Chapter 23. Planning A Trip

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   I had full plans of seducing Kharif this evening, he was totally going to give in, but unfortunately, Winter had to be a party pooper.

For some reason, he felt the need to bring up the fact that Thorne had talked to me, and he wanted to know everything he said.

"Winter, that's it, he didn't really say anything special." I told Winter, making a cup of tea in the kitchen as he stood behind me.

"Why do I doubt that?" Winter asked and watched me with icy eyes.

I looked at him over my shoulder. "It was seriously just your basic villain monologue, he wants revenge. And also may want to tap some of Kharif's fine ass,"

Winter looked at me before glancing at his watch silently. "Winter," I called his name and leaned on the counter, holding my mug with both hands. "I want you to meet my family,"

He looked shocked. I had cracked Winter's mask, and actually made him look dumbfounded. I giggled, Winter quickly regaining his composure.

"Why would you want that?" Winter asked, seeming to dismiss the idea easily. I took a deep breath and pointed at him.

"You've said it yourself, you want me," our eyes met. "Surely, it would be healthier to just be open about this whole thing, and move on." I took a sip of my tea, and Winter looked at me.

"You do know, I'm not going to stop what I'm doing, correct?"

I waved a hand. "As long as you don't force me to get involved, or involve those I love, I honestly don't really give two fucks about what you do." I told him and looked at my tea, staring at my disoriented reflection. "I... just kind of think it's time for this to move to a semi normal thing,"

Winter swept his eyes around the room before walking over and gazing out the window. "That... sounds reasonable,"

I grinned and walked over, bumping my shoulder into his. "It is, isn't it?" He looked down at me, lips rising into a small smile.

"Have you ever met any of my parents personally, Winter?"

His lips turned down. "No,"

I laughed and rested my head on his shoulder. "Are you nervous?" I teased, making Winter glance down at me.

"Nervous? Should I be?"

I looked at him seriously. "You need to be scared of my mother,"

Winter kissed the top of my head. "If she's anything like you, I'm sure I need to be utterly terrified."

I blushed and set my tea on the counter before slowly wrapping my arms around his neck. Winter lifted me up, and set me on the counter, smiling against my mouth when I tried to kiss him.

I pulled back and raised an eyebrow. "Stop smiling, I'm trying to kiss you,"

Winter held back another smile before slowly bending down and gently pressing his lips to mine, which wasn't anything like the other times we had kissed.

I eagerly moved my mouth against his, fingers moving into his hair as he bit down on my bottom lip gently.

Then, for some odd reason, he pulled back. "Where are you going?" I whined and held his hair tightly, trying to pull him back.

Winter placed his forehead on mine. "I thought you were going to seduce Kharif?"

I giggled. "Yeah, I do want too seduce Kharif, but right now I want to kiss you," Winter laughed, the sound warm and soft.

"So needy,"

I have him a cheeky smile. "You haven't seen anything yet, just you wait Winter." I tried to kiss him, but he avoided my mouth. I made a sound of frustration, making his smile grow.

"Must you constantly tease me?!" I demanded, and Winter touched my bottom lip with his thumb, slowly dipping it inside.

"You haven't seen anything yet, just you wait July," he copied my words, and I bit his thumb lightly before running my tongue along the side.

Zomer whistled and opened the fridge, getting a glass of milk. "Don't mind me," he said, amused.

Winter slowly pulled his thumb out of my mouth and gazed at Zomer. "What do you think of meeting July's family?"

Zomer choked on his milk. "W-what? When?!"

Winter looked at his watch. "In, eight hours?"

Zomer finished his milk like a shot and looked at me briefly before staring at Winter. "Are you joking? You must be,"

Winter looked Zomer in the eye and raised an eyebrow, making the Dutch man blink. "Okay, so you're serious, does Haru or Kharif know?"

I shook my head and grinned. "Nope, Winter just found out too."

Zomer ran a hand through his hair and gazed at me. "Do you want to do the honors of telling them?" He asked, and I frowned.

"Haru will be so scared, maybe he shouldn't go," I mumbled, making Zomer laugh.

"I'm sure you can comfort him," Winter told me, sounding amused.

I nodded and pulled my hands out of his hair, placing them on my thighs. I tried to hold in a giggle at a sudden thought, but failed.

"What is so funny?" Zomer asked curiously.

I stifled a laugh. "Nothing much really, just imagining Kharif being all sassy and grumpy, and thinking about how my dads will react." I told them, and Winter snorted.

I slid around Winter and hopped off the counter. "I'm going to find Kharif,"

Winter leaned against the counter. "I'd say be nice, but that's not possible between you two."

I grinned and skipped to Kharif's room, opening the door and finding him on the bed, reading a book. "Kharif, we're going to visit my family!"

His lips twisted. "The fuck we are,"

I clapped my hands before crawling into the bed, until I was sitting between his legs. "Yes, we can fuck before we go, don't beg Kharif, that's beyond you." I batted my lashes at him.

"Get out," he snapped.

I tilted my head to the side. "You're so tense, let me help-"

I was thus banned from his room, not that I'd listen to such a silly and ridiculous rule.

We all know Kharif secretly loves my full attention.

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