Chapter 24. Meeting The Family

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  I held my breath, standing behind Winter as he rang the doorbell to my old house. There was the sound of footsteps before the door slowly creaked open, my mother answering.

November, still as beautiful as ever in her early forties, froze at the sight of Winter, hand going over her heart.

"What is Phoenix's son doing at my house?" Her voice was cold, a noticeable tremor in her fingers as she held the door tightly.

I moved around Winter and looked at her nervously. "Mommy," I hadn't called her that in years, but the soft spoken words left my lips.

I moved forward, and November pulled me into the house, hugging me tightly while giving Winter a death glare as he walked in, the other three men following him inside.

"What are you doing with my daughter?!" I tugged on her sleeve and smiled- or tried to.

"Mom, I'm fine," I soothed and she slowly let me go, slapping Winter across the face, and he allowed it, not moving an inch.

"How dare you be with my daughter," November hissed before glaring at Zomer, who swallowed thickly at the anger in my mother's eyes.

She slapped him as well and simply sent Haru a look that had him cowering. When November got to Kharif, she paused, looking him in the eye.

Kharif looked at her blankly, and she sighed, rubbing her eyes, feeling an odd connection to the Arabian man, making her hand pause. "I was so fucking worried- where have you been?!"

I shifted on my feet. "New York?" My nervousness made me question myself, and I looked towards the stairs when I heard Colten's voice.

He didn't seem to have realized guests were here, including his daughter, as he climbed into a cardboard box, sliding down the stairs, or, at least trying to.

He started out well before the box tipped and he went flying, tumbling down the stairs and hitting the ground with a loud thud. "That was awesome - oh, July!" Colten jumped to his feet and pulled me into a hug. "I'm so happy you're back, want to try getting into a box and-"

"Colten!" My mother growled and gestured to men in the room. "July brought them home with her,"

Colten glanced at them briefly before shaking my shoulders. "Since you're back, we should try making-"

"Colten! Now is not the time for that!" My mom looked tired, and now, exasperated. She turned to Winter and shook her head. "I don't want you near my-"

"November, you don't know him," I turned my head freezing as Ryder entered the room and touched November's shoulder. "You knew his father, but that doesn't mean anything," he said, probably reminding her of all of her husband's horrible pasts.

An insane abusive father, mothers in a game to get kids and kill any others, and even how all of the brothers had turned against each other.

A hand touched my shoulder, and I smiled at Alex, Lennon close behind him, happy to see them again.

Kealan stood beside Tyler, who frowned at the men. "Why don't you introduce yourselves," Tyler offered as Luca sat on the railing, watching with interest, while Jax and Owen walked into the room as well.

"I'm Haru," Haru introduced timidly, looking like he was going to shit himself. Zomer touched his wrist before glancing at me.

"I'm Zomer,"

Owen raised an eyebrow. "The gay one?"

Zomer looked stunned, glancing at me again before clearing his throat. "Uhm, no, I'm not gay,"

Winter looked directly at Ryder as he introduced himself next. "I'm Winter,"

Jax's lips parted. "You put your father in prison," Winter nodded shortly, but didn't say anything else.

Kharif looked annoyed at being forced to come, and took a long time before he finally spoke. "Kharif," he said simply, seeming bored.

Tyler frowned. "That's a weird name,"

Kharif glared at him. "At least I don't sleep with my brothers,"

Ryder grinned in amusement while Tyler choked. "N-no, we don't, I mean, they aren't -"

Colten cleared his throat and looked away. "No comment,"

"Can I ask the obvious question here, what's the connection between all of you?" Jax asked, glancing at me. "And why is July with you?"

"We're friends, and we all like July," Zomer summed everything up, and November looked like she was going to explode.

"I don't think so- I won't, just no!" She sputtered and crossed her arms. I winced.


November raised a hand. "You can't just disappear and come here with four boys that claim to like you-"

"Like is a very strong word, I only tolerate her," Kharif told her, and I shot him a glare.

"You didn't say that last night when you were moaning my name!" I hissed, and the room went silent.

"Damn November, that's all your influence," Alex mused under his breath. My mom gasped.

"Is not!"

Colten grinned. "I'm Nate, the tutor and one night stand," he said in a high feminine voice, and I blinked in confusion.

My mom's face turned red. "We don't speak of my dark past-"

"Why not? It was fantastic," Jax pointed out, and my mom smirked.

"Then shall we discuss how you were all gay for me?" My eyes blew wide, and I glanced at Zomer, who shrugged, watching the interaction with interest.

Ryder held back a grin and then looked seriously at Winter. "Let's have a talk, privately,"

Winter nodded and I hesitated when he walked towards Ryder. Winter smiled before he and Ryder walked up towards his office.
"July, Bento came back from the dead, November found him," Luca showed me a bowl with a goldfish in it, smiling proudly.

I gasped in delight, rushing over. "Oh my gosh! Bento, welcome back!"

"Why, are you so stupid?" Kharif asked dryly, making me send him the middle finger.

"Shut up Kharif! I'm meeting a legend! He sacrificed himself to save my family!"

"Lord have mercy, " Kharif muttered, face twisted in disgust as November watched him curiously.

"Thank you for your sacrifice!" I placed my palms together and bowed my head, making Kharif and Tyler snort.

"Woah, Bento huh?" Zomer breathed and looked at the fish. "A magical goldfish-"

"Bento isn't metal you heathen," Luca snapped and held the bowl tightly. Zomer raised his hands.

"I'm sorry-"

"Don't say it to me, say it to Bento!" Luca demanded.

Zomer faltered and looked at the fish. "My sincerest apologies, almighty Bento,"

Luca looked at me and nodded. "He's a keeper,"

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