Chapter 9. Melt

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  "I told you, she was no good." Kharif said sharply glaring down at me, his expression surprisingly pale. I glared back, not amused at being tied to a fricking chair.

Winter said nothing to Kharif's words, and I looked at Haru. He looked betrayed for some reason, I still don't know why, I made it clear I didn't want to be here.

Zommer was staring down at his phone, not happy either. I sighed. "Can I have my phone call now?"

The four boys looked at me with matched faces of disbelief. "You were told to seduce and leave." Kharif snapped. I rolled my eyes.

"I was told, if I did this, I could have a phone call." Winter turned and sent a cold smile while grabbing my chin. I gulped, still used to the honeyed words, and not his new frosty tone.

I held in a wince as he held my face tightly. "If you're going to lie and run off, I see no reason to listen to a word you ask of me." Winter said softly.

I glared. "You said-"

His hand tightened, making me pause in my complaint. Winter learned down, and I froze as he began whispering in my ear.

"You're nothing to us right now, so don't argue."

My breath caught in surprise. Winter let go of my face, and I swallowed. "Let's go get a drink, we finished our mission anyway." Zommer told his partners.

Kharif sent me one last disgusted look before the four of them disappeared and I was left alone unable to move.

I tried to pull my arms free from the binds, and winced as the ropes scraped my skin. I huffed in frustration and listened to the time tick by.

As the door to the room I was in opened, I gave another half hearted tug. Winter watched me struggle, saying nothing. "I despise you people." I muttered bitterly.

I had left home hoping for freedom, and received the opposite. More chains. Winter walked over and leaned over to get something from behind me.

I tensed as his white shirt pressed near my face and he untied me slowly. I couldn't help but notice he smelled amazing.

The ropes fell from my wrists and Winter slowly stood upright. "Follow me." His tone was still ice cold, and I longed to hear his sweet tone of voice, even if it was fake.

I followed Winter as he opened the door and lead me down the hall. Anxiety made me touch my stomach as I noticed the room we were going in.

His bedroom.

I gulped as he opened the door and motioned for me to enter first. I hesitantly stepped inside the black room, him walking in slowly behind me.

I jumped as the door closed, and I spun around to meet his blue eyes in the dark. "Winter-"

"Why can't you just do what you're told?" He asked coldly, advancing forward. I stepped back, his promise not to hurt me forgotten due to the fear rising.

"I'm not a doll." I told him willing my heart to stop pounding. Winter's smile was like the flash of a sharp blade in the dark, and he moved forward until our fronts just barely brushed.

"But you will be."

His words made me flinch in surprise, and I glared at him. "No." I snapped.

He reached out and encased my upper arms in his strong grasp. "There's that word again," he dipped his lips into my throat, making my body stiffen as I tensed. "If it were up to me, you'd never say that again."

I swallowed. "Good thing it's not, I don't intend to do anything you ask of me, ever again."

A low sound left his throat, and I pulled free stumbling back. The back of my knees hit the bed as he advanced. My fingers shook as he grabbed the front of my shirt holding me still.

"You are so much trouble." Winter mused reaching up to touch my cheek. I smacked his hand away. His eyes darkened. "Yet so irresistible."

I tensed and looked away from him. "Please let me go home." I pleaded softly, figuring I should at least try.

When Winter was silent, I looked up at him just in time to be shoved onto the bed. I gasped as my back hit the covers.

I turned to roll over and jump off, but Winter grabbed my hips forcing me back onto my back. I glared at him struggling as he held me in place. "Get off you bastard! I don't want to help you!" I yelled kicking and pulling.

Winter made a sound of irritation and pulled my arms over my head before sitting on my kicking legs. "You will do as I say -"

"Fuck you!" I screeched chest heaving. Winter stared down at me, lips curling in distaste.

"Do you ever, think about your words before you say them?" Winter asked cooly. I glared.

"I take after my mother, and Tyler." I snapped. Winter bent down and I tensed as he found his way into my neck again. "W-what are you doing?" My lips trembled, and I pulled on my arms to no avail.

"You talk big game, you Knights always have, I wonder, if you'll melt." His voice was like dripping chocolate, and I shivered surprised at his sudden change.

"Melt?" I questioned nervously. 

Lips moving along my throat made my eyes widen in shock. They were warm, and intoxicating. Winter moved along my neck at a slow pace, before slowly sucking on my pulse.

I had read, all the shit you can think of, but a boy had never before touched me, leaving me unprepared to deal with Winter's sudden assault of sensual touches.

A low whimper left my lips as Winter sucked on my skin, squeezing my wrists. He opened his mouth and swallowed against my neck sending a hot shiver along my body. "W-winter, what are, what are you doing?" I asked shaking, and why does it feel so good?

His large body moved, he still held my wrists, but his legs shifted, one slipping between my thighs as he gave a playful nip.  A soft cry left me before I could stop it. I hated myself for how sexual and lost it sounded.

Winter made his way to my collarbone, and he ran his nose down my chest. I squeezed my eyes closed. "W-wait," I breathed trying to shift away. This only made his leg nudge between my thighs. I gasped and my back arched.

"Winter, stop," my voice cracked, and he climbed off me calmly. I hated him for how unaffected he looked. I slapped a hand over my neck embarrassed.

I stilled as relaxation came over me. I melted.

Winter leaned on the bed post, a small smile on his lips. "What was it you said, about not being affected by my words and touches?"

Disgust filled me. "Fuck me."

Winter looked me over. "That mouth, is certainly trouble."

I clicked my tongue and looked away. "Screw you."

Winter looked amused. "I'm very tempted to take you up on all these offers."

I felt small as I looked away from him on the bed. "Leave me alone."

Winter laughed lightly, back to his usual soothing sound, and he climbed back onto the bed, touching my exposed throat. "I forgot how young you are." 

I glanced at him. "You're a year older."

He shook his head. "Mentally, I'm ages ahead."

I sniffed. "Good for you."

Winter ran his hands up my arms and grabbed my shoulders. "That mouth of yours..." I tensed as his eyes dipped to my lips.

I glanced at his in return. Shiiit. Fuck me.

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