Chapter 18. Hide and seek.

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  "I BELIEVE I CAN FLY!" Colten screamed as he jumped off the top of the playground.

I gasped and touched my heart relieved as he rolled when he hit the bottom and jumped right back to his feet.

"I'm trying that again!" He yelled.

I face palmed, and looked to my left to see Kealan doing the same thing.

Alex was pushing Keykey on the swing, and Jax was chasing after squirrels.

I giggled and afterwards looked seeing Ryder was still on the phone talking to someone. I guess he's busy today, at least he came.

I looked around the park and raised an eyebrow seeing Luca.

He was in the sand. I'll leave it at that.

I turned and saw Lennon looking at flowers, and decided to go say hello, and see how he was doing. "Hey,"

He turned and smiled. "November, how are you?"

I smiled in return and bent down touching a flower petal. "Good. How about you, do you feel any better?"

He nodded and touched his back, eyes drifting, probably as he thought of his past. "Yes, I feel a lot better."

I covered my mouth to stifle the girly sound that almost escaped as I thought of my next question.

"So, you've been sleeping in Alex's room..."

Lennon blushed and stared up at me startled. "Guys do that! We're both guys!"

I smiled. "That's what Alex said when he thought I was a guy... and let me tell you, for me being a girl, that night up there was pretty gay."

Lennon stumbled arms waving as he fell back and landed onto his butt. "I- I'm not-"

I pressed a finger to his lips and winked. "Don't worry, we'll keep those between us."

Mission help Alex and Lennon together: unlocked!

As Lennon recovered I ran over to Ryder, who was still on the phone. "Mr. Mafia boss sir, get off the phone!" I told him.

Ryder cocked an eyebrow at me and lifted the phone away slightly. "If it were anyone other than you or my family, I would have killed them for interrupting me."

I gulped but grinned and jumped up and down as he put the phone away. "Awesome!" I turned and faced the park, cupping my hands around my face.

"Ryder wants to play hide and seek!" I yelled. The large park and woods were empty to the most part other than us.

Ryder grabbed my arms and yanked me into the air and in front of him. "November-!"

I stuck out my tongue and laughed at his shocked face. "Sweet! Let's do this!" Colten yelled dropping to one knee and putting his fist in the air.

"I guess." Kealan said looked uninterested and actually revolted by the idea.

Keykey raised her arm desperately around the large men. Oof, I feel that.

"Me, I want too! Me also!" Keykey told us. Ryder walked over and picked up his little sister.

"You'll be with me." Keykey clapped her hands at her brothers words and smiled.

Alex nodded along with Jax. "This is going to be a blast."

Lennon hesitated, but I reached over and grabbed his arm. "Alex, hide with Lennon, just in case." I winked and pushed them together.

"Okay..." Alex said slowly looking confused.

I screamed outright when something tugged at my pants all the sudden and looked down the see Luca on the freaking ground pulling at the very bottom of my pants lightly.

"Let's hide together." He asked grinning.

How did he even get there without me noticing? Damn these boys are sneaky.

"I'll count!" Jax announced.

Kealan grabbed Luca by the back of the neck and dragged him away from me. "You're coming with me. I don't trust you alone with her."

Luca pouted and fiddled with the front of Kealan's shirt. "You aren't as cute as November, but fine. I guess we can make out behind the trees instead."

I started at Luca along with everyone else, not sure of he was joking, or not.

Kealan grabbed Luca's hand and pulled it off his shirt. "If you kiss me, I'm cutting of your tongue."

Luca smiled. "How kinky."

Colten turned away as Kealan flushed with anger. "Pfft,"

I giggled and turned at Jax. "Just start counting, the place is pretty big, so three minutes. First one found has to help look." I told everyone before sprinting off in the opposite direction.

I watched Ryder and Keykey get into a giant tree easily, Colten got on a freaking roof, Alex and Lennon slid into the woods, Kealan and Luca hid behind a building, so I couldn't see exactly where they hid, and I had no idea where to go.

I walked by the bathrooms and frowned. "Jeez, why do they make it look so easy? Damn gang members and their freakish strength." I muttered and walked around the corner.

I heard a toilet flush surprised to find we weren't the only ones here.

November focus! Jax is almost done counting! I looked around the trees and neat paths brain not working the way I wanted it too.

I touched my chin and hummed slightly. Where would be a good spot? That Jax wouldn't see me right away? Behind the-

As arms wrapped around my waist I blinked and turned to see which one of the guys had grabbed me.

My lips parted and the air caught in my lungs. "Nova, of all places, I can't believe I ran into you. I didn't think it would be this easy to find you."

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