Bonus scene from book 1. Shower.

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  Colten's pov.

  I stomped away from them to shower feeling angry and annoyed. What is wrong with Tyler?! I might be his brother, and we're both dudes!

Even though those last two statements were repeated in my head constantly, I couldn't deny that I had thought about Tyler too.

Those big hands with long fingers, tattoos and muscles for days, his amused eyes, and hungry mouth-

"Cold shower. Cold, very cold shower." I decided stepping into the nearest bathroom throwing my clothes off without even bothering to close the door all the way.

I stepped into the large shower and turned it on ducking my head under the water and placing my hand on the tiled wall. I need to get it together, because Tyler sure isn't. I perked up. "He's sick, that's right, he's probably delirious!"

I paused. Just like he was at the night carnival when he was feeling you up? My brain reminded me. Thanks a lot brain, your assistance was not necessary.

I paused hearing footsteps and looked out back into the bathroom. Tyler. Naked. "TYLER, THE FUCK, WHY ARE YOU NAKED?" I screeched as he the walked right into the damn shower grinning.

He had a piercing on his chest, and had more tattoos then I thought. Tyler smirked, and I panicked. "GET THE FUCK OU- ahhh~"

Wait, did I just moan? Why the fuck did I just - I reached down falling back against the shower wall as Tyler's mouth took me in deeper.

"S-shit-" I gasped grabbing at his hair pulling. That only made him groan, which made me shiver in delight. I squeezed my eyes closed panting. Tyler reached up trailing a hand up my chest as he turned the water warmer.

Sweat trailed down my neck as I panted when Tyler paced himself extremely slow. I covered my mouth sliding down the wall ever so slightly.

His tongue, it was so wet, and warm. I squeezed my eyes closed, a small whimper like sound leaving my throat as his teeth scraped the side of my erection.

Tyler looked up at me, slowly swallowing around my cock. I seized back arching against the slick tiles behind me. "Tyler-"

He removed his mouth and kissed my hip. "Say yes,"

I looked down at him, mind fogged, and confused as he rubbed my hips. "Say yes, and I'll continue." Tyler told me.

I blinked hard body almost seeming to be shaking with desire. "Y-yes?" I groaned out.

Tyler was up in a flash. "Good enough,"

In seconds I was out of the shower and we both tumbled into a bed. He crawled over top of me kissing his way up. "Safe word is purple," Tyler told me reaching down and rubbing a hand on my thigh.

My face scrunched up in confusion. "Purple?"

Tyler nodded in my neck. "Right, purple, now fight me, when I touch you, tell me to stop,"

I came down from my high slightly and met those hungry eyes. "You are one kinky bastard-"

He kissed me, tongue sinking into my mouth as I tried to speak. I relaxed, before recalling his demand. Fight me, tell me to stop.

I dug my nails into his back and attempted to pull away. Tyler gasped in delight in my mouth, and grabbed my arms roughly, pinning them above my head.

I arched unable to stop my body from reacting as his thigh slid between my legs. I moaned, and it was muffled due to his dominating tongue.

I bit down on his lip, and tasted blood in my mouth. Tyler yanked his mouth away and kissed my throat smearing blood. I tilted my head back. "Stop Tyler, don't fucking touch me,"

He moaned against my skin and easily held my arms above my head with one hand, his other dipping between my legs.

I gave a soft cry of pleasure. "Tyler, fuck,"

He lifted his head and licked his bleeding lip as I twisted in the sheets. His thumb rubbed against the head of my cock making profanities leave my lips.

"Shit, Tyler, get off me," I breathed eyes closed as he slid his hand up and down. I wasn't entirely sure what I was saying anymore, and I didn't care, as long as I didn't say purple.

In mere moments Tyler had me on my back, and my hands pinned above my head with something that wasn't his hands. I looked up eyes blowing wide. "Tyler, the fuck, when did you get those?" I asked staring at the handcuffs.

A harsh smack to my ass had me burying my face into the sheets groaning. "I'll fucking kill you for this Tyler," I breathed feeling my erection ache at being denied a realise.

Tyler kissed my shoulder blade. "I'd love that." He smacked me again making me gasp. I couldn't deny that my body seemed to like the abuse though. I clenched my teeth to hold back a sound of pleasure at the continuous blows.

"Stop," I moaned, Tyler paused for a moment before he slid my face to the side.

"Can I take you Colten?"

I met his eyes and squeezed my eyes closed. "Hurry the fuck up." I growled. He grinned and obeyed grabbing something from his dresser. The sound of a bottle opening made me tense.

Tyler slid behind me and I cried out from intense sudden pain. My back arched and I turned my head to yell at the bastard ripping my ass in half. "Foreplay asshole!"

Tyler blinked and gave me a look. "That's what we were doing thirty seconds ago."

I hissed in agony when he dared shift to get comfortable. "You were supposed to loosen me up first!"

Tyler leaned forward and I shrieked at the pain it caused. "Now you're the expert brother?"

I felt my face twist. "Don't call me that with your dick in my ass, and second, clearly I know more than you-" my sentence ended in a low moan as Tyler reached down and fisted my desire.

"I want you to feel the burn all week, so you'll know you're mine." Tyler whispered.

I groaned when his movements eased and didn't hurt as much. At least he lubed his fucking cock before he forced himself into me.

"Damn sadist." I gasped.

Tyler sank his teeth into my shoulder. "Whiney bottom." He groaned thrusting into me. Stars filled my vision and I arched my back wishing my hands were free so I could touch him.

"Colten," Tyler breathed out kissing my neck as I whimpered, his hand moving faster.

In seconds, it was over, and he panted on top of me. I sagged into the bed.

"Fuck, I'm going to get sick, aren't I?"

Tyler slowly eased off me. "Probably."

A knock sounded and Luca peaked his head in. "Can I join in for round two?"

I groaned. "No round two."

Tyler grinned. "Yes, come on in."


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