Chapter 2. Knight in shining armour

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"I'm Jax's tutor, lovely to meet more of his wonderful family." I said dryly running my eyes along the tattoos on their arms.

The taller, dark brown haired one, offered me a hand. "Ryder." He said simply.

I took his hand and smiled brightly as he crushed my hand in his bruising grip. "Nate." I said copying him.

The other one, with dyed blue hair ignored me completely. Jax helped me out. "That's Kealan."

Kealan turned to his clearly younger brother. "If I wanted him to know my name, I would have done it myself." Oh gosh, his voice was like a deep growl.

Even though these guys were clearly going to be assholes, I had to admit, they were hot as hell.

Essie came in and looked between me and her sons nervously. "Well, dinner is ready."

I grinned. Good food, nothing can stop me now! I was about to follow Essie when Ryder grabbed my small wrist.

"You are rather small, for a man."

I raised an eyebrow. "You're kinda big for a human, your point?"

Jax slapped a hand over his face and pulled me away from Ryder. "Come on Nate, you can sit by me." As Jax dragged me along he muttered,

"Could you please not be so sassy in front of them? I feel like we could be friends, and I want my tutor to live."

I smiled cheekily. "I wanna live too."

Wait- is there a threat of dying here?!

I allowed Jax to pull me into a large dining room with eight wooden chairs. Each chair had a different design etched into it.

Jax sat down and tugged me into a chair. I grinned at the steaming bowls of food set out for the five of us currently sitting down to eat.

"Everyone, let's say grace." Essie said elegantly as all of us were seated.

I clapped my hands together. "Grace." I said smoothly and blinked when everyone stared at me.

Essie cleared her throat. "Very well, thank you Nate. We'll dig in." I picked up my fork and watched everyone eat with an air of authority.

Clearly, they're in different circles than me. I realized and tried to copy the way Jax ate.

"So, Nate, how old are you?" Essie asked wiping her mouth with a napkin.

I put my fork down. "Twenty one."

Essie smiled. "Jax is eighteen, Kealan is twenty three and Ryder is twenty four."

I looked at each of them and then looked at my food when the two oldest glared at me.

Jeez, okay.

"Nate, can you tutor me tomorrow too?" Jax asked hesitantly. Ryder choked on his drink and stared at his brother with cold eyes.

"Since when did you like tutors?"

Essie shook her head at Ryder.

"If he likes him, let it be. Jax needs to pass this year if he wants to graduate on time."

Ryder narrowed his eyes at me, I did the same right back to him. "I don't like him, he's suspicious."

I pointed at myself.

"I'm just trying to work here, nothing else. I need the money, but not bad enough that I'll rob you."

Although, it is tempting. I added silently.

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