Chapter 16. "I'll show you the world."

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  I tapped my fingers on my thighs, plan in place and about to go into action.

Lennon was sleeping next to Keykey, and I was patiently waiting for someone to come into the room.

I paused in my tapping as the door finally opened after hours of waiting.

I held back a smile as Luca poked his head into the room and met my eyes.

"You're awake now." He said simply. I nodded and motioned him in, Luca looked surprised but nodded and walked in.

He sat in front of me on the floor and we stared at each other. "Did you hit Lennon at all?"

Luca blinked at my question. "No, that's all Owen. We don't really talk to Lennon anymore."

I nodded and reached a hand out. Luca froze as my hand touched his face. "You don't actually think seducing me is going to work, do you?" Luca asked frowning.

I shook my head touching his cheek. "Lennon told me about how your mother died. You were nine, and it was your birthday."

Luca didn't even tense or flinch, he just nodded and smiled like it was no big deal. "Yes." He said simply leaning into my hand.

"She was shot nine times in the heart. By Owen."

Luca nodded and nuzzled into my palm. "Yes, he said we couldn't have weakness. I needed to learn to be tough and stop relaying on others."

I looked at him. "Did it work?"

Luca blinked. "Yes. I don't need to talk to anyone, see anyone, or touch anyone to be happy."

I bit my lip and rubbed a thumb over his noticeable cheek bone. "Do you enjoy being in a gang where you hurt people all the time?"

Luca met my eyes. "It is the only thing I know."

I slid forward and wrapped my arms around him. Luca tensed. "What are you going?" His voice shook slightly.

"I'm hugging you."

Luca paused. "Why?"

I laughed slightly feeling real tears come to my eyes as I embraced him tightly. "Because none of you had a real childhood, I can relate to that, but mine wasn't nearly as sad and scary as yours. You must have been always scared for your life."

Luca looked at me as I lifted my head. Our eyes met. "I'm not like Owen and Tyler. Or you and Lennon. I don't feel much of anything actually." He admitted, then paused.

"Although, kidnapping people is fun. And when you told me to fuck myself-"

I pressed a finger to his lips quickly, still sitting in his lap. "Let's not discuss that."

He nodded silently.

I hesitated putting all my eggs in the same basket. "I want to make a deal."

Luca tilted his head to the side. "What kind of deal?"

I swallowed. "I'll show you... the world, how other people live in it. I'll make you want to see people, talk to them, and touch them."

Luca stared at me. "Will I be allowed to touch you?"

I blinked. Uhm, sexual or not? His face is so blank I can't tell.

Luca hesitated and touched my face the same way I touched his. His thumb touched my cheekbone. "Like... this?" He asked slowly.

I nodded. "Yes, I'll give you life."

Luca's eyes went wide. "I'm living. Breathing. Blood is being pumped into my heart."

I shook my head. "You're alive, but also very, very dead."

Luca inhaled. "Then I'll do it. You want to leave here? Because of what Owen said at the table?"

I nodded. "Right, there's a man who hurt me, and I don't want to see him."

Luca stood and helped me up. "Okay."

I blinked. "Okay?"

Luca nodded. "Let's go now. I want to touch you some more."

I blushed. Surely he knows how that sounds?!

I pointed at Keykey and Lennon. "They're coming too."

Luca nodded impatiently. "Let's go. Show me the world November."


Luca sat on Ryder's couch looking at his hands then at me as I finished explaining.

Keykey was in Ryder's arms, and Lennon was being checked out by Alex in his room.

"We were just about to storm the place too." Colten muttered.

I looked at Kealan, and as he gave me a questioning look I gave a thumbs up. I was fine... at the moment.

"November, when can I touch you?" Luca demanded from the couch.

I winced as Ryder, Kealan, Colten, and Jax glared at Luca.

"Are you sure I can't throw him someone dark?" Ryder asked deeply.

I smiled and grabbed his arm. "Please don't."

Jax pulled me into a hug and buried his face in my neck. My eyes went wide as I felt wetness. He's crying...

"November." Luca called, a whine in his voice.

I turned and placed my hands on my hips forcing Jax to pull back. "Could you fucking wait?! We're having a moment!"

Kealan paused. "Any moment was just destroyed." He informed me.

Ryder turned. "I'm going to have Essie give Keykey a bath," he paused and turned his head to glance at me.

He ran his eyes up and down me one last time before saying, "Don't fucking leave one of our sights, got it?"

I nodded shortly. "Yes, Mr. Mafia Boss Sir!" I exaggerated.

Ryder cracked a smile and left with his sister. Luca raised a hand. "Me." He said simply.

Colten glared at Luca and reached for me. "I missed my baddest bitch."

I giggled and jumped into his open arms. "I missed my baddest too."

Kealan gestured at Luca. "Come on, let me get you a room before you get yourself killed."

Luca glanced at me, and I smiled. "Tomorrow." I promised.

Luca sighed. "Tomorrow." He repeated and followed Kealan.

Jax stared at me, and I smiled. "Did ya ace your test?"

He turned red. "Yes."

Colten looked between us. "Wait, what's going on? My sex senses are tingling."

I rolled my eyes and climbed off Colten. "You aren't invited."

He pouted. "No threesome?"

I choked. "Too soon."

Colten sighed. "Later than."

What do y'all think of Luca? He's an interesting character.

I recently made a new book, called My beautiful trauma.

For those who haven't checked it out yet, I would love it if you did! ❤

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