Chapter 25. Dog In A Heat

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  I had expected most of my family to hate the guys, but it turned out to be quite the opposite. Colten and Tyler were playing some strange game with Haru, who seemed to have gotten over his fear.

Winter was having a deep discussion with Owen and Ryder, and it appeared as though Winter was being civil, which was great.

Zomer was messing around with Luca, I didn't know what to expect to come out of that.

And finally Kharif, sweet dear Kharif, he looked like he wanted to kill himself.

Nearly every one in the house was screaming, (particularly Colten and Jax) and he didn't seem to like it one bit. Even my mom, who I knew could get quite wild, was arguing with Kealan, who looked as though he was enjoying it.

I grabbed Kharif's covered arm and smiled cheekily. "Want to see my old room?"

He glanced down at my, lips turning down. "No, no I can't say that I do," he told me and looked away blankly.

I frowned. "It will be silent up there," I coaxed, and I got him, hook line and sinker. Plan seduce Kharif was a go.

"Fine," he agreed, eager to get away from the noise as Colten let out a battle cry and tackled Tyler, rolling across the floor and knocking things over, Haru cheering them on.

(I miss my guys! 😭, but I love Kharif, 😌)

Kharif followed me up the stairs, and I led him into a Paris themed room. He looked around, lip curling up. "You're such a girl," he told me, and I closed the door shrugging.

"Yeah well, you're such a guy for not liking it," I pointed out, and he shook his head.

"I never said I didn't like it," he sat down on my bed, and that was his first mistake. I eased forward and sat beside him, touching his thigh and biting my bottom lip lightly.

"Why are you always horny?" Kharif asked dryly, and I shot to my feet, cheeks blazing.

"I- I am not!"

Kharif ran his eyes over me lazily. "You've been trying to get into my pants since the day we met."

I huffed and crossed my arms. "Well, you haven't let me, so-"

Kharif raised an eyebrow. "I believe I did, your hand did in fact go down my pants." I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Maybe I don't remember,"

Kharif met my gaze. "I swear, you have only two emotions, 'I'm a badass,' and 'please, someone fuck me' don't you agree?"

I pointed a finger at him. "Yeah well, at least I'm not always grumpy like you!"

Kharif shrugged. "I'd rather be grumpy than a dog in a heat -"

I jumped on top of him, and he fell back into the bed, laughing. Kharif of all people, was laughing.
I scowled and grew determined to make him regret mocking me.

Kharif was going to get it, and soon. I sat on his hips, glaring, and Kharif met my gaze, calming. "Did I offend you?"

I ground my teeth together. "Yes, you did in fact offend me," I snapped.

Kharif rolled his eyes. "This is what you get for always pissing me off," he told me cooly.

I scoffed and pouted. "You're mean," I told him and placed my hands on his shoulders, leaning down a little.

Kharif tensed and met my eyes. "Now isn't the time for this, July,"

I let one of my hands fall from his shoulders and slid down his chest achingly slow, going down to his v-line. "Hmm? I'm always horny aren't I? So I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to do this,"

Kharif tensed. "July, your family -" he stopped and squeezed his eyes closed when I traced the outline of his cock through his pants.

The door to my room burst open and Keykey grinned, wearing nothing more than a tank top and booty shorts. "Oh, sorry, I didn't know you were getting into it with your mans,"

I climbed off Kharif, who hissed when my knee bumped into his erection. "It's fine, he didn't want it anyway,"

Kharif glared at me, but I ignored him and placed my arms through Keykey's. She was like a sister to me.

"How's it been?"

Keykey shrugged and looked at her nails, which were similar to something the pop singers she liked would wear.

"Hmm, good, bad, lots of screaming, you know, the norm. Oh, I did get this really hot girl in bed with me, her pussy was-"

"Good lord, not another one," Kharif muttered behind us, and I smirked.

"You're just jealous, if you want some good pussy, you know where to-"

"Enough, July," Kharif warned me and went down the stairs, eager to get away from me. I shrugged and Keykey wiggled her eyebrows.

"He's hot, but the Dutch one is more my type if I'm feeling like dick," Keykey told me and grinned. "Have you tapped any yet?"

I shrugged and dug through my drawers, eager to get more of my things for when I went back with them. "Yeah, sort of, Winter, the blue eyed one with white hair," I paused and blushed. "Goodnight, when he starts up, it's awesome. He has this whole domination, consent with no consent thing."

Keykey giggled and sat on my bed. "I'm happy for you,"

I nodded and began throwing things into a bag. I heard a knock on my door and looked up. Kharif was back!

I jumped to my feet, giddy, which he noticed and scowled, not in the mood. "July," he looked ill, and I supposed the crazy atmosphere was really getting to him.

I smiled and decided to have mercy. "Kharif, would you like to go on a walk with me?"

He looked relieved. "I suppose," Kharif's words made me giggle.

"Alright, there's this really nice park,"

Yo, do you remember when Keykey was innocent?! I think we all know who ruined that.

OH, and for those who you who haven't checked out my new vampire book yet, you should! ❤

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