Chapter 29. Day in the fair. Part 1.

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  "I love you, I love you, I love you!" I chanted looking around with wide eyes.

Ryder ran a thumb over my cheek before Colten grabbed my hips and lifted me up and onto his shoulders.

Ryder made a deep sound in the back of his throat annoyed as Colten ran off.

They took me to the fair, land of over sized watermelons, stinky animals, expensive rides, and a whole lot of good food.

I gripped Colten's shoulders and giggled over joyed at just being at the fair.

Before we had left, everyone had argued over who got to do what, so Ryder said we would take turns. Take turns being with me.

Up first was Colten, Tyler, Luca, and Jax, a terrifying group of trouble makers. "What first?" Tyler asked looking around.

As awkward as it was for some of the others to have Tyler here after everything, Colten especially, and Jax, got along with the kinky man perfectly.

"How about funnel cake?" Jax suggested.

"The haunted house." Colten added.

"The bench." Luca demanded.

I tapped my chin looking around. "Funnel cake, haunted house, pigs, and then the bench." I concluded.

Tyler wrinkled his nose. "Pigs?" He questioned as we walked over to the stand and stood in line. I nodded.

"All I see is a big hunk of bacon waiting to be fried, oh goodness... bacon!"

A young man cleared his throat. "What can I get for you?" I looked up and was blinded.

His smile was bright and cheerful, and he was waving a menu around like his life depended on it.

"Four funnel cakes." Colten ordered and handed up the money.

The worker glanced at me ever so slightly, and Tyler growled. "The fuck you looking at you over grown weasel?"

I coughed and the worker scrambled away to make the cakes. "Tyler, unnecessary, let's -mmmf-"

Tyler pulled me close and smashed a kiss to my lips before looking around angrily. Okay, calm down. I thought amused and pulled him over to a table.

Colten stayed behind to get our food while I patted Tyler's back. "Calm down." I ordered and glanced at Jax.

"Hi Jaxy." I flirted and smiled tilting my head to the side.

He flushed and placed his hands in his lap. "H-hi."

He's so cute, I can't.

"Notice me!" Luca yelled falling backwards into the bench and right onto my lap. I smiled at him and rubbed his head.

"Hey puppy."

He nuzzled into my palm and closed his eyes. "I've got the food!" Colten announced and placed four plates on the table.

I grabbed a piece quickly and placed into my mouth. "Mmm, this is good, here Luca," I grabbed another piece and placed it in front of his lips.

Luca cracked his eyes open and eagerly took the food. Tyler rolled his eyes but dug into the funnel cake.

As we finished the food quickly, a little too quickly, I looked at each of them. I am the luckiest girl ever. I realized and stood, ignoring Luca's whimpering protest.

"Haunted house!"

"Haunted hamster!" Colten screamed and ran forward ahead.

"Haunted hamster?" Jax repeated looking as confused as the rest of us.

I shrugged. "Let's just roll with it."

Luca took my hand and we all went after Colten, who jumped up and down in line. "Five of ya?" An older woman asked raising an eyebrow.

I nodded. "Yes ma'am."

She glanced at Tyler, and the seventy year old woman giggled. Actually giggled. And I didn't blame her. A buff man in a tight shirt with tattoos? Yes please.

Colten, the man child, eagerly snatched the tickets and raced to the entrance. "Colten! Slow down! You're going to-" Colten went splat face first on the concrete.

I sighed and walked over. "You're going to fall."

Tyler smirked. "Need mouth to mouth brother?"

Colten scrambled to his feet faster than you could say incest. "No!" He snapped.

Luca squeezed my hand and hugged my side as we entered the entrance. Fake blood, the eerie sound of trickling water, and footsteps.

"This is kind of cool." Jax breathed looking around.

Colten nodded. "Dead bodies I didn't make."

Tyler scoffed. "This is boring."

A man jumped out of the corner. "Boo."

"AHHHH! OH GOD!" Colten screamed.

"I'M NOT OKAY!" Tyler yelled grabbing his chest falling back a step.

Jax blinked and Luca cried.

I smiled. "Anyone up for bacon?"

As Colten and Tyler bolted for the entrance, I wiped Luca's face and grabbed Jax's hand with my other free one. "Let's go."

Jax nodded and waved to the dressed up man before we headed out after the scaredy cats.

We smelled the pigs faster than we found them, and soon I was admiring the bacon to be.

"Stinky." Luca said blankly staring at the animals.

"Disgusting." Tyler corrected.

"I'm tired." Jax muttered staring at the wall, leaning on the fence.

"Damn, November, I've been staring at your ass, and fuck you're gorgeous." Colten informed me.

I turned and smiled at Colten. "Not as sexy as you."

Tyler grinned and reached over to slap Colten's ass.

"Yeah Colten, you sexy beast."

Colten jumped high into the air with a shriek. "Damn you Tyler! Keep your damned fucking fingers to your shitty self!"

A mother raised her eyebrows and shuffled her children past us.

"What am I seeing?" Jax asked wrinkling his nose. Luca reached up and rubbed a thumb on Jax's lower lip.

Jax froze and stiffened. "Uhm-"

Luca reached up and whispered something in Jax's ear. Jax broke free blushing and looked at me with wild eyes.

I shrugged and looked back at the pigs. What was I supposed to care about? Luca isn't related to Jax. I smirked evil ideas entering my mind.

Luca and Jax in the same bed with me? Blindfolds and ropes? I was getting turned on just thinking about it.

"It's time, our turn is over." Jax announced looking at his watch.

Colten and Tyler frowned. "Do we have too? We could run for it, and keep November for the day."

"I'm down." Colten agreed.

Luca pouted and hugged me. "Don't leave. What about the bench?"

I kissed his lips gently. "We sat at a table, isn't that good enough?"

He pouted and huffed.

Next up, Kealan, Ryder Alex, and Lennon

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