red* "Why would you ask me that?!"

"Look, I don't choose the questions, I ask them."

Essie: "Well, the answer is simple, at the time, before I got pregnant, I thought I was the only woman he was seeing."

"Okie dokie, Keykey! You're up! How old are you pumpkin?"

Keykey: "I'm a seven year old pumpkin!! Yum!"

"Second question from a reader, do you love me?"

Keykey: *confused* "If you're not mean, I love you!! Hugs and kisses! And pumpkins!"

"Jax! You're next, how old are you for question one!"

Jax: "I'm eighteen."

"Alright, and how did you fail math?"

Jax: "... uhm, I don't know... I didn't work on it? I kind of hated it, so I didn't bother."

"Hehe, and now you like math... or, something else I should say?"

Jax: *blushing* "A reader didn't ask that! Move on!"

"Fine fine, Kealan, how old are you?"

Kealan: "Twenty three."

"For number two, why do you dislike Tyler? Please answer your best and clear any confusion."

Kealan: "Well, I killed Tyler's mom for trying to kill Jax, so he hates me. I don't know if I hate him, but since he hates me, it's hard to like him. Sorry Tyler."

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