Chapter 11. "I want you."

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  Seconds tick by, instead of fighting, is was silent other than one of my painful coughs. I rubbed my arms up and down until my hands ached.

My head bowed as I looked at the blanket at my waist. After cheerful Haru left, the realisation had come. Someone just tried to kill me.

I almost died.

I looked up at Kharif, who was looking out the window, seemingly bored. "Why Kharif? Who was that? Why did they try to kill me?" I asked tentatively.

Kharif drifted those brown eyes to me and seemed to consider whether or not he would answer me. I glanced at my hands and swallowed.

"I think, I deserve to know, what mess you people dragged me into." I said softly and lifted my head making eye contact. Kharif sighed.

"Fine, Winter might get mad, but however much you are a brat, you do deserve to know all the more." Kharif told me and leaned his head back against the wall. "I should have known, Winter suddenly getting tied with work, and with me out of the count, something would happen. I don't know who it was." Kharif admitted looking peeved.

I frowned. "Cameras?"

Kharif's face twisted. "We're not stupid, and neither are they. Cameras blacked out."

I bit my lip anxiously. "But why?" I cried leaning forward. Why would Someone take my life?

Kharif looked away from me and frowned. "We've ruined a good number of people's lives, maybe they're returning the favor."

I snorted. "I mean nothing to you, and don't do anything for you, I shouldn't have been a target."

Kharif stared at me long and hard. "You, are wrong about that."

I blinked. "Which part?"

Kharif stood and walked over to the window crossing his arms. I lifted my legs over the bed. "Kharif, which part?" I asked more firmly, struggling to rise off the bed while his back was turned.

"Don't worry your little head about it." Kharif told me blankly. I stumbled as I stood upright and Kharif turned.

"Fuck," he cursed catching me. His hands burned my waist with their heat, and I looked up at him surprised. After a moment, I grabbed his shoulders as he none too gently put me on the bed before rushing off.

I watched stunned as he opened the door to the bathroom connected to the room, and threw up. I watched mystified. "I thought you were better," I called as it let up.

Kharif sneered as he glanced at me. "I get sick when I touch people." My jaw dropped.

"You were sick this week, was it because you touched me at the party? You were the one puking, weren't you?"

Kharif nodded. "Yes-" he bent down puking again. I watched and faltered. He caught me just now, knowing what would happen.

"Why does this happen to you Kharif?"

His head hung as he bent over the toilet, and those brown eyes turned slightly to glance at me. "I told you, my mother was a prostitute who let people rape me, that should explain everything."

My already pale face lost its color in remembrance. He did tell me that, no wonder anyone touching him makes him ill. No wonder he talks to older people nicely. I realized.

The door opened, and I stiffened seeing Winter. He glanced at me, then at Kharif, and let out a low sigh. "Kharif, thank you, I've got her from here on." Winter told him.

Kharif almost seemed to tense before he nodded and left without a backward glance. I shifted and looked at the ground nervously. Which Winter am I going to deal with? Sickly sweet, or sharp and cold? Both are kind of terrifying.

"July," Winter grabbed my chin, and he didn't have to move my face. I looked up at him stunned. He just said my name, he's never done that before.

"Winter." I said softly digging my nails into the blankets anxiously. He sighed again and sat on the bed, right beside me so we were eye to eye.

"How are you feeling?"

My lips parted. "Uhm, my head hurts, and my stomach feels like it's trying to kill me." I admitted softly, in that moment choosing not to be a sassy bitch.

Winter nodded and stroked his thumb over my cheekbone. I tensed and met his eyes. "Please don't touch me like before." I said rather sharply.

Winter's thumb paused. "And how was I touching you exactly?" My lips trembled.

"Like I was a cheap toy."

Winter leaned over and I froze as he kissed the side of my neck before pulling back. "I won't. I've also decided to leave your parents alone."

A noise escaped my lips and I leaned forward looking into his eyes. "What?" Was all I could think to ask due to my shock.

Winter slid a hand up into my hair. "I said I wanted to punish them, and I realized I was already doing that. It just took a while to see it was a sufficient punishment for their crimes."

I shook my head confused. "What did you do?"

Winter now both of his hands in my hair, holding the sides of my face. "I took their pride and joy, surely losing you would be the end of their happiness." My breath caught.

"Why, would you think that?" I asked as Winter leaned over. My body shifted and in seconds I was on my back with him looming over me.

"Because you almost died, and I wasn't there, and I wanted to kill whoever touched you." Winter admitted, his voice low. I swallowed.

"I, I don't understand, you don't, know me?" I said nervously. Winter bent down and pressed his lips to the side of my face.

"I'll keep you safe, so will the others. If you stay, I won't touch your family." Winter promised seriously.

My lower lip trembled. "I-" I paused and looked away from him. "Fine."

Winter slid my head back to face him, and leaned over me. "I want you, I shouldn't, but I do. You don't listen, are sassy, have no sense for justice, and disobey me." He told me, and I whimpered low in my throat as his face came closer.

"I want you." Winter repeated breathing heavily as he slid over top of me. I gasped as he suddenly kissed my shoulder.

I want you too, but not as a man, I want you because of burning lust. Is that how you see me? I wondered before all thoughts were lost as those blue eyes met mine.

"Do we have a deal, July Knight?" Winter asked in a bedroom voice that had me shivering.

I nodded weakly. "Yes, you've got a deal."

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