Chapter 37. "Would you fix me?"

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  Tyler was asleep, his head resting in my lap as he tossed and turned fitfully. One of Owen's doctors had looked Tyler over, and said he would be fine soon.

I gently rubbed Tyler's scalp frowning at the pain written across his features. I leaned down and kissed his head.

To be honest, this was a side I had never expected to see of him, thinking back, on our first meetings, I would have never thought he would end being so important to me.

He had been creepy, he bit me.

Tyler was still kind of creepy, in a more endearing way now. Tyler's face twisted and he suddenly cried out in his slumber.

I wrapped my arms around him and placed my cheek on his feverishly hot one. He relaxed slightly and I looked up as the door opened. I narrowed my eyes at Owen.

"The fuck do you want?" I demanded looking down at Tyler worried. Owen actually seemed to hesitate.

"I don't intend to apologize for kidnapping you." Owen began bluntly. I rolled my eyes.

"I wouldn't expect something so humane from you."

Owen pressed his lips together. "I didn't mean for Tyler to get sick."

I scoffed. "I would certainly hope not."

Owen looked at the ceiling. "Could you stop that for a moment? I'm attempting something, and would like to be able to not get angry while doing it."

I rubbed Tyler's cheek. "Make it quick. I can't hold in this angry sass for long. It's a volcano waiting to explode."

Owen inhaled and sat on the edge of the bed. I didn't stop him as he moved some hair from Tyler's face, a gentle look crossing his normally harsh features.

"I am a selfish person, always have been, I don't hesitate to do what I want, that's what ruined our family in the first place."

I noticed. I thought dryly but didn't interrupt him.

"I want you, November, I have since I saw you, everyone else felt the same I'm sure."

I wrinkled my nose. "No, Ryder wanted me gone. Unlike you, he thought of his family first."

Owen met my eyes. "I would never expect less from him. I despise Ryder will all of my being, but even I can't deny that's he's honorable."

I reached up and rubbed my face. "What are you getting at? I'm starting to get a headache imaginings what you're trying to say. Do you regret things? Yes, obviously, you can regret things all your fucking life, but nothing happens unless you change."

Owen smiled. "Indeed."

I raised an eyebrow. "So, what? You're saying you want to change? How would you do that? I suggest letting Tyler and I leave."

Owen chuckled. "I'm sure you would like it if I let you leave, and if I wanted to change. I don't know how one even goes about that. I'm pretty set in my villain ways."

I rubbed circles on Tyler's cheek distracted. "The only thing that makes you a villain in my eyes is you hurting Tyler and taking what you want without a second thought."

Owen shrugged. "That does seem to be the problem."

I hesitated. "Owen," I froze as he leaned across the bed and pressed his face into my neck. My eyes slowly went wide as he rested his head there. 

"I'm not as simple as Luca, and am more complicated than Tyler. So what will you do with me?" Owen asked in a low whisper. "I thought taking you here would make you mine, and I would be able to control you. Instead you made your way through my walls and took over."

I swallowed. "I have a habit of doing that."

Owen inhaled and slid deeper into the bed kissing my shoulder as he moved beside me. "All I think about, is you, whether or not you hate me, or could ever like me."

I pressed my lips together. "Owen-"

"I could never be like the others, and simply fall at your feet, and Ryder would never let me be with you." I shivered slightly surprising myself as Owen swallowed against my skin.

"You'd be surprised, Ryder is a pretty cool dude." I said shakily. "You are his brother."

Owen smiled and nipped my at my shoulder. "True, but I also hurt his brothers on more than one occasion, more than Tyler ever did. I took his sister, his lover, and hurt his brothers, something tells me he won't readily forgive."

"Do you want him forgive you?" I asked slowly wondering what was going on in his head.

Owen actually seemed to hesitate. "I don't know. I want what he has, I want my brothers to look up to me, want to be with me, but just taking doesn't seem to be working."

"No shit." I told him without thinking. Owen laughed under his breath.

It was silent for a few long minutes. "Would you fix me? Like you did Tyler, Luca, and Lennon? I'm just as poisonous to them as I am myself."

I looked at the ceiling. "That's a pretty tall order."

Tyler mumbled in his sleep and rolled around. "Fucking bunnies, stop taking my jelly beans."

I giggled and Owen began laughing as well. I looked at Owen holding my breath, and his eyes twinkled with amusement.

Tyler frowned in his sleep. "Let me ride the ponies, I'm sensitive."

I burst out laughing and Owen joined me. I ruffled Tyler's hair heart warming with the adoration I had for him. "I can certainly try my best to fix you. But it starts with you."

Owen looked surprised. "With me?"

I nodded. "I'm already working my main character magic, you need to do the rest, deal?" I held out my pinky seriously.

Owen took my pinky. "Deal."

We shook.

"Damnit, Colten, now is not the time to take off my pants, I'm trying to ride the giraffe!" Tyler mumbled.

Owen and I looked at each other and laughed.

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