Chapter 13. Ketchup and Mayonnaise

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 For DAddyslittleKqty 😉



NayNayR80 💕

I was sitting at a table with four chairs, Winter, Kharif, Zomer, and me were all together. Feeling the warm icy gaze of Winter, I squirmed in my seat.

His lips rose and he waved down the waiter. I watched with narrowed eyes as he murmured something to him. The young adult nodded and scurried off swiftly.

I raised an eyebrow at the events that just unfolded, but was distracted as Kharif took a drink of water. I sighed and watched his muscles work as the water went down his throat.

"Brat, stop being a creep," Kharif snapped, making Zomer smile warmly at me. I smiled back cheerfully and faltered. Why am I smiling again? What reason did I have to be happy?

As if noticing the sudden change in my mood, Winter placed a cool but burning hand on my thigh.

I made a sound in the back of my throat, not looking at Winter. I wanted to lay my head on the table, but one look around the room had me sitting up straight.

Everyone was dressed to impress, that was for sure. I huffed under my breath, placing a hand under my chin in distaste. I eyed some of the short or exaggerated dresses in disgust.

I'm happy I don't feel the need to put myself in those excuses for clothing. I thought and looked at Zomer as he sighed. "What's wrong?" I asked, words slipping past my lips.

Zomer looked at me, startled at my sudden question. His warm light eyes crinkled as he smiled ever so slightly. "Nothing, I just remembered some thing I have to do when we get home."

I nodded and looked at the hand resting gently on my thigh. It felt weird to be touched like this, but some part of it seemed natural.

"Here is your order, four of the steak and roast potatoes," the waiter placed a steaming plate in front of me. My eyes lit up in delight at the smell coming from the dish.

"I hate potatoes," Zomer sighed and sent Winter a dirty look. Winter picked up his fork.

"Then don't eat them," Winter told him, voice filled with humor. I looked between Zomer and Winter, not sure whether Winter gave Zomer the food he despised on purpose or not.

"If you use ketchup, it might taste better," I advised but scowled when their were no condiments on the table. "What? We're too fancy for some good old processed tomatoes?" I demanded.

Kharif snorted and I shot him a look crossing my arms in irritation. "What? I think there should be a ketchup," I snapped and waved down the waiter.

Zomer covered his face while Kharif looked away from me, face twisting.

"Can we get some ketchup? Wait, no," I looked at Zomer. "He's dutch, can we get some mayonnaise please?"

The waiter raised an eyebrow. "Mayonnaise?" He repeated doubtfully.

"It's fine, July, I'll choke them down," Zomer said looking pained. I glanced up at Winter, wondering if he would say anything, since he had been silent through the whole thing.

Winter laughed, the sound making me look away blushing. Was he laughing at me?! I wondered and slowly looked back up.

Winter had turned his attention to the waiter though, but his thumb rubbed a circle on my covered thigh.

"We'll take some mayonnaise, yes," Winter told him calmly. I bit the inside of my cheek, now embarrassed about my sudden outburst.

I starred at my food inhaling.

"Thank you, July," My head snapped up, and Zomer cut a piece of his steak, gazing at me. "Now I'll be able to stomach the potatoes, my hero."

My face burned. "You're teasing me!" I accused.

Zomer laughed and took a bite of his food, chewing thoughtfully. "Yes, I am, are you angry?"

I touched my burning face and looked away. "Maybe," I grumbled. Kharif looked at me and poked his steak.

"Think they have any mustard, brat?" I choked as Kharif joined in the teasing bandwagon.

"Stop it!" I exclaimed and grabbed my glass, downing the whole glass, hoping it would soothe my burning complexion.

"Here you are," the waiter placed a bowl in front of Zomer. "Anything... else?"

All four men looked at me, and I think I about died. I hid in the nearest place- Winter's arm - and said nothing. "I wanna go home," I grumbled, grumpy.

Winter looked at me, and our eyes met. "You should at least try the food," his lips twitched. "Even if it doesn't have any of your ketchup,"

An odd noise left my lips, almost like a sound a cat would make. "You're all horribly mean," I muttered.

Winter laughed again. "Come on, it's just a little teasing, surely you can handle it?" His voice was a little lower than before. I looked away stubbornly.

"It's a taste of your own medicine brat," Kharif told me blankly. I pulled away from Winter and stuck my tongue out- making Kharif shake his head in distaste.

I picked up my fork and ate the potatoes with a pout on my lips. I paused as Winter bent down to my ear, fingers squeezing my leg. My breath caught in my lungs.

"If you weren't so cute, we wouldn't tease, even Kharif couldn't help but join the fun," Winter murmured.

My face lit up again, and I wiggled away from Winter. "Meanies, the lot of you, horrible, kidnapping, psycho jerks," I muttered under my breath.

The rest of the meal was no better than the first half.

One thought stayed in my mind though,

I couldn't handle them, not when they were like this.

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