Chapter 10. Never trust coffee

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  One long week later. After the indecent, I was almost never alone.

So yeah, a week passed. Kharif had gotten super sick, so Zomer was always busy taking care of him. Winter had mysteriously been tied up with work- and speaking of work, Haru had trained me on how to work in the cafe.

Yup. I am now a barista, serving customers. Haru had warned me, that they kept an eye on me at all times, and I had no reason not to believe that.

There was a perk to working though, as small as it was. Yesterday, a kind gentlemen came in and ordered coffee, saying he would come tomorrow as well.


He was a looker.

A tap on my shoulder made me pause and turn. Haru sent me a tired smile, bright green eyes shining through his exhaustion. "Kharif is being difficult again, Zomer needs my help, I'll be back, okay?"

I nodded and gave a thumbs up. "Alrighty. I'll try to do my best!" I told him. Haru nodded gratefully and rushed up the stairs and into the apartment.

Like magic, my attractive customer walked in and smiled looking around the shop. I touched my heart admiring his messy black hair and deep charcoal eyes.

"Hey, can I get a plain black coffee? French roast. Small, no sugar needed." He told me leaning forward. He swiped his card smoothly and hit credit. I smiled and whipped around to make the best damn black coffee ever.

I had noted that there was only one other customer in the store, an elderly woman I had helped ten minutes ago. As I finished the coffee, I placed it in front of him grinning.

"One black coffee, enjoy." I told him. He reached forward and touched the rim.

"If you don't mind me asking, I'm doing a little paper, and need to ask someone's opinion." He looked at me hopefully.

I hesitantly nodded. "Sure, I guess so. Ask away." I told him frowning slightly. He slapped a hand over his forehead.

"How rude, I should at least give my name," he took my hand in his large warm one. "I'm Thorne Brooke, lovely to meet you."

I blushed slightly. "I'm, uh," I blinked. "I'm November." I blurted then nearly smacked myself. Using my mom's name as a fake name, how creative. I mocked myself.

Thorne pulled back and grabbed a paper. "What do you think justice is?"

I froze. "Justice?" I repeated uncomfortable. Hits close to home, that's for sure. "Well, it's where those who do wrong, are punished."

Thorne looked slightly disappointed. "I see, well, thank you for answering, you can have my coffee as a reward."

Free coffee? Not gonna argue. I thought but raised my hand. "That's fine and dandy, but don't confuse me for the clishe."

Thorne paused. "Oh?"

I rubbed the back of my neck. "I'll all for cartoon justice, where the bad guy goes to jail, but it's a little more complicated than that. I don't like games where a normal person plays God and says what they do to hurt people is for justice. I think it's deeper than that."

I hesitated again. "People say they want justice, but most of the time, it's being selfish. Revenge, filling a hole made by grief, greed, there are a lot."

Thorne smiled. "That was insightful, thank you."

I picked up the coffee and Thorne tensed. I took a drink as Thorne looked ready to protest. He sighed and smiled. "I'll let fate decide your destiny July."

I faltered. "What did you just call me?"

Thorne walked to the side and I turned shocked as he walked right behind the bar and into the employee area. "What are you doing?" I demanded a shiver running up my spine. But not because of him, my body felt suddenly chilled.

"I'll see you some other time, if you survive, okay?" Thorne told me grinning. I opened my mouth to say something, when a cough bubbled up.

I covered my mouth with my hand quickly and coughed, pain erupting in my chest. I stumbled and Thorne caught me. "Call an ambulance!" Thorne cried, and the woman in the store looked over startled.

"Oh sweet blue jeans! What happened?"

I looked at my hand through blurry vision and saw and tasted blood on my lips. Thorne laid me down and yelled some bull about going out to call an ambulance.

The woman fretted and panicked wiping my lips and asking questions I couldn't understand. I looked up and a person I couldn't recognize through my blurred vision lifted me up.


"Why do I have too?" Kharif asked curiously and annoyed. Haru huffed.

"Because Winter is gone, and Zomer is looking over the poison!"

My lips twitched and I slowly opened my eyes. A fan was blowing on me, and a cool rag was on my forehead. "Poison?" I croaked.

Haru rushed over. "You're awake!" He exclaimed. Kharif looked over.

"You're an idiot. Who drinks someone else's coffee?"

I sighed. "I, I had just made it Kharif. Seeing your annoying ass first thing is making wish I was dead though."

Kharif's eyes narrowed. "Brat."

I scoffed. "Fuckwad."

Haru looked between us. "Stop fighting! We need to work together!"

Kharif snorted. "Shut the fuck up."

I raised my hand weakly. "This isn't sailor moon."

Haru bit his lip looking frustrated. "Winter said if you can't get along, to take drastic measures."

Kharif rolled his eyes. "Winter can suck my dick."

I pointed at myself. "Almost died. I have a hall pass on this one." I paused and blinked my eyes at Kharif. "That was pretty gay bro."

Kharif made a sound in the back of his throat. "You're an idiot."

I blinked my eyelashes. "No, you."
Kharif glared, and Haru began talking in earnest. I tuned out and touches my stomach. I did feel like shit, everything aches. I touched my pounding head in time to hear Haru's last words.

"So I'll leave you two in here alone till Winter comes back."

My eyes went wide, and Kharif sneered. "The fuck you will-"



We glared at each other.

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