Chapter 13. Breast milk and kidnappings.

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  I raised my hand as all the big bad mafia members glared at each other. "I need to pee."

Silence. Seven heads turned to look at me as I tried to blink innocently.

Did I need to pee?

No, no I did not. I simply wanted to live.

"I can take you." The pleasant sounding voice from behind me caused me to turn. Luca gave me a closed mouth smile.

I narrowed my eyes at him. "I don't need your help using the toilet thanks."

He kept on smiling, it sent chills down my spine. Ryder tapped his fingers on my empty wine glass. "What do you want?" He asked Owen, who grinned.

"Many, many, things," Owen glanced at me before meeting Ryder's eyes. "But for now I'll settle on dinner."

"Ooh, can I have those?!" Luca reached in front of me and grabbed a chicken tender. I turned horrified as he took a bite.

"Those were Ryder's..." I mumbled glaring at Luca with all I had. He swallowed thickly and looked at the piece of meat confused.

"Go to McDonald's then." Colten told Owen and crossed his arms.

Tyler scoffed and grabbed the glass of milk. "I'm far too classy for McDonald's."

Colten pointed at the milk. "But not too classy for breast milk?"

Tyler spit out the milk, all over Kealan, who seethed.

Colten hugged his stomach. "SIKE! Oh my gosh, your face!"

Ryder and Owen sighed together rubbing their faces in unison.

Kealan stood and wiped his face. "November. The bathroom."

I nodded and saluted. "Yes sir!"

Luca smiled. "I'll come too."

Kealan and I turned on him. "No." We snapped together.

Luca frowned and Owen smiled. "He'll go too. Don't want anyone running off before we chat."

The air grew thick with tension, and I scurried towards the bathroom, Kealan and Luca hot on my heals.

Kealan pointed to the men's room. "I'll be quick, I just want to wipe my face."

I nodded. "I'll use the toilet." I'll look for windows to crawl out of.

I watched Kealan step into the bathroom and paused as Luca blocked my path. "I'm going to kidnap you." Luca told me not even blinking.

I opened and closed my mouth, for a moment stunned. "You're, you are going to what now? We're in the middle of eating!" I snapped shoving at his chest.

Jeez, mafia men have no manners, now to scream bloody murder.

Luca slapped a hand over my mouth and pulled me backwards as I kicked. Wait, seriously?! He's going to kidnap me?!

I felt a slight pain and suddenly everything went fuzzy. Luca kept a firm hand over my mouth until I slumped.


I groaned and sat up. I blinked and looked around head spinning. Where the fuck am I?

I was in a large black bed, and the room was empty. It was... erie. It was cold, and almost felt damp.

I rubbed my shoulders and faltered. My shoulders. I was touching my bare shoulders.

I looked down and paused. I'm not wearing what I was before.

Tiny shorts and a tank top.

I stood and stumbled to the door. I pushed and pulled, but it didn't give.

I lost all the color to my face realization coming on me hard and fast.

I'm trapped, I'm locked up, I leaned on the wall gasping for breath.

"Oh god, not again, anything but this." I whispered heart pounding painfully in my chest. The sight of another door made me falter.

I hesitantly walked towards it. I opened it and paused. An empty closet- no. I closet with a boy in it.

His face was bruised, and his breathing uneven and heavy. I leaned down and touched his cheek with the pads of my finger tips. "Who are you...?" I wondered.

Wait, is he the eighth brother Lennon? Or someone else entirely?

I closed the closet and sat on the bed. I hear footsteps.

The door opened and I stared blankly at Owen.


"Rot. In. Hell." I interrupted coldly.

He smiled. "As I said before, not yet. Are you hungry?"

Just like that my goddamn stomach growled. "Not for anything you'd feed me." I snapped.

I paused. "Unless it's a big plate of juicy Ryder steak, creamy Colten potatoes, some Alex salad, a Jax ice cream sunday, and a big glass of Kealan juice."

Owen's lips twitched. "Is that all?"

I nodded. "Chop chop."

He walked towards me making me freeze. He placed a hand on my thigh and slowly slid it up as his lips touched my ear. "For someone who's been kidnapped," he nipped. "You sure are sassy."

My lips trembled. "Hands off."

To my surprise he obeyed and stepped back. "If you are wondering, you changed yourself, you probably just don't remember."

I stilled and Owen went on. "You also bit Tyler, told Luca to fuck himself, and asked me to choke on a dildo."

My cheeks flamed. "W-what did everyone say?"

Owen smiled and reached down grabbing my hips firmly. I gasped as he sat down on the bed and pulled me into his lap.

He placed a hand on my lower back and kissed the back of my ear before speaking on my skin.

"Tyler enjoyed every second of it, Luca said yes ma'am, and I said only if you're the one doing it."

I gulped. What the fuck went down, and why can't I remember?

I placed my hands on Owen's shoulders. "I would like to go home now."

Owen smiled. "No."


And now we get a chance to seen the other gang. 👀✋😌😐

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