Chapter 8. Turning point.

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  As Jax turned the key to his car in the ignition, he paused and turned to me. "Nate..." He trailed off and reached out to my neck.

I stiffened as he brushed his fingers gently over the bandage I had slapped over my neck. It was really loose though, so it was probably going to fall off soon.

"You didn't do it. So, it's fine." I said with no emotion and looked away. Jax pulled his hand away and clenched the steering wheel tightly.

"So then why do I get the idea that you're pissed at me?" Jax asked.

I pressed my lips together. "Nothing, just... drive me home."

Jax pulled out of the school and began talking about - something. I wasn't listening.

I looked out the window, biting my lip harshly. I need to get out of here. Maybe out of the country-

A hand touched my shoulder. I screamed and turned. Jax pulled his hand back eyes wide.

"Nate, what's wrong?" Jax asked blinking. I touched my heart trying to calm myself.

It's fine, it's just Jax, he's not like him.

"Nothing, I'm fine." I muttered and leaned back closing my eyes.

"In that case, can we stop at my house for a snack before I take you home?"

I sighed and opened my eyes. "Jax... I know who your family is now okay? I don't want anything to do with that."

Jax bit his lip and kept his gaze on the road, but I could tell he was upset. "Nate, does this mean, you don't want to see me anymore?"

I frowned. "I'm sorry." Is all I said after a long pause. Jax pulled his hands into fists and glared at the road. I can't get involved with gangs again.

"Can Essie give the rest of the tutoring money at least?" Jax asked, a calculating look taking over his face.

I hesitated. I could really use that money if I plan of moving again.

"Yeah, that's cool." I said simply. Jax gulped and glanced at me before finally we arrived.

Jax parked and got out without speaking. I followed Jax inside quickly and tensed seeing a few of the brothers waiting for us.

Kealan raised an eyebrow at my presence. Jax rushed over to Ryder whispering something as I rolled my eyes at Kealan.

I'm working on getting out, at least let me get my money first. Money they probably got from ruining a few lives.

I winced. I think I'm going to get myself sick if I think about it any longer.

Alex walked over and frowned. "Hey Nate-" as he reached out a hand, I flinched back sharply.

Suddenly everyone paused, and Alex slowly took his hand back. "Nate?" Alex questioned.

Oh god, this was a bad idea, I'm going to puke.

"F-fine." I choked out and turned away from him. Now I see why people find him terrifying. Did his hands get any bigger, or is that just me?

Jax finished talking to Ryder and stepped back slightly pale. I paused as Ryder took a step towards me. My breath caught in my throat even as I tried to calm myself.

"What's wrong?" Alex asked Ryder, reading into his body language.

Ryder nodded at me. "He knows, Jax said he found out at school."

I turned to Jax horrified. "Jax, how could you?" I asked, but he turned away.

I touched my pounding heart and looked at Ryder nervously. "So what if I know, lots of people know."

Ryder took a step forward, I took one back. "No one who knows has ever been inside my home, and gotten anywhere near my family."

I froze as my back hit a wall. Ryder leaned towards me and touched the bruises on my chin.

"I can't exactly have you running off now." Ryder murmured. My lungs stopped working.

"Now I see why your brothers are terrified of you-" My words were cut off by a sharp pain in my stomach.

I would have slid down the wall, if not for Ryder grabbing my shoulder and pinning up easily.

"For someone so tiny, you certainly have a big mouth."

I glared at him. "You people seem really hung up over my size. Don't you have something better to worry about?" I asked breathlessly.

Ryder smirked and turned glancing at Alex. "We're going to have a guest for awhile, still want him in your bed?"

Alex said nothing as I gasped for breath. Do they intend to lock me here? What for? I don't know anything!

Kealan walked over and reached down. I flinched and looked away closing my eyes tightly. Feeling a tug, my eyes went wide and I felt the bandage fall away.

Ryder paused and looked down. I felt fingers touch the injured area. "Who, did this?" Ryder asked coldly.

I hesitantly glanced up at him. The rage in his eyes made me look away quickly. Ryder tilted my head to the side so he could get a better look.

"I won't ask again, who did this?" Ryder asked, was his tone more gentle now?

I swallowed and met Kealan's dark eyes. "A-as it turns out, this is supposed to be a message for you. Tyler sends his regards. Hugs, kisses, and lots of jazz."

Kealan took a step away from me. "Fuck, I'll kill him." He swore.

Ryder stepped away from me too, and I finally slid down the wall. I clenched my hands into fists thinking hard. Should I run now? Or wait for a better time?

I got to my feet anxiously. Alex glanced at me while Ryder and Kealan seemed to be arguing quietly.

I turned towards the door and decided to see if luck would be on my side. I dashed to the door hoping to at least get outside.

Alex grabbed my hips firmly lifting me in the air easily as he spun me around. "Just relax Nate." Alex told me gently.

I lifted my arms and elbowed his nose harshly. Alex dropped me and grabbed his nose. I smiled - pleased to see blood when he pulled his hand away.

I took one more step forward to run, when I grabbed my Alex again. "Stop it, you're going to hurt yourself." He said patiently when I kicked.

Alex grabbed my arms, and I tossed my head back hoping to nail his nose again. Alex grabbed my head quickly with a hand, gripping my hat.

I paused when it slid off. My hair spilled free falling down my back. Everyone in the room froze, except for Kealan, who slapped a hand over his face.

"You're a girl." Jax blurted blinking. I glared still trying to pull free of Alex.

"No shit." I snapped.

Jax frowned like a wounded puppy, staring at me.

Ryder raised an eyebrow. "This changes a few things, Alex, didn't you sleep with her?"

Alex flushed. "No! How many times must I tell you! He- or she, wasn't a one night stand! We didn't, well I didn't do anything!"

I rolled my eyes. "You just didn't touch me, you did plenty else on your own."

Alex turned red. Ryder rubbed his eyes before meeting my eyes.

"What's your name?" His voice was deep.

My lower lip quivered, as I suddenly remembered my situation.


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