Chapter 33. Familiar surroundings.

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  When I woke up, I expected to be dead, or tied up somewhere. Instead, my wound was treated, and I was in fresh pajamas.

I sat up and rubbed my eyes confused. This was not some strange place, I was in Ryder's room.

"November!" My head snapped up and I met the eyes of Tyler, Colten, and Luca. I blinked rubbing my pounding head.

"What happened-?" I paused leaning forward despite my pain. Each of them had a matching bruise on their cheek. "Who the fuck hit you?" I demanded.

Luca flinched and looked away while Colten scoffed. "Does it matter? We deserve it."

I swallowed. "Who was it?"

Tyler glared at me. "The fuck?! Who fucking cares who hit us?! I would have done it myself I they didn't!"

I narrowed my eyes at them. "Process of elimination then, it's not Lennon or Alex, that's for sure." I paused. Ryder, no, not Ryder, he wouldn't hit them.

"It was Kealan, wasn't it?"

Tyler sneered and looked away. I sighed and leaned back on the pillows. "Well now I know that." I paused.

"How did I get here exactly? I remember passing out at some point, after he talked to me."

Colten hesitated. "We could tell something was off, so when we went into the mirror thing, we had intentions of coming out right away, but,"

Luca pouted. "There were guys in there, we killed them, and Bento sacrificed himself."

I wrinkled my nose as Tyler finished up the explanation. "Owen probably knew he couldn't take all three of us, so he took his loss. We did some emergency shit before bringing you back here."

I rubbed my eyes again and looked at my hands. "I don't really like Owen, for all the shit he put you guys through, but I do kind of feel bad for him, in a way." I admitted.

"Don't feel bad. He did most of that shit to himself." Tyler spat and crossed his arms looking furious. He hands were shaking uncontrollably, and he clenched them into fists.

"Tyler..." I said softly, reaching for his hand, he flinched away.

"I need to go." Tyler said quickly and walked to the door. I opened my lips in disbelief.

"Tyler-" he slammed the door closed. I bit my lip and looked at Colten.

"Do not, blame yourself."

Colten nodded. I looked at Luca, and he had his eyes covered. "Luca," I said softly. A soft sob escaped his throat. I winced.

"Come here," he obeyed and curled into me, careful not to touch my chest. I rubbed his hair and kissed his head. "It's fine Luca, I'm a tough girl."

Luca whimpered. "So? You still got hurt, being tough doesn't stop that."

The door opened, and Ryder walked in, his face a cold mask. "Luca, Colten, out."

Colten was out the door in seconds, and Luca hesitated before leaving slowly. I hesitated as Ryder walked over to the bed slowly.

"Ryder, I -"

My words were muffled by a gentle kiss to my lips. Ryder cupped my face and stroked my cheek bones gently.

"If it were up to me, I'd never let you leave the house again." Ryder murmured against my lips. I smiled.

"You wouldn't."

He sighed. "I know I wouldn't. I was so worried you know, they came in, carrying you. I about had a heart attack." Ryder admitted laying down beside me.

I swallowed. "I'm sorry."

Ryder looked at my face briefly before grabbing my hand and staring at it. "I know. I'm just trying to figure out what for."

I winced. "Leaving for one, I should have known better, two, for being stupid, three for getting hurt, and four for worrying you."

Ryder smiled very briefly. "That's a lot of sorries."

I curled into him. "They won't be the last I'm sure."

Tyler's pov

I ran my hands through my hair unable to get the picture of November's bloody body out of my mind.

I don't think Owen intended to kill her, from how he stabbed her made it obvious, but to see the only woman I loved lying in a pool of her own blood...

I clenched my hands into fists. It didn't used to be like this, a long time ago, all of us had gotten along in some way or another.

After our father died, and the entire organization was ours for the taking, that's when it began.

One late night, Ryder came to each of us, and said he was leaving. He gave us each a choice, come with him, or stay with Owen.

Being an ignorant baby, I stayed with Owen, mostly because Kealan had gone with Ryder. The idea of a rivalry was fun to me. I liked the idea of us fighting with real blood and danger.

Owen was toxic as toxic got... I think it took me seeing November to realize that. I was messed up, we were all messed up.

I was fine with Owen beating Lennon half to death, what was wrong with me? Why don't I regret it?

I had done so many thing I knew were wrong... I just couldn't find it in me to care.

I've killed innocent and guilty people,

I've cheated, stolen, lied, everything.

Owen was someone I found safe haven in, hell, that man made most of what I am today. When I was thirteen, Owen came in, and he took my first everything.

That's how messed up I am.

I still don't care though, as long as November loves me.

I punched the wall, and footsteps made me freeze. "What are you doing?" Luca asked curiously.

I stared at him. "What does it look like? Leave me alone, not in the mood. I'll probably hurt you if you come any closer."

Luca blinked. "You know I like being hurt though."

I shook my head and turned away. It's crazy to think, that Luca and Lennon aren't related to me, I wonder who else isn't.

"Luca, come here." I said slowly my back still facing him. I need to forget what Owen said to me.

He tentatively came over and tilted his head to the side. I grabbed him and pressed him into the wall sharply.

Luca made a sound of surprise that was lost as I kissed him. I grabbed his legs and slid them around my hips.

Tonight, I'll just have to have you Luca, hope you don't mind.

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