Chapter 35. Owen is a Psychopath.

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  Trigger warning, very light none consensual touching.

I watched Tyler's face as he slept. We were both in the same room, hand cuffed to each side of a large bed. The room was a decent size, curtains were open showing a view of a grassy area.

The walls were grey, and the floor was a soft white carpet. If was about as good as it gets when you've been kidnapped.

Now, back to Tyler. The red bruise from Kealan was nothing compared to when Owen had hit him. With a fucking gun. It looked painful, maybe that's why his face twisted in agony as he slept.

I leaned my head back uncomfortably into the pole of the canopy bed and felt a low sigh escape my lips. I had woken up an hour ago, and tried to break the pole connected to the handcuff, and it hasn't worked.

I ended up just hurting my foot. There had also been no Owen in the past hour, to my joy. It was silent, and the door to the bedroom had been closed shut tightly.

Tyler groaned, making my eyes snap to him as he slowly rose holding a hand over his eye. The one with a nasty purple bruise. "Tyler?" I called tentatively.

His body locked up and his head snapped up. "Shit, fuck, damnit-"

"Tyler, calm down-"

"I am fucking calm!"

Okay then... "I've been awake for about an hour now. No visitors."

Tyler nodded and glared at the hand stuck in a handcuff. He pulled experimentally and looked furious when it seemed it would not give any time soon.

"Tyler..." I called softly seeing a slight panic setting in his eyes. He didn't look at me like I had hoped, he kept his gaze on the floor.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked then winced realizing this was not the time, and, this was Tyler we were talking about.

Now Tyler looked at me and scoffed. "Talk about what exactly? You want me to tell you all about how he, 'raped' me? Or maybe how I was lonely or some shit? How I'm fucking terrified for me and you at the moment?" Tyler asked his voice high with hysteria and sarcasm.

I raised an eyebrow. "What with the air quotes around rape? You said you were raped."

Tyler pressed his lips together. "Yeah, I said that, but it's not really true. I liked it November, so how should I call it rape?"

I glared at him. "Tyler Knight if I was over there, I'd be hitting you."

Tyler waved his free hand in dismissal. "And I would like it. There's a reason I'm a fucking masochist, Owen helped me with that. Along with me being sadist, those things weren't natural for me." He paused and met my eyes.

"The constant pain of him taking me and making me like it forced me to eventually actually like the pain. And being a sadist came with all the fucking people I've killed and tortured." Tyler finished looking disgusted.

"Tyler, you just said forced, doesn't that make it rape?" I asked softly.

Tyler looked stunned for a moment, before he shook it off. "I said, I liked it." He repeated.

I swallowed. "Was this before or after you said no?" I said slowly.

Tyler didn't say anything. I inhaled sharply. "Tyler, if you fucking said no, than it was rape. He didn't have consent. That's what makes it rape, I'm very, very insulted to all the people who have been raped or hurt because of others. Hell, some people don't even get the chance to say no, that doesn't mean the person doing it had their consent."

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