Chapter 34. Tyler's past.

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I tapped my fingers on the table quickly thinking about the past events. I was sitting in the living room. Keykey was coloring, and everyone else sat quietly on the couch.

Tyler looked more set off than usual, and Luca was acting weirder. Every time someone moved, he would jump in his seat, then wince afterwards.

The red spolches trailing down his neck, the red rings around his wrists, and the bloody lip he had left nothing to the imagination.

I raised an eyebrow and sighed to myself. Good grief. I looked at Colten, who was looking down at his hands.

Kealan had his arms crossed and hadn't said anything all day. Jax was trying to watch tv, but would look at me to make sure I was still there every few moments.

Ryder had locked himself away in his office, Alex was reading a book, and Lennon was staring into space.

"Guys, please stop, you're scaring me." I told them growing worried. "It's just a scratch."

"Scratch my ass." Colten snapped, and just proving my point, no one made a joke about his words.

I rubbed my temples. "Stop moping, I'm begging you this isn't good for you."

"You almost died!" Tyler shouted rising to his feet. "Why are you acting like everything is fine!? God you're an idiot!" Tyler snapped.

Kealan glanced at him. "Don't."

Tyler snarled. "Fuck you, fuck all of you, I can't do this shit." Tyler began storming out of the room. I rose quickly, despite the pain it caused.

"Tyler, wait,"

"Let him mope." Kealan told me. I shook my head staring at him for a brief moment.

"He's your brother, you should be just as concerned as me." Kealan winced and I went after Tyler. He stormed outside, and I followed.

"Tyler, wait," I called again panting heavily. Tyler didn't stop until he reached a side path.

"Go rest Ember, you need to-" I grabbed his shoulder and spun him around.

"Tyler, what's wrong? It's more than me getting hurt now, I can tell. What's going on with you?" I asked worried.

He shrugged off my hand. "Nothing."

I scoffed. "Don't give me that shit, what's going on with you?"

Tyler glared. "Just fuck off!"

I flinched slightly losing a bit of color to my face. "Fine. I- whatever." I blinked hard wrapping my arms around myself as Tyler stalked off without a backward glance.

I swallowed and after a moment decided to follow him. I watched from a distance as Tyler punched a tree and fell to his knees breathing hard.

"Goddamnit!" He shouted.

Did, did Owen say something to him? I wondered biting my thumb nail. Tyler leaned into the tree and touched his face laughing with slight hysteria.

"I'm so fucking dirty," he muttered letting his head fall into the tree. My heart clenched at the sight as he wiped his cheeks huffing.

I turned away feeling bad for following him now. That was not something he wanted me to see. I walked back to the house, and looked up. It was quiet, and I hated it.

Alex and Jax should be goofing off, Kealan should be arguing with someone, Colten should be getting his fat ass stuck in a window... instead it was almost eerie.

They need to get over it... how should I cheer everyone up? A gunshot made my heart grow cold. It sounded like it came from behind me, where Tyler was.

I hesitated. It could be many things, but the first thing that came to mind was Tyler hurting himself. So, like the injured idiot I was, I ran over.

The scene before me made me freeze. Tyler was yelling angrily at Owen, who was smirking holding a gun in hand. I swept my eyes over Tyler, and I noticed a hand holding his arm tightly, blood sliding down into the grass.

"Not another step, don't come near me." Tyler warned, and I stood frozen. I expected many things from Tyler, but to hear his voice shake, that was not one of them.

"Since when were you such a coward?" Owen asked, his voice surprisingly light and teasing. "November made me realize something, I should try to put the family back together, starting with my favorite brother."

Tyler flinched. Actually flinched. "Like hell would

Owen was on Tyler in a flash, pressing the point of the gun so tightly to Tyler's throat, that he couldn't speak.

"Do you remember what I told you yesterday Tyler? I meant every word."

All the color drained from Tyler's face, and I realized my assumption had been right. Something Owen said, had been enough to completely rock Tyler's world.

I stepped back, and Owen paused. "I know you're there November, move and I'll shoot. I want Tyler, but I want you more."

Hearing my name made panic come into Tyler's eyes. Owen chuckled mockingly. "You mean you love someone other than me now? Tyler you hurt me deeply."

I bit my lip. "I heard that gun shot, the others will have too."

Owen turned his head and smiled at me. "They're a little... preoccupied. I knew they would be shaken up, so I cut my losses yesterday and decided to just grab both you and Tyler today. Win win really." Owen slowly stood off Tyler and pointed the gun at me. "Come here November."

I glared at him with all I had and obeyed walked until I stood before him. He smiled and cupped my cheek. My face twisted in disgust.

Owen's face hardened at that, but he scoffed and turned his head to Tyler. "Get up."

Tyler stood achingly slow and glared at Owen. "I hate you." Tyler promised.

Owen's upper lip curled. "We'll see about that."

Tyler, once again, flinched. My eyes widened in realization. "Don't you dare touch him." I warned slightly horrified.

Owen shrugged and kept the gun pointed firmly at me. "He didn't seen to mind when he hit puberty."

Tyler spat at Owen, and it hit his cheek. "Congratulations, you raped a thirteen year old and forced him to like it, you won the grand prize, a no return trip to hell." Tyler droned sarcastically.

Owen backhanded Tyler with the gun, and he stumbled back tripping and landed on his butt.

I didn't date move. "Stop it, please." The words were torn from my lips before I could stop them. "Please, don't hurt him."

Owen's face was hard as he grabbed my chin and forced my to look in his eyes. "No more trouble."

My lower lip trembled. "No more trouble." I repeated. Tyler stood, pure hatred in his eyes, but he stopped speaking.

How on earth had Tyler lived with Owen that long?

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