Chapter 10. Phoenix.

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  I stepped back horrified as my uncle simply smiled and sent me a crazed look. "Nova, there isn't anyone else, your family is dead, it's our job to keep the line going."

I felt nausea bubble up in my throat. "We're related, you're my uncle."

He stepped forward, invading more of my dark bedroom. "I've been left with your father's legacy, his money, and his gang. You have to do what I tell you too."

I shook my head and stumbled over the rug as I stepped back. "I'm not doing anything!"

"You are entitled to keep this family going strong and pure! I didn't sacrifice everything for you to tell me no. We're a family November, and I need you to give me a child."

"You're crazy! Stay away from me!" My back hit my bed, and I remembered the knife my best friend Phoenix had given me a day prior.

"November, don't be difficult." I let him advance as I slipped my hand under my pillow, undoing the sheath around the knife.

He cupped my face and smiled when I stood stool. His vile smelling breath made me gag. He smelled like a bar. "Good girl -" I lifted my hand with swiftness and stabbed his heart before he could even flinch. As I pulled the knife out, the smell of blood made me gasp.

He stared at me, and I looked back with wide eyes. My uncle stumbled back touching his chest stunned. "No-November-"

As he fell to the ground, the door opened. Phoenix walked in and looked at my stricken face.

"Nova, give me the knife." Phoenix reached his hand out, to take the blade from my shaking one.

"I- I didn't want too! I, he was, I didn't -"

Phoenix shook his head telling me to be silent and pulled out his gun. He shot uncle in the chest once, twice, three, then four times. Blood landed on my cheeks and bare legs.

I stared shaking at the sight before me. Phoenix wiped the knife down before stabbing uncle in the same place I did.

My breath caught in my throat as he stood and dropped the blade. "November, if anyone asks, I did this. Understood? I was greedy and took over the gang. Got it?" I stared at my uncle as Phoenix walked over and grabbed my chin with bloody hands.

"November!" I gasped and met his eyes.


He placed his forehead on mine and inhaled deeply gently stroking my face with bloody hands.

"I'm sorry I let this happen." I smiled and relaxed slightly. At least my best friend always had my back.

"It's okay, thank you for being there for me. You're the best friend I could ever ask for."

Phoenix held my face near his and smiled. "Nova, we don't have to be friends anymore, now that your uncle is gone, we can lead this gang. The two of us, together."

I faltered, lips parting. "Phoenix, you're eighteen, I'm only fifteen."

Phoenix laughed and pressed his nose against mine. "Nova, we're in a gang, does that really matter?"

I hesitated. "I don't see you that way, you're my friend, that's it."

Phoenix froze and pulled back, eyes wild.

Something inside him snapped that day, and our lives were never the same.

Two years later.

A sharp smack to my cheek made my head turn to the side. I looked at Phoenix outraged as he glared down at me.

"Do you have any idea how embarrassing it is to see you staring at other men?!"

I shook my head. "I swear I wasn't -" another smack made tears come to my eyes.

"I don't want to hear another word coming out of your mouth! Just sit there and think about what you've done!" Phoenix shouted.

Tears ran down my eyes, and I slid down the wall. I buried my face between my knees sobbing.

Phoenix paused.

"Nova, baby," he knelt down and forced me into his arms while I fought him. I grew exhausted quickly and panted in his grip.

That is what happens when you aren't fed, you have no strength to fight creeps.

"I'm sorry, I went over board again, say you'll forgive me."

I stiffened. It was either lie, or get hurt.

"I forgive you." I lied.

That man you got mad about, he's going to help me escape you. Goodbye Phoenix. I hope to never see you again.

"November!" Someone shouting my name made me sit up. I wiped away sweat from my forehead and looked up at Kealan. "You were screaming."

I nodded and wiped my eyes. "What time is it?"

Oh gosh, it's been a long time since I thought about my past. I had it buried until these stupid people made me dig it back up.

The last thing I need is to be stuck in another gang.

"It's five in the morning."

I looked around gasping for breath. I touched my throat surprised. I'm freaking myself out, I need to calm down.

"November, what's wrong? Did you have a bad dream?" I looked at Kealan desperate to forgot what I had remembered. I looked on his side table and grabbed a pack of gum.

Kealan raised his eyebrows. "What are you doing-" I pressed the gum between his teeth and placed a piece in my own mouth.

I quickly knocked Kealan over and straddled him leaning down, my long black hair acting as a curtain.

Kealan met my eyes with his usual calmness. "So it was a bad dream."

I reached up and unbuttoned the dress shirt Colten had given me yesterday. Kealan said nothing as I sat on him wearing a tank top.

I threw the shirt across the room and bent down kissing Kealan firmly.

He sighed into my mouth and grabbed my hips. Other than that, he didn't move. He let me kiss him, run my hands under shirt and along his impressive abs, but he didn't kiss back.

I explored his mouth completely before pulling back and staring down at him. "I hate that you're so sensible."

Kealan smiled. "One of us has to be."

I pulled back and rolled onto my back, arm over my eyes as tears streamed silently from them.

"November, talk to me." Kealan said simply.

  So, I told him everything. All my secrets, and all my fears. Because Kealan already proved he would keep my secrets as long as I did.

Besides, he far from being Phoenix, that I know for sure.

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