Chapter 14. Cooking With Kharif

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  "So then I said, 'if Colten can jump off a plane so can I' and then-"

"Shut up, please," Kharif told me and raised a hand. He had resorted to begging. Kinky.

So what if I was bothering him for hours on end?! There was nothing else to do! Haru was working the shop, and apparently I wasn't allowed down there anymore.

Zomer was working on his project, whatever that was, and Winter was locked away in his room being mysterious.

That left Kharif, who was going to entertain me, willing or not.

"But, but, I'm getting to the best part!" I exclaimed and leaned on the counter as Kharif used his hands to mix the meatloaf ingredients together.

"I don't give a flying-"

"I jumped off the plane, whoosh," I slid my hand through the air. "And guess what, I forgot I didn't have a parachute, how crazy it that?"

Kharif glared at me. "For some reason, I'm not surprised,"

I raised my hands in a shrug. "It was terrifying, but thankfully after punching Colten in the nuts mom jumped after me." I grinned. "Isn't that an amazing story?!"

Kharif stared at me. "How are you not dead yet?"

My lips rose. "One of the worlds greatest mysteries!"

Kharif sighed and went to the sink, washing his hands. "If I let you help, but you stop talking so much?"

Ooh, a bribe! I smiled cheekily. "Can we make chocolate cake after the meatloaf is done?" I held my breath as Kharif took a long moment deciding what to do.


I squealed and clapped my hands as Kharif bent down to open a cupboard. He pulled out a small pan and placed it on the counter by the bowl of mixed ingredients.

"What do I do?" I asked and looked at him with shining eyes. Kharif motioned to the bowl.

"Put the meat, in the pan," he said slowly, like I wouldn't understand, and glanced at the oven which he had already preheated.

I walked over to the sink and washed my hands well before eagerly dipping my fingers into the raw meat. I took it out in large clumps and smacked it into the pan.

I then smoothed it out and showed my amazing work to Kharif. He took the pan from me and tossed it into the oven. I clapped my greasy hands before washing them with a shit ton of soap.

"So, cake?!" I looked at Kharif, who sighed and nodded.

"Fine, alright, let me find my recipe book," he said sourly and walked off to find his book. I rocked back and forth on my heels as I waited.

A phone ringing caught my attention and I looked around until I spotted the device. "Hey, Kharif, your phone is ringing," I looked at the unknown number and glanced towards where Kharif had went.

"Kharif, I'm going to answer this, you know I will," I called and frowned when he didn't respond.

Shrugging I answered the phone. "Charlies Porno, how can I help you?"

I received a deep chuckle from the person on the other end, and felt oddly embarrassed. "Always so amusing,"

I held the phone to my ear with my shoulder and used both hands to hop backwards onto the counter top. I then held the phone with a hand and frowned. "I'm sorry, who's this?"

The person paused, almost like they were disappointed. "I'm one of your valued customers,"

My eyes widened with recognition. "You're Thorne, uh, last name something or other. You poisoned me! Crazy bastard!" I heard Kharif's familiar footsteps and paused. "Sorry, can you call back, I'm about to make chocolate cake with Kharif."

Thorne laughed and I bit my lip. "Alright, I'll see you soon July." I faltered as he hung up. Kharif walked in and his face twisted.

"Why are you sitting on the counter?"

I shrugged and tossed his phone into the air before catching it. "Just cause," I grumbled, not sure what to think of that call, or if I should tell them.

"Why do you have my phone?" Kharif snatched it from me, and I looked at where the phone had been in my hand.

"You were gone so long I was going to download one of those dating games," I lied.

Kharif scoffed and placed a cookbook on the counter next to my thighs. He paused, glancing at them.

I cackled. "You're checking me out!"

Kharif looked at me in disgust. "No, I certainly was not, as I've stated before, you'd have trouble getting a blind honey teenager."

My lips rose. "That's not what your mom said last night,"

Kharif glared at me. "Stop talking, I swear,"

I giggled. "So, cake?"

He nodded and opened a drawer to grab measuring spoons. I looked at him happily. He's so fucking handsome -

"Stop staring at my ass," Kharif spat and turned to glare at me. I smiled cheekily.

"But you said yes to cake-"

Kharif turned and stormed out of the kitchen. "Wait, I was joking!" I cried and chased after him desperately.

Kharif stormed into his dark bedroom and slammed the door in my face. I crossed my arms and pouted.

Mission sneak into Kharif's room is a go!


Hey guys! I hope you're liking it so far! ❤

For those who haven't checked out my new book yet, I suggest it, it's amazing and another reverse called Three Ways To Live, check it out on my profile!

For those who have read it, I'm struggling not to confuse Kharif's and Caledon's personality! 😂😅

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