Chapter 3. Failed attempts.

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  A small whimper left my lips as I shifted and stretched. My brows rose in confusion as I slowly began to wake up. I was warm, and heat surrounded me.

There were two arms wrapped around my waist, and the blankets - wait. Two arms wrapped around my waist?!

My eyes shot open and I rubbed my eyes before meeting two icy blue ones. "Morning." His voice was soft, yet deep and masculine.

I inhaled anxiously. "Winter..."

I'm in bed. With a stranger.

Mom would be kicking my ass right now. And goodness knows all my dad's would flip.

"Everything alright Horae?" Oh gosh, his voice was like a low purr. I sat up and froze again. I was wearing a tank top and underwear.

I recall drinking last night, changing, and falling into a bed. That's about it though. Details are blurry.

"Fine... bathroom?"

Winter pointed to a door and I quickly rushed over, his eyes drilling holes into my back. I placed my hands into my hair and froze. My backpack, where did that end up? It has my phone.

I looked around the bathroom and saw a packaged toothbrush and some other girly supplies. A razer, deodorant, and even some chapstick. They are far too prepared. I thought dryly and took my time showering.

Once I was dressed and comfortable I walked out and paused. Right in front of the door was a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. Okay, thoughtful, or creepy.

I went back into the bathroom and changed before exiting the bedroom. I walked down a small hallway and ended up in a living room.

Zomer was typing on a computer, and waved at me. "Morning!"

I hesitantly waved back. "Morning, have you seen my backpack?"

A more calculating look took over his friendly one. "On the dining room table." He pointed to the left. I turned and walked over picking it up. Haru sat at the table, eating something that resembled oatmeal.

I sifted through my bag and froze. No phone. Crap, so... they don't intend to just let me leave if I want too huh?

"Where's Kharif?" I asked Haru slowly. He pointed at a door.

"Down stairs in the cafe."

I smiled sweetly. "Do you care if I say hello?"

Haru shrugged. "I don't care. I didn't think you liked him though."

I don't. Hate his guts. I just wanna bust out.

I smiled and walked over to the door easing out. I made my down and looked around. The cafe was still closed, and Kharif was no where in sight.

Grinning I did a victory dance all the way to the door happily going out. I slid my backpack on and inhaled the morning air.

My freedom and journey was back on! I ran down the side wall smiling at my success and genuineness. I'd have to get a bus, and get out of here. Or maybe the train!

After a good long time of walking, my stomach growled loudly. I entered a crowded shop and ran my eyes over the shelves. Grabbing a bagel and some fruit I walked into line to buy my food.

"If you were that hungry, you could have asked for some food." Winter murmured in my ear pleasantly.

I turned slowly my eyes going wide. Holy shit!!

"H-hi!" I said smiling. "Uh, yup, just hungry."

His all knowing eyes crinkled as he grabbed between my arm and elbow gently, leading me forward as the line shifted. "I know females are needy, so just let me know when you're hungry." His voice was kind, but the threat under his sugar coated words was there.

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