Chapter 32. Night to remember.

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  "I don't know why we're sneaking out, the front door was right in front of us." Tyler complained as we entered the bright carnival.

Colten shook his head. "Then we couldn't have pretended to be super spies."

I touched my heart. "Yeah Tyler, don't be a dream crusher."

Tyler smiled slightly and gave in. I grabbed his hand and leaned on his shoulder as some teans ran past us.

I inhaled and smiled. Popcorn, cotton candy, rust, and Tyler's amazing cologne. "Are you sniffing me?" Tyler asked curiously.

I ruffled his hair. "Mmhmm."

Colten grabbed my free hand and yanked me from Tyler. "I smell great too." I smiled and was indeed about to see about that, when Tyler moved his face into Colten's neck and sniffed dramatically.

"Damn, you do smell good, what are you using?" Tyler asked nodding. Colten looked annoyed at Tyler getting in his way, again, but also seemed pleased about the praise.

"I want to play games!" Luca announced interrupting the sniff fest. I smiled and turned from Colten and Tyler who were having a very serious discussion.

"Let's go." I grabbed his hand and we walked over to the first game he wanted. Luca reached out and tossed the rings on the targets with ease.

I smiled delighted to see the owner of the game looking annoyed. "Alright! What do you want as your prize?" I asked Luca shaking his shoulder.

"The fish."

Luca was handed a furious looking bagged fish, and he smiled. "Sushi."

I blanched. "Sushi?! It's a pet!" I exclaimed. Luca looked at me in surprise.

"Not to eat?"

I waved my arms around. "Do you see me barbecuing my cat Sora?"

Luca tilted his head to the side. "I don't like barbecue sauce."

I sighed and rubbed my face. "It's a friend, not food."

Luca seemed to recall something and he smiled brightly. "Fishes are friends, not food. Got it!"

I hesitated but gave in. "Yes."

Luca lifted his fish. "I'm calling him Bento."

I blinked. "Bento? But that's literally - ... Bento it is."

"November, why did you leave with the dog?" Colten complained, Tyler standing behind him.

I shrugged. "I figured you two needed to talk more about how you smelled."

A woman wearing a red heart hat walked over and handed Luca and I a flyer, and Tyler and Colten one. "We're having a contest with couples, you four should do it!"

I grinned with excitement and Colten looked green. "You mean me and him?" Colten asked mentioning to Tyler.

The woman smiled. "We're very open to any couples-"

"He's my brother!"

The woman flushed. "I'm so sorry-"

Tyler pouted and wrapped his arms around Colten. "Don't say that baby~"

Colten shrieked like no one's business when Tyler placed his hand up his shirt. "STOP GODDAMN MOLESTING ME!" He screamed and ducked behind me.

Unable to help it, I giggled and saw the lady looked  utterly disgusted with Tyler.

"Touching your brother like that is unacceptable!"

Tyler raised an eyebrow. "Lady, I don't give a damn about a single word that could come out of your ugly mouth. I'll touch my brother of I goddamn want-"

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