Chapter 19. "Luca, kidnap Tyler."

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  I turned back and smiled at Tyler before turning and bringing my knee up between his legs. His eyes went wide as I easily broke free of him and stepped back.

He groaned and slid down on one knee face filled with pain. "O-okay, not cool - oh gods, are you trying to kill me?" Tyler asked gasping.

I raised an eyebrow. "Is that all you can take? How did you manage this long?"

Tyler laughed dryly as he recovered. "Okay, so I didn't expect that." He admitted and winced as he rose to his full height.

I stared at him and crossed my arms. "What do you want?"

Tyler rolled his eyes. "You seduced Luca and left, why didn't you try that on me?"

Is this bitch for real? Should I start screaming now?

"Sorry if I offended you, Luca came in first and I wanted to leave." I told him feeling strangely fine with being alone with him.

He was a safe distance away, was talking calmly, and didn't look like he was trying anything.

Tyler huffed. "Owen was pissed, but also seemed entertained by the whole thing. Sick bastard. Anyway, where's everyone else? Shouldn't someone be shooting at me right now?"

I cracked a smile. "We're playing hide and seek." I paused. "Tyler, can I ask you something?"

He blinked. "Suuuure."

I nodded and inhaled. "Well, uhm, if I had tried to get you to let me go, would you have come with me like Luca?"

Tyler shrugged. "Depends, what did you offer him?"

I hesitated for some reason feeling embarrassed. "I offered to show him the world as I see it."

Tyler paused and looked at me. Really looked hard. It felt like someone was staring at my soul. "Huh, interesting." Was all he said.

"What are you guys chatting about?"

Tyler and I jumped facing Luca, who was on the ground a few feet away staring at us.

"Where's Kealan?" I asked curiously while Tyler stared at his old companion.

"I kissed him, and I think he fainted." Luca told me blankly.

Tyler faltered. "He's your brother, we're literally all related but Lennon." Tyler didn't sound disgusted per say, more intrigued and curious.

Luca shrugged. "Actually, I'm not. I'm not related to anyone either. Sarah, the person presumed to be my mother adopted me after her child died. She said something about needing a kid to make sure dad still favored her. Not that it mattered since Owen killed her."

Tyler's jaw dropped. "Wait, hold up, how did I never know this?!"

Luca blinked. "You never asked."

Tyler threw his hands in the air. "Of course I didn't! That's not something you just ask! That would be crazy!"

Luca shrugged. "Well now you know. Not that it matters."

Tyler paused and sighed gazing at Luca. "Owen told me to kill you, if you didn't come with me."

Luca jumped to his feet and smiled. "Not likely."

I nodded. "No way in hell are you hurting him, jeez, what is wrong with that man?"

Tyler gazed at me. "Many, many things. But if I don't obey orders, I'll be dead, and Owen will just send his other henchmen."

I tapped my fingers together. "I may have a solution."

Both men stared at me. "What is it?" They asked together.

I swallowed and turned to Luca smiling nervously. "Luca, kidnap Tyler."

" ... "

Tyler opened and closed his mouth while Luca seemed to consider the idea.

"Hold up! I'm not okay with this! Luca, we've been together for years now! Worked on the same team, you can't really be considering-" Tyler paused as Luca grinned.

"I like kidnapping people though, and this will save you from dealing with Owen."

Tyler wrinkled his nose. "Your habits are freaky and unhealthy man. We should work on that."

Luca smiled. "You didn't say that when I kidnapped November."

Tyler winced. "Yeah, well at least I'm not a masochist like you."

Luca's smile didn't falter. "Says the sadist."

Tyler tossed his hands in the air. "Why do I even bother with you?! I'll just walk away."

Luca grinned. "I'm going to do what she asked."

Tyler gulped. "You seriously wouldn't, would you?"

Luca's look said it all, and Tyler jumped behind me. "Okay okay, I'm sorry for biting you, and enjoying when you bit me, and dreaming about you and handcuffs and ropes, so let me leave."

I blushed. Handcuffs and ropes?

"Why are you so scared?" I asked frowning as he gripped my arm and looked over my shoulder at Luca.

"If the Dark Knights get their hands on me I'm dead. Ryder and Kealan- the bastard- are going to torture me to death."

I sighed. "What if I kept you hidden in a closet or something?"

Tyler glared at me. "I'm not Carrots."

Oh yeah, wrong story.

I pulled Tyler's hand off my arm and tapped my chin thoughtfully. "How about a book-"

Tyler flushed. "I'm not Cain either."

I blinked. "A high school drama -"

Tyler glared at me. "Knock it off!"

I pursed my lips. "Trying to take over the world? Should I call myself Lily or Echo?"

Tyler grabbed my arms and shook me. "I swear, if you make one more reference to a different story -"

I giggled. "Then I'll have to run away and look for a healer. Right River?"

Tyler pressed his face closer to mine, and our noses were pressed together. "I hate you right now."

I blinked my eyelashes. "I know, but Lexen is still my favorite character."

Tyler looked disgusted. "I know you didn't just mention that book, it's the authors shame."

I shrugged. "It was her first one, cut her some slack. Besides, I'm just distracting you."

Tyler pulled away from me as Luca smiled behind him. "I love kidnapping people."

Tyler turned. "Ah, shit."

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