Chapter 8. Disasters.

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  The man, Peter, was already surrounded by a group of pretty girls. How was I supposed to get close to someone, already being flirted with, by six other woman?!

Sure, I was beautiful, I knew that, to a certain extent, but so were they. What did I have, to make him leave six other people?

I hesitated and placed a hand on my arm looking around the rest of the room. Music was blaring, and lots of people were dancing. It kind of looked like the teenage parties I had read about, but with more class.

Wine glasses, bubbling champagne, and real plates and silverware. If I can't seduce someone, might as well eat. I decided and took when step forward, then froze as I felt someone's penetrating glare.

I slowly turned and saw Kharif glaring at me from a corner. Huffing under my breath I pushed aside my anxiety and walked over to Peter the Russian.

He raised an eyebrow at my approach, and all my confidence slowly fizzled as the six other girls glared at me, not wanting more competition.
"U-uhm," I began and paused. Shit, no stuttering.

Peter smirked at me. "Can I help you doll?"

Yes, let me seduce you.

"Well, the thing is," I paused again, and I could see him quickly losing interest as one of the girls placed a hand on his chest. Heat from behind made my eyes go wide.

I inhaled sharply and frowned turning my head. Kharif. He grabbed my wrist and gave me a look that had me biting my lip wanting to seduce him instead.

"Clare, what have I told you about running off to other men?" Kharif asked softly as Peter now watched with new interest. I felt my eyes droop slightly as I looked up at him through my lashes.

"I was lonely."

Kharif traced a hand down my jaw, and I didn't miss the way his fingers shook ever so slightly he did. "Naughty girls get punished. Be good. I'll be back." Kharif told me and pulled back. He turned, and placed a hand over his lips looking green. He stalked off out of the party, and I looked after him concerned.

"What a little show, I didn't know you were taken doll." Peter said brushing off the girls hand. Heart soaring, I shrugged a little.

"Not entirely taken, I like to have my fun." I told him in a low tone. Peter grinned and stood. "Shall we dance then?" He motioned to the dance floor.

With the horny adults acting like teenagers? I think not. I walked over and traced my fingers along his arm. "Why not just skip the dancing?" I leaned up to his ear, almost smiling as he shivered. "I know a little spot," my fingers left his arm, and traced his hip bone.

He snatched my fingers in a bruising grip, and my breath caught, thinking he was going to refuse. Instead, he brought my fingers up and smiled.

"Take me."

As I led the way past the party and up the stairs, Kharif's words echoed in my mind. Just get him to the room, and close the door, without you in it, and we'll do the rest. After you're done, just head outside where it's safe.

I stopped and leaned on the door I wanted him to go through. "This is it." I told him rubbing his firm chest. Peter was quick to dive in and grab my hips. I swallowed thickly as he bent down to kiss me.

"Wait," I said in a breathless tone, because I was  low key nervous and scared. "Let's head in, you first sexy," I opened the door and placed a hand on his butt almost hurling as I did. As soon as I could, I closed the door and heard a thumping sound.

I rubbed my hands on my dress and walked quickly down the hall. I paused near the bathroom, hearing the sound of puking. Lovely. I thought wrinkling my nose.

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