Chapter 12. Chicken tenders and milk.

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  "Don't you dare look back just keep your eyes on me, I said your holding back, she said shut up and dance with me!" Alex and I sang together as we drove in his car.

Colten was in the back, and the others were riding with Ryder on the way to the restaurant.

"Please, in the name of all things holy, stop singing!" Colten pleaded.

The next song came on, and Alex and I grinned. "Cause you don't know you're beautiful!"

Colten rolled over covering his ears. "I'm dying!"

A good twenty minutes of singing later we arrived at the large establishment. "This is a little much for a dinner." I mumbled looking at the fancy building.

"You'll be fine." Alex promised looking around the parking lot for the others. As a group walked past us, I dove for Colten's hand like my life depended on it.

He looked like he won a million dollars as he glanced at our hands together, but also confused. "Uh, you good?"

I held his hand tightly and grabbed my stomach. "Social anxiety, oh gods I'm dying." I whispered seeing a group of girls. 

Colten raised an eyebrow as Alex ran over to Ryder. "You were fine with us though."

I looked up at him. "It's uh, only around crowds and girls my age. Is that weird?"

Colten shook his head. "No, not at all. I've got you, let's walk in like we're the baddest bitches."

I giggled and glanced up at him. He's handsome. I realized.

Ryder turned and looked at me, I stuck my tongue out and followed everyone inside. Ryder rolled his eyes and tapped the front desk.

"Reservation for Knight."

Aaaaaand everyone in the building stared at us as we walked to our table. The eyes, they were like burning lasers.

"I'm the baddest bitch, I'm the baddest bitch," I whispered as we sat down.

Colten covered his mouth. "Pffft,"

I glared at him. "Damnit! If I say I'm the baddest bitch I am!" I snapped.

Thus everyone burst out laughing. I glanced at Ryder and Kealan, they looked less constipated when they laughed, especially Ryder, who was always grumpy.

I smiled and relaxed a little. I picked up my menu and paused as Ryder stood. "I'll be back." Was all he said before walking away.

I ran my eyes up and down the menu as the waiter walked up. "What can I get for you?"

I raised my hand. "The seafood pasta and chardonnay."

Jax frowned. "I'll have the spaghetti, light on the sauce, and extra garlic bread please. And for my drink I'll have water."

Colten tapped his chin. "I think I'll do the steak and potatoes, some Sam Adams sounds good."

Kealan nodded. "I'll have the same, with water."

Alex glanced from the menu then back up at the server. "Uhm, the garlic chicken salad please, and I'll have coffee, black."

I giggled an idea coming to mind. "I'll order for our missing guest." I said smoothly, scanning the menu.

"Some chicken tenders and milk please." As I spoke, the waiter walked away, and the men lost it.

"Oh my gods!" Colten breathed through his laughter.

"M-milk?" Alex choked out holding his stomach.

Jax laughed and shook his head grinning. As Ryder walked up we all held our breaths. Only Kealan played it cool.

"We ordered for you." He told Ryder, who nodded and narrowed his eyes at the tense table.

A few minutes later, the waiter placed chicken tenders and milk before the gang leader. He stared down at the food.

"Who the fuck-" Ryder looked up and I burst into giggles leaning on Colten's arm. Ryder smiled slightly as tears of laughter ran down my cheeks.

The other food was passed around, and Ryder turned to Kealan. "Switch places with November."

Kealan obediently stood and walked over behind me. I paused as my food and Kealan's was switched.

I stood and walked around the table curiously. I sat down and looked up at Ryder. "Yes? Mr. Mafia boss sir?"

Ryder grabbed a fork and took a bite out of my food. I stared at the large amount of pasta then at him. I grabbed the fork from his fingers as the table watched silently.

I hesitantly took a bite from the fork before piling more food on it and offering it to him. Ryder smirked and opened his soft looking lips.

I blushed and looked away as I pulled the fork back. "Does the baddest bitch really look away?" Ryder asked softly taking a sip of my wine.

I glanced up at him and took the cup. "Maybe I'm not the baddest bitch, Colten takes that office."

Colten grinned and looked away whispering something to Alex.

Ryder lifted a napkin and wiped my face gently. "Whatever you say, little hero."

A flush over came my cheeks and I turned away again. "What does wine taste like?" Jax suddenly asked frowning.

I glanced at him and offered the cup. "Try it."

Kealan raised an eyebrow. "He's underage."

I scoffed. "He's also growing up to be a mean grumpy mafia gangster like his big brothers. Are you seriously going to scoff at this?"

Kealan rolled his eyes as Jax took a small drink. The small cough he let out made my heart jump in my chest.

"It's okay." Jax said quickly passing the cup to Ryder, who took a long drink. I turned back to my pasta enjoying the shrimp and scallops.

I fished through the bowl discovering all sorts of sea life. "You are adorable." I looked up stunned. The rest of the guys looked up too, making me realize none of them had said that.

I turned behind me and froze.

"Uh, hello there." I said wincing.

Tyler leaned down and picked up my fork taking a large bite. I cried out. "That's mine!"

Owen and Luca were also behind me, grinning. I froze as fingers touched my neck. "Looks like it's healing." Tyler mused.

"Don't fucking touch her." Kealan said harshly making Tyler pause and slowly take his fingers off my skin.

Luca walked over making everyone tense, and he picked up my wine next. "Stop stealing my-" I stared as Luca finished my wine. "You fucking didn't!" I snapped furious.

Alex glared at the men behind me. "Get lost."

"Go die." Colten said helpfully waving a hand.

Jax looked away from them, slightly pale, and why wouldn't he be? Rival gang members who are your teachers? What could get worse than that?

"You're unwelcome. We are trying to eat here." Ryder said, his tone unreadable.

Owen smiled - at me- "What a coincidence, we're trying to eat too."

Tyler pulled up a chair. "We'll just join in."

I stiffened as the one named Luca, who I had yet to really meet, just leaned on the chair behind me as Owen sat down next to Jax.

Shit, shit, shit!

I just wanted to watch Ryder eat chicken tenders!

For those who remember the old story, y'all know shit is about to go down.

Anyway, who's your favorite character?!

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